“Naked Twister” mom blames her conduct on her husband’s PTSD
This story has been on Facebook for a few days, but I never paid any attention to it until I read this by our friend Denise Williams. It seems that a former Mormon Sunday School teacher, Rachel Lehnardt, decided to include herself in a raucous party in her home hosted by her 16-year-old daughter, during which she endorsed a game of naked Twister, after which she boinked one of the youngsters. Eventually, she passed out and then awoke when her daughter’s boyfriend bumped her ugly. And whose fault is it – not her’s, you can bet on that;
Growing up in the Mormon Church, Lehnardt never touched a drop of alcohol before her husband of 15 years came back from a deployment to Iraq [w]ith Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and anger issues in 2010, the source said.
I guess she caught the PTSD from her husband. No one thought to ask if he had “anger issues” from being married to an absolute lunatic.
So she was busted when she told the story to a woman at Alcoholics Anonymous, that woman claims that Lehnardt had photographs of her misbehavior, you know, because she was so remorseful.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Idiocracy. It’s happening.
I wonder how many Joes the Dependapotamus humped while her husband was deployed. Jodie came a knocking for sure.
Who knew you could catch the PTSD like the clap?
I wonder which “orifice” gets punched to test for PTSD.
And how big the penicillin shot is to cure it?
You can, PTSD by erection injection.
Erection injection or oral massage and ingestion if she wants to service him that way.
Wow, just wow. And that story… So, the daughter couldn’t have sex with her boyfriend because he was too “well endowed,” so she let him rape her mother. That makes complete sense.
Though, I’d be interested in hearing how her husband’ PTS caused her bad behavior. You know, in court.
Flagwaver. It’s a sick new fact of life of now the media likes to portray stuff. One thing I’ll say from reading this article is it sounds like a lawyer is trying again to blame something stupid on a serious condition. To bad there is not a brain in the media that has stood up and picked the story’s about. But it dose not work that way anymore.
I don’t think there was much rape involved considering the story of what was going on. More like she stole her daughters boyfriend.
There it is, that’s the dumbest thing I’ll read today.
I’ll drink to that! Dumber than sox on a doorknob.
I been sayin, the ptsd is contagious! It spreads like wild fire!
YOUDERNSKIPPY!! Them thar PTSD germ thimgymajiggies can even come right on ya over this innernet!! I know ‘cuz I read it somewhars on the innernet!
And you know they can’t put something on the internet if it’s not true…
LMAO ! ! ! Now if I could get my 18 year old daughter to believe that
Smitty. That’s a understatement of the year
Neither the daughter nor the mother impresses me much. I feel sorry for the younger kids of the family.
Hopefully they’ll fare better living with the father.
I’m willing to bet that there was probably more than weed and alcohol at these parties. Both of which can be considered gateway substances, and it sounds like this wasn’t the first time that these parties happened. I know that the couple is divorced, but still, where is the father in all of this?
She had kicked him out. He lives in another State. Don’t try to put this on him. She decided to play with teens and now is trying to make believe that she’s just a victim of circumstance that could happen to anyone…
“I know that the couple is divorced, but still, where is the father in all of this?” I guess he wasn’t invited to the party. Where he wasn’t was where a court decided he shouldn’t be: with his children. And as far as ex-wifey being a drunk, who would believe him. It would smack of sour grapes and be dismissed out of hand. There is a controlling presumption that exists in this country when it comes to custody, and that is that children are better off with their mother. The actual legal requirement is what is in the best interest of the children, but things don’t always work out that way.
2/17 Air Cav…Fought the, “mom is the default best parent” myself decades ago. Even in a very progressively liberal state. Unless I had pictures of her banging 3 bikers in a truck stop men’s room while shooting up heroin, it was a lost cause. I was presumed to be the “bad” parent. She was presumed to be the “best” parent and I had to prove she was an unfit mother to have anything else in custody considered. I mean in family court when you say “mother” of the children, the light from above show down a halo around her and angel choruses can be heard. The “presumption” is that the mother IS in the best interest of the children by default with no burden of proof on her part. Instead of an actual, unbiased examination of each parent to determine which one having controlling custody is best for the children.
