1LT Dayton Gilbreath saving the world

Air Force 1LT Dayton Gilbreath was on a sail boat in the Adriatic when a fellow Air Force member tried to kill himself by diving off of the boat into choppy seas. Gilbreath was only one of two members of the boating party that witnessed the attempt, so he dived into the same choppy seas to rescue the fellow;
Gilbreath swam up to the Airman, who promptly dove underwater in an attempt to drown himself. After retrieving his unconscious body, Gilbreath returned to the surface only to discover that the boat hadn’t turned around for them.
Panicking, Gilbreath tried to calm himself down while keeping both his head and the larger, unconscious Airman’s head above water.
As the Airman in his arms regained consciousness, Gilbreath knew he would need to think of a way to get both of them back to the boat. Since dragging one of the largest Airman on the trip through crashing waves against his will would likely not work, Gilbreath had to get creative.
“He was in a couple of my classes, but I didn’t know anything about him besides that he’s a football player, so I thought he must be competitive,” Gilbreath said. “I said ‘I’ll race you to the boat,’ and sure enough he took off swimming toward the boat.”
His actions and quick thinking earned 1LT Gilbreath the Airmans Medal because we don’t leave anyone behind…even if they want to be left behind. Thanks to Chief Tango for the links.
Category: Real Soldiers
Very brave.
Something, something a joke about a 1st Lt getting lost jumping out of a boat…..
/reported. 😀
There has to be a joke in there somewhere…
Good job Lt.
I wonder if the Airman was upset that the cable TV went out in the barracks…
Here you go Thunderstixx
If there was one thing I thing used to love the most when folks would complain about how easy the Air Force has it; it was the look on their faces when I asked if they ever asked for the same things.
Tables of allowance are not written in stone.
what’s a zoomie doing in a boat. did he think the blue uniform meant Navy?
Just kidding. Good job 1LT. It takes a lot of guts to jump into water to save someone.
Thank you, young sir. Well done.