Wassef Ali Hassoun gets two years
The LA Times reports that Wassef Ali Hassoun, the Marine who deserted his unit in Iraq and then jumped ship again once he got back to the States and was convicted of desertion yesterday was sentenced to two years today.
A military judge at Camp Lejeune, N.C., found Marine Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun guilty of deserting his combat post in Fallujah, Iraq, in June 2004 and deserting his Marine unit at Camp Lejeune in January 2005. In both instances, Hassoun fled to his native Lebanon.
Hassoun, 35, a naturalized American citizen, was also found guilty of causing the loss of his service-issue pistol, which he took with him during the 2004 disappearance.
He was sentenced to just more than two years in jail — 735 days — reduction in rank, forfeiture of pay and allowances, and a dishonorable discharge.
Still no word on Bowe Bergdahl’s fate.
Category: Shitbags
At least this dude is getting punished. If Bergdahl ever gets punished, I suspect he’ll be pardoned without our permission or blessing.
I wonder if higher command was waiting for the results of this trial before putting Berghdal forward for a court martial? Perhaps thinking that if Hassoun gets time, then Berghdal will as well; if he doesn’t, then Hassoun’s lawyers could put forward a discrimination suit?
Wouldn’t Hassoun’s conviction “liberate” the judge, allowing him to give Berghdal some time at Levenworth?
Just thinking out loud.
Judges are pretty dang free to do what they like already.
But if Bergdahl’s command sends him to court-martial, the questions become: what kind of deal will they accept? Hassoun’s case suggests that the price should go up, since multi-year sentences are not off the table.
Bergdahl will still have the argument that he should get credit for the time he spent in captivity. If there’s not evidence that he actually defected to the enemy, that’s probably a reasonable argument.
If he were to get a conviction with a punitive discharge, and walks away with credit for time served, I think I’d be OK with that – again, assuming there’s no evidence that he deliberately went over to the enemy.
It appears that Bergdahl did deliberately go over to the enemy. I don’t recall any testimony or statements that he was kidnapped, or that those wily Taliban sneaked into his COP and sent his goods home to his family, in his name.
Happy trails, asshole.
Thank you for setting the bar rather low, you disgrace.
Hope Chelsea likes Asian meat.
After his release can’t we revoke his citizenship and ship him back to his homeland? What’s to stop him from forming his own ISIS cell?
Can’t citizenship of a nat citizen be revoked for a felony/court marshall?
My understand of that is that his citizenship CAN be revoked. In his case, he SHOULD have it revoked and then be packed up and dropped off in Lebanon.
He likes it there, so let him return there.
Obviously, Obama didn’t like him much.
Oh, my. They threw the book.
But wait for it a $$$ a book deal $$$ and a made for T.V movie. In two years he is gonna be rich. But still a dishonorable deserting piece of shit. But I have a feeling he is ok with that.
Fuck him. I’m out
PISS ON HIM and his name, mat the day he was born be erased from the calendar! At least he got a Duck Dinner, but two years? That must have been on orders from B. Hussein 0bama & Company, at least he/it lost the right to vote and own a firearm in all 50 States due to his Duck Dinner!
I’m looking at 30:1 odds that he gets pardoned and gets those rights back before Oblowme gets done…
won’ t he be going to portsmouth?
Just a shame it’s not Innsmouth.
I’d think his DNA would pollute the Deep Ones…
A fine indictment of our country right now. This piece of excrement abandoned his post in a combat theater, we still don’t knowm where his f##king weapon is, makes a fake video, comes back and deserts again. And he gets two damned years. Tell me there was no political input from DC and I’ll tell you about the hover tank with laser cannons we are building for the blithering idiots running the asylum right now.
Hell…a guy who was once my roommate once got locked up for 6 months because of bad checks to the PX…times have really changed.
In Korea a guy in my squad got at least a year for black-marketing. He took it to a pretty high level… going to different PXs with different (forged) IDs, uniforms with different name tapes, etc.
He was supplied all this stuff from local criminals his Korean “girlfriend” was associated with.
Mr Ali Hassoun should get 10 yrs minimum.
True human debris.
Several years ago I knew a Cpl who would get a unit roster, pick a name (usually a Capt or Major), get ALL their personal information including payroll (bank acct & routing number), then do a power of attorney for him and his girlfriend. They’d go to WXY Bank with it and request a withdrawal and wire transfer the $$$ to others in the scheme. Then they opened fraudulent NEX/PX accounts, pretty much assuming identities, and putting people in debt while they were on a deployment. One family’s house burned about the same time they discovered their bank account had been dwindled to nothing, and then all shit broke loose. I think that guy did about 8 years, forfeited all pay/allowances and a DD and his civilian girlfriend got sent to the TX Dept of Corrections for Women for about 6 years.
Ahhh, BullShit !
Well, at least they should PT that MFer down to 150 pounds.
Damn Traitors are getting special treatment under this white house.
If he had been a Traitorous Christian, he would have gotten 20 years !
And this just in, Eddie Ray Routh convicted of capital murder. Prosecutors did not seek the death penalty. 🙁 Grrrrrr
Hopefully the lawyers here will jump in with their knowledge and correct me if I’m wrong, but I think, whether true or not, with the PTSD claim,
by taking the Death penalty off the table and going for life without parole, the Proscutors felt that was the way to slam dunk it with no issues.
When I was a platoon sergeant at Fort Ord as Desert Shield was ramping up, one of my long term SPC/E4s decided he really couldn’t go fight if asked, which wasn’t really likely, because he’d grown up for a few years in Saudi Arabia. Hence, he wouldn’t go kill other Muslims… Yea, it was all BS and we knew it. He went AWOL and me and my platoon leader were directed by our battalion commander to go find him if possible right as we walked into the battalion christmas party. Long story short he went out the window and took off in his car. It was off post so we couldn’t do anything but wait for the police go catch him once a warrant was issued. They did catch him breaking the law during an anti-war protest a few weeks or month later. He was moved into the junior enlisted barracks and ordered to stay on post. I argued he should be locked up in some meaningful way in the name of good order and discipline. Not for nothing he of course went awol again and got caught again in just about the same amount of time and for the same reason.
Yet still he was just slapped on the wrist. I was furious the Bn cdr had gone the path to have him chaptered out with a general discharge under less than honorable conditions. The excuse given was why prosecute that type of offenses in an all volunteer army.
Two years is not enough but better than what the Obama admin surely wanted. And to the idea he could be pardoned, I think it’s a possibility with enough chance to not keep a watch on it. If the math of how long this deserter was gone to how long his prison time is perhaps Bergdahl will get double his time he was a deserter and added time for aiding and abetting the enemy… One can hope at least…
It’s late and the last paragraph switched over to addressing Hassoun which is not as clear as it should have been. I really need to post from my computer rather than my phone at 0300 while I should be sleeping.
“As-salamu alaykum” as in… I sure hope you like salamis cause you’re going to be licking a lot of them.
I can live with Hassoun’s sentence.
Garwood only got reduction to E1, full forfeitures, and a DD. And Garwood actively aided the enemy (he should IMO have been tried for that as well desertion). This guy appears to have gotten more.
I read that book Frank Anton wrote a great book and Garwood should’ve got fucked way worse they even gave the guy a fucking AK47 to guard Americans. I wish I wouldn’t of thought about that because that just goes to show the timeline for the military being bitches on punishing people and means Bergdahl probably will get promoted to 1SG and get his own company as punishment but have to do 45/45
Agreed. As I said above: IMO Garwood should also have been charged with Article 104 (Aiding the Enemy), which carries a maximum possible penalty of death. He should at the minimum have done serious time.
However, when he was tried we were still (as a society) trying to “put Vietnam behind us”. IMO that caused Garwood to get a hugely undeserved break. I rather doubt he’d have gotten the same break after Desert Storm. Plus, Garwood also