It’s especially infuriating when she’s an ungrateful whore and gets your four bedroom Dutch Colonial 100 yards from the water….
Fortunately for me she decided to date a scumbag and I had some investigations done on the fellow she was letting in her newly acquired home…he was a child molester. My 13 year old daughter was immediately transferred to my care and all child support ended immediately.
I told her she was lucky nothing had happened to our daughter otherwise I would have killed both her and her boyfriend and buried them in the yard.
As I heard a divorce lawyer tell his client about cutody and child support one time, “you could be the Pope, and have the Disciples as character witnesses, but when you walk into that court room and stand up in front of the judge, you just became Jack the Ripper. Nothing you can do about it, it is what it is”.
Perfect. The sad part is that the law expects and pretends otherwise but that is the Gospel truth!
The “wonderful mother” of my youngest was arrested at my behest when she was 5 months along and drunk as a skunk.
That Mom had a BAC of .297 and was charged with unborn child abuse and has continued to use my daughter as a weapon against me.
Fortunately my kid is smart enough to see through the bull shit and still loves me.
Wisconsin and of course one of the most liberal judges in Milwaukee County…
I finally gave up two years ago…
Yeah, it’s why some parents kidnap their own children. The kidnappers are always portrayed and regarded as evildoers but the reality is that some number of them are literally rescuing their children.
I really thought I was the only one who liked this folks! Who the hell knew? Will wonders never cease?
Because whenever I get snockered I always play naked twister. Even alone, with lots of 1/2 baby lotion, 1/2 AstroGlide. (In the old days I used Wesson Oil but clean up was a real bitch and it did leave the carpets smelling like cold grease.) The operative words there are, “Even alone”. Yea, “alone” is the way it’s been since my early 20s. People just don’t want to have good, clean fun at parties anymore, ya know. I mean wholesome, fun games, then fun clean up in the shower afterwards. Who doesn’t like that I ask? But just the sight of some of the dependapotamuses I saw on post would take the fun out of anything except a long, extensive, root canal. But the mug shot for mom…oooohhh, not bad. As a former teenage boy myself, well…I’ll leave this here to speak for me.
Damn Sparks!
I have to admit, reading the story got me to thinking too, if ya know what I mean.
Dayum! I was planning to head into town after running through the TAH posts. Now, after reading this, I am concerned about going alone. Maybe I should have an escort because I might have PTSD from reading this, and might want to rape someone in town, or, heaven forbid, rape a dog like Dullass Whipitnflogit claimed in that story that he copied and pasted my name over the original offender. Maybe reading this post has caused me to become a PTSD affected potential rapist. Whatever will I do now?
Frankie. I right there with you my wife is now limiting how long I can be on hear. On a good note just when I thought I’d seen and heard it all then something else shows me that’s not true. LMAO ! ! !
These poor young men have to go through life now dealing with the trauma of MILF exposure. At 16 most guys have figured out how to properly use a smart phone in the bathroom.
So, if a guy goes into a woman’s bedroom while she is drunk and sleeping, has sex with her, its all completely her fault. I thought Mormons had magic underwear that protected them from these sort of things.
These guys should at least cut the grass and take out the trash for a while.
Furthermore, can’t these guys just order a few strippers like everyone else? Just in case you missed my other post:
Warning: probably not for viewing at work
Where is Katrina Moerk when she is needed?
I Googled her name and read a few of the news links. They all said this:
“She woke up around 3:30 a.m. to find her daughter’s well-endowed 16-year-old boyfriend having sex with her, the (AA) sponsor said.
“Her daughter ‘felt guilty’ because the 16-year-old was 10-inches long and huge, and if she had been able to take it he wouldn’t have needed to rape her mother,” the (AA) sponsor said.”
Really! I mean really!!! This 16 is hung like a stud pony and teenage girlfriend blames herself because if she could “take it”, he wouldn’t have done mom. SMH and a big face palm.
Wow. These are NOT the kind of teenage years I remember. The kid has a future ahead of him though, no pun intended. Now that word of this is out on campus, his street creds just went through the roof!
