Master Sergeant Matthew A. Garcia saving the world

| March 30, 2015

Matt Garcia

Chief Tango sends us brief links to the story of Air Force Master Sergeant Matthew A. Garcia who was awarded the Army’s Soldiers Medal for his quick thinking and disregard for his own safety while he rescued two helicopter pilots when their aircraft landed on an IED;

While deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, Garcia saved the lives of two pilots who were critically injured after landing their helicopter on an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan. Garcia jumped 10 feet from his helicopter into hostile territory and a field of IEDs to provide lifesaving emergency care and move the two pilots out of the line of fire.

Category: Air Force, Real Soldiers

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I didn’t know you could get a Soldiers Medal for actions in a combat zone.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, you’re not going to be the one to explain it to me, Twist!


Another question is why he’s not getting the Airman’s medal which is the Air Force version of the Soldier’s medal?


Sister-service decorations can be awarded to members of another service, provided the individual’s parent service concurs.

In this case, apparently the Army wanted rather badly to recognize the guy with the SM, and the USAF allowed it.

Well done indeed, MSgt Garcia. Damn well done.

2/17 Air Cav

Okay, I know that some of you can explain this to me. The Soldier’s Medal is awarded to one whose heroic act did not occur during actual conflict with the enemy. How is this NOT actual conflict with the enemy? If the same thing had occurred after a soldier on patrol was wounded by artillery, land mine, or rifle shot, wouldn’t that be actual conflict? If so, how is this different?

In any event, thanks to Garcia, two pilots and their families and friends are very thankful today.


But, I’ll bet the two pilots were awarded Purple Hearts.


True – because the criteria for the PH is “as a result of hostile action”.

An injury to an IED is considered due to “hostile action”. However, had the bird landed in a friendly minefield for mechanical reasons (e.g., not due to being forced down by enemy fire), then MSgt Garcia could still have received the SM – and the pilots would not have received a PH.


Per 600-8-22, the Soldier’s Medal is awarded for heroism “not involving actual conflict with an enemy”, 2/17 Air Cav. My guess is that the IED wasn’t covered by observation and fire – and was pressure-detonated. Thus there was no enemy present.

IMO this one could have gone either way. It’s possible the Army tried to present the man a decoration for valor, and were told by the USAF – politely and informally – “Don’t try, we won’t approve it.” Alternatively, maybe the determination was that this was “noncombat heroism” because no enemy was in the area.

Dunno. Either way, the SM is a helluva prestigeous decoration. It ranks higher in precedence than the BSM.

If I recall correctly, a fair number of SMs were awarded in Vietnam for heroism involving helicopter crashes/other acts of valor when no enemy were present, so there is precedent.


Awesomeness. I hope the pilots are doing well.


The good guys outshine the idiots, as it only should be.

Well done.


Two things:

1. Well done, Master Sergeant Garcia!
2. When did senior NCOs get to looking so young? I recall senior NCOs, back when I was an enlisted man, looked creepy old!

3. Is the Soldier’s Medal award for such a thing as Master Sergeant Garcia’s actions mean that Afghanistan is now officially not happening anymore?


At my age, they all look like kids.



John Robert Mallernee

“Garcia jumped 10 feet from his helicopter into hostile territory and a field of IEDs to provide lifesaving emergency care and move the two pilots out of the line of fire.”

It sure looks like combat to me, what with explosives and enemy gunfire.

So, why wasn’t he awarded a Silver Star?


I’m wondering if the other chopper pilots were Army; and, if the USAF is awarding an AF-generated medal — perhaps BSM — for the action? That would be great if it happened — MSGT Garcia could then be amply recognized by both services for his heroic actions that day.

Old 1SG, US Army (Retired)

I’m sure this is a case of splitting hair and the award could have went either way (SM or other award for valor)

In my opinion this should have been a combat related medal… BSM etc.

Makes a good PR story though, “AF NCO receives Army SM…”


Any bets the MSGT is a PJ? I thought I was pretty high speed as a helo SAR swimmwer- those guys are BAMFS.


“Garcia is a special mission aviator with the 55th Rescue Squadron.”

High speed …


Probably a helicopter flight engineer…

19D2OR4 - Smitty

Pretty sure Special missions aviator is what they changed the name of Aerial Gunners to.


Met Gen Welsh at a SNCO call few years back. Great big guy, twice, maybe more, the size of the guy he replaced (Admiral Stavridas…). He shakes my hand, introduces himself as Mark…I say “Roger that Sir”…he says call me Mark…”I say “Roger that Sir”…”Not gonna do it are you MSgt? “Probably not Sir” He says “Roger that MSgt!”


Without knowing the particulars it is hard to call anything on this decision.
I do come down on the side of it being an award for valor under fire, I mean, IED’s and hostile fire would no doubt be considered combat operations to me…
But, what do I know…
It could also be a distraction to keep the fact that things are for shit wherever this happened and the higher ups are trying to justify pulling more troops out…
If honestly can see those machinations being used by this crew of morons & cowards…
Like I said, what do I know…