Parental stupidity

| March 25, 2015


Geet Wilikers sends us a link to an article on Fox8 about this photo which has gone viral. It’s not about kids, though, it’s about their parents who encouraged them to do this;

Matthew Munson was visiting the memorial when some parents encouraged their children to climb on the memorial for a picture.

“There wasn’t a lot of people at this point,” Munson said. “Then a big group of people showed up just as the kids were treating the memorial more like a jungle gym and the parents were laughing. Then the veterans showed up, and they looked hurt more than angry. They were quiet.”

Munson continued, “That’s when I noticed a big group around the parents glaring at them, the pressure was intense and the kids blissfully ignorant. That’s when I snapped the picture. I tried getting a good shot of the crowd and the parents too but no luck. Kids jumped down and skittered off with their parents.

Yeah, the culture is broken when people don’t recognize how they should behave in public spaces. It’s completely corrupted when they encourage anti-social behavior in their children.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Reason #2834 to reallocate foreign aid for domestic jobs to hire someone to guard war memorials and to drop kick assholes that do this type of shit.


Instead of spending money directly and creating yet another enbloatenment of the fedzilla, I suggest the following.

A 1% fed tax cut for a citizen for each time said citizen curb stomps a molester or disrespecter of a monument. Tax break to be permanent and cumulative.


Both great ideas, let’s combine them. Citizens get 1% tax break, federal employees (hopefully all of them vets) get a 1% increase in pay or contribution to 401k/bennies. Everyone wins, jackasses get stomped!

Rah, FatCircles, I’ve seen you on here a lot and we share same MOS. Yut, kill.

John S.

Rotten children raised by rotten parents.


What is Lindsey Stone’s take on this?



Maybe those are her kids. SARC WARNING>>>>After all, it was only a picture and this is just a stone…SARC/

That kind of behavior is rampant. Parents need to be lumped up…..this is NOT 1st Amendment territory. Keep the little turds on the sidewalk or on a leash.

Green Thumb





It was probably her and her spawns.

Jordan Rott

She is the parent of those children

Pinto Nag

Silence is NOT golden in a situation like this. If it means an arrest, fine. Our society doesn’t have any manners anymore, you have to get in people’s faces.

Our local Cathedral is a tourist attraction. I personally had three confrontations with tourists who were acting like dogs turned loose in a park. You speak up, you stop the desecration. That’s the way things like this work. Discomfort, if not outright pain, seems to be the only thing some people understand anymore.


<b. OH MAH GAWD RED BUTTONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Noooo Dontttttt


He’ll destroy us all! Quick!! I’ll try to restrain him!

*throws a handful of zip ties in the general direction of ChipNASA’s wrists and dives behind the water cooler for cover*

Did it work?


He didn’t push the red button we’re safe


Having pushed numerous WWII vets in wheelchairs past this memorial, one of the most touching and heartbreaking in my opinion, this picture hit home.

However, I am in the camp that feels that kids will be kids, and it is up to the thoughtless parents to control their children.

I can tell you, that the instant one of my kiddos tried to climb up on this monument, they would be having a serious discussion with Dad about the proper way to act in a hallowed place like this.

John D

And these days you will have some twit (twat?) in your face for abusing your child.



I’ve had that happen. I told the busybody to go pound sand up their ass and call the cops if they wanted.

Amazing how when you face them down without fear they back up and reconsider their decision to confront you.


I can tell you that if I had pulled that shit as a child my Dad would have cut me up into tiny little pieces after he made me lick the salt of the street and then he would have danced upon my grave. But you can’t tell kids that now days, they won’t believe you.


First off, I have very good children because I discipline them. We went to the Roving Vietnam Wall, and I ensured my 5 and 3yr old children both maintained a quiet manner of respect. Why? Because daddy told them to. This comes hands down to really shitty, disrespectful parents who should’ve been beaten in front of their kids.


It’s also indemic of a culture that largely has never had to suffer or face hardship.

The world is a play area. 90% of everything we do is focused towards entertainment, vacations, time off….

The push to make childhood longer and longer is crazy. I teach in a dojo in my off time and I treat all the kids from 13 up as adults. I expect things of them as they do of me. I call them Mr. and Miss. Funny how they respond to it but once they are back with mom and dad they are gibbering balls of kid.


My dojo did the same thing. Every student was required to help clean and maintain the dojo.

We also used the Mr/ Miss when talking to them and respect for the upper and lower ranks was demanded. If you didn’t show respect to those above you, you had a problem. If you didn’t show respect to the belts below you – well, let’s just say that your attitude would be modified or your time at the school would be short.


As I have always said, You raise adults not kids… They already know how to be children.


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A Proud Infidel®™

I don’t blame the kids, the “Parents” are the ones responsible for making sure they behave like they’re supposed to on hallowed ground like that, and I’d have no quips or qualms about shaming them in front of God and everyone! I see things like this as one of the main problems these days, “Parents” being far more focused on being their kids’ pals versus Parents raising them to be responsible and respectable! I’m betting they’re of the liberal persuasion and just wanted their kids to feel good about themselves while completely ignoring everyone and everything else!


Yep. The Refreshments were right some 20 years ago.

Unfortunately, it looks like some of them already had offspring.


That wasn’t 30 years ago! That was, like, early this morning!!

30 years ago was

I know because I was there and I heard em doing it!


I had a run in with some Mexican mother Sunday when I told her that her kidsw were completely out of control in a Walmart. She went off on me and followed me around the store screaming at me.
The entire world learned that day why her kids were out of control.
I honestly thought that I was going to get into a fight with her. She was no doubt a gang banger momma and I just cringe when I think of how lousy her kids lives are going to be after seeing her go off on a total stranger like that.
Fucking idiot…

Pinto Nag

Store security? Cops?


Thunderstixx. When I lived in Nevada we use to call them Den mamas, with thier crew… It’s sad that there is a complet lack of parenting now days

2/17 Air Cav

It’s not sad. Think of it as job security for police, corrections, and court personnel.


It’s also job security for coroners, medical examiners, funeral home workers and grave diggers.


There are some statues in Central Park in New York City which are meant for children to climb on, e.g., the Alice in Wonderland statue.

This is not one of those statues. If there was no sign “DO NOT CLIMB ON MEMORIAL”, there should have been. Perhaps those parents should have been asked if they’d like if kids used their tombstones for jumping platforms.


The parents involved probably called their low information relatives on their Obama iphone to report on the “cool things the kids got to climb on”.


Wouldn’t be surprised…


When I was in Boy Scouts, we visited the Sacramento Vietnam Memorial. Someone had vandalized it. We got together as a Troop and went back the next day to clean it, including polish to make the bronze sculpture look brand new. It was a Sunday.

When we were almost finished with the statue, and beginning on the Wall, the local VFW showed up for their weekly cleaning visit. Those gentlemen didn’t say a single word, but just stared at what we had done.

There were three gentlemen from the VFW, but they treated my entire troop to lunch (pizza) and dinner at the VFW. 30 kids, who took the time out of our weekend, to honor those who came before, without any urging from any of our adult leadership.

Where the hell is that in this country today?


The loss of “that” in our culture and society today is not an unforeseen or undesired consequence by those who’ve engineered it.


Tearing America down so we’ll accept whatever the Leftist progressive swine deign to give us in replacement…


This. Respect and Duty no longer exist. I can even say the same for most of my generation (I’m 32). It infuriates me.


The desecration of the monument is the worst part off this story. But, in a very close second place is the fact that these idiots (the parents) didn’t even think that there would be anything wrong with doing it.

I can just hear their reply if they would have been confronted- “it’s just a statue”

Too bad it’s illegal to slap the $h1t out of people for being dumb.

Len Johnson

It’s illegal only if you get caught.

Ozzie 11B

And that is the problem with our world today.

Children are not taught respect, they are basically taught “I am entitled to whatever I want.” That includes doing what they want.

Parents have quit being parents partly due to fear of being accused of child abuse, and partly due to the “new” way of thinking that “I am my child’s friend first and foremost.”

Nowadays, all it takes is an accusation by a child, whether or not it is true, to have a person investigated. Then there is social media, even an accusation can ruin you, and we all know how easily something can go “viral”.

IMHO, this BS of being your child’s friend is a severely damaging way of thinking. Damn it! You are a parent! Provider, comforter, disciplinarian, teacher, role model, etc…

From the time my children were born, I would move mountains with a teaspoon for any of them. They are grown now with children of their own. I can only hope that I provided a good example for parenting.

I think it probably won’t be too long either before someone recognizes these bozos and their ruptured condom fodder and posts their names for public shaming.

Len Johnson

We can only hope…


Ozzie, just the fact that you know the difference between good and bad parenting and put thought into raising your kids correctly, is proof that you did a good job and set a proper example for your children to follow in raising their children. .

The problem comes when, as you stated above (I am paraphrasing) lack of parenting, and trying to be a friend instead of a parent.

If children don’t learn to act properly as children, they won’t know how to act properly as adults.


‘child abuse’????

It is abusive to NOT teach children that there are rules and boundaries. It is abusive to NOT discipline them when they misbehave. It is abusive to NOT teach them good manners, but instead let them do whatever they want, like wild animals. THAT is child abuse.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, I’m not passing on the twits. They’re not toddlers. Punk kids with shitty parents.


Cmon – the one kid looks to be about 6 or 7 though. You really think a kid that young has any idea what the monument represents, or is even capable of really understanding it?

No, this is 100% on the parents. If you read the story, they were encouraging the kids to climb up on the statue to take a picture.

2/17 Air Cav

I didn’t read the story and if the kids were encouraged to climb, then I am wrong and I withdraw my blaming the kids.

2/17 Air Cav

Okay, I read it. I am back to blaming both the kids and the adults who were there. Were they the kids’ parents? Teachers? Babysitters? Nannies? Hell, I don’t even know their gender. It was wrong of the kids and whoever was supposed to be supervising them. The article’s writer tossed in that part about the kids being encouraged to climb on the memorial. The was no quote in support of that statement from anyone who was there.


Yes, they were the children’s parents. The guy who took the picture:

“Munson said people who feel it is disrespectful shouldn’t blame the children, though.

“I feel like the parents should be ashamed, and anyone that tries to blame the kids are wrong in doing so. If you look at the hurt veterans, they are looking past the kids and towards the parents that are out of the frame.”’

2/17 Air Cav

I hear that after Moo-shell saw the photo, she was upset. No, not the behavior, the overweight kid.

Green Thumb

I do not know.

Her a Jill have yet to figure out what they stand for on any given day.


Well then, those parents need to be reported for not having their children enrolled in school.

If they WERE in school and eating school lunches, they damn sure wouldn’t be overweight.
(My 11yo has to buy 2 lunches a day to get enough to eat.)


Just think how worse this would have been if there was a government shutdown and no federal park rangers there to enforce the rules. I think they worked more during the “shutdown” to keep veterans out than they do now.


True, but in their defense veterans are on the “watch list”


Herbert J Messkit

When I visited the Arizona memorial several years ago I was ready to make on the spot corrections based on rumors ihad heard about bad behavior. Pleased that it was a very respectful crowd.


It’s all over the internet now.

Looks like just about everyone is angry about this breach of conduct by parents and their kids. Good.

Perhaps they’ll get some kind of lesson about manners and common decency and respect out of this. I know: I’m living in a fantasy world, but when I was six, if I pulled a stunt like that, I’d have been ‘smoked’ for it by my parents.


…..And the First Lady mouthed “All that, for a flag?”

“Well yes, Ma’am, and let us tell you why. …”

There are people who are deliberately trying to break our social compact. Remember “Smash Monogamy,” “Don’t trust anybody over 30,” “Kill the Pigs,” and “F*ck the System?” Commies think it is important to destroy a people’s history, so that they can remake society in their own image. That is why “Fundamental Transformation” is so important to them.

The Daesh is doing the same thing, only they use hammers instead of ignorance.

We are fortunate, because we can speak up, and we should. It would have been great if somebody had chosen to speak up to the kids. “Hey kids! Do you know what this memorial is about? And then, tell the story. Do it with a smile. The “parents” will be stuck listening, and they’ll learn something, too.

Teach the children, every chance you get. If it makes the parents squirm, that’s fine with me.

Just an Old Dog

Reminds me of a wonderful encounter I had at Gettysburg in 2001 ( I believe) with a park ranger named Gregory Coco. I didnt know who he was at the time, but it turns out he was a decorated Vietnam Vet, Citadel Grad, former LEO and a respected author.
Mr Coco was giving a tour of the Union Cemetery and he set the tone right away. He told people straight up it was a place of honor and respect and to conduct themselves accordingly. Everyone there listened respectfully. If there were any rugrats there they weren’t running around.


I was there the day that monument was unveiled. I saw a grown man cry at it’s base.

That was the day I understood.

Correct the kids, slap the parents


my Opa would take me to the German parades that have petered out in NY now. i had no idea what it was about, but it was for his uncles and two brothers that died in the first world war. i was born in “67 so i had no idea about WWII. i was proud to be german and i could not understand my mothers disrespect to my Opa until i was older. then she understood i wanted to be a Marine. ” take pride in what you do and how you do it, not the politics of what you have done.”


The wife and I took my daughters ages 8 and 10 to DC last summer. Visited the Wall and the surrounding statues and monuments. The reverence that my girls held for these places made me very proud of them. They were also very interested as long winded Dad tried to explain to them why these things are so important. They get it.

Prior Service

I’m third generation military: quick poll of the ladies in the house. Wife: “that’s just wrong.” Daughter, 16 years old: “Lame.”