We may have found ‘The Great White Hope’.
Once again, I have already reported myself.
Dave: you’re assuming something not in evidence. “Horse” here might not be Caucasian.
Mama apparently had no problem “accommodating” him…because well, that field had been plowed a lot?
I’m willing to bet there is no trauma on the 16 year old in fact I’m willing to bet after nailing the MLF. And learning a few new tricks Mama Cougar his popularity is peaking…
Well, she did participate in the game of naked twister and did shag one of the 18 year olds, so I guess the 16 year old John Holmes apprentice was too much for the tight daughter and had to let the poisons out of the building, so the daughter suggested mom, since she had already stretched it out from popping out several kids, as the logical choice. It didn’t sound like mom was too upset, but maybe he should have nibbled her ear a little first.
And let’s be honest; at 16 you woulda hit dat.
Is there anything PTSD can’t do?
When one borrows PTS from others, what is the interest on the loan? And would it be considered “Associative PTS?” Like, she caught it from the ex, who does not even live in the same state, so it would be long distance associative TS. Or something.
In her case, perhaps the usury fee is jail time.
PTSD it’s the NEW NEW Shimmer (for the older folks in the crowd)
“It definitely gets different.”
Hondo. Being Nailed by a Crazy Couger is every 16 year old teen boys dream. I’d like to say more but I’m keeping me trap closed Lol…..
Where were all these Moms when I was a horny 16 year old?
My thoughts too!
Count me in
This is what happens when you get married too young! Don’t get to sow your wild oats and play naked twister when you are 19 with other 19 year olds. Not at 35 with your DAUGHTER!!!!
What kind of screwed up family is this? Her daughter was ok with Mom stripping down and playing Naked Twister with her friends? Then the daughter thinks it is her fault that mom was banging her well hung boyfriend. Yeah, she was “Asleep”, yeah, pull the other one!
I had my 22 year old daughter look at this and her first words were, EWWWWWWWWWW!!!! She could not imagine my wife doing this.
My final thought is, this was a common occurrence and the only reason it came out was because mom was bragging about getting nailed John Holmes Grandson.
But on the plus side, the mom is good looking!
I am watching a rerun of Straky & Hutch, and Capt Dobey is playing Twister. Fortunately, he has his clothes on.
In the newest PTSD/TBI briefing the civilian representatives actually talk about what is called secondary PTSD; and make it adament that “IT IS REAL” I call it BS, but thats what they are indoctrinating us with nowadays. [/just had the briefing last weekend]
Well the last six years everybody has been brain washed in to believing that taking personal responsibility is a no-go, instead blame it on someone or something. What Sucks here are those of us that may or may-not have PTS or TBI, the conditions are real but as we can see. It Seems to be used as a get out of jail card way to much and is misdiagnosed way to much
Anybody have a phone number for the Mother-of-the-Year? She might be interested in a new form of PTSD therapy involving latex garments, feather boas, and a small Japanese guy who is really good with knots.
lol….. 🙂
Netted out:
1. Catches the PDST from hubby.
2. Hubby ain’t got enough chubby.
3. Decides to test out that whole drinking thingy.
4. Thinketh nakin’ Twister with 16 year olds is a good idea.
5. Daughter’s bo and is jackhammer accidently conducts a demolition operation on her job site!
I say give her a VA card, she will fit in perfectly with 50 % or more of the posers I have to navigate at my local VAMC.
Read the whole story here: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/bad-moms/rachel-lehnardt-bubble-bath-order-908714
I believe she was just trying to be “Cool Mom” as Mark Levin says.
and for The Rest Of The Story http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/bad-moms/rachel-lehnardt-bubble-bath-order-908714
I’d do Mom. But, after hearing about her experiences with the young stud, I’m not sure if I’m up to the task.
I’ve been compared to being hung like an equine, but it was a Shetland pony…..
Better a Shetland pony that a wombat….
Frankly, Im having a hard time believing any of this. I think we need pictures, lads, pictures!
Its not like this is news.
Commander Phil Monkress of All-Points Logistics has been trying to “work” his daughter’s boyfriends for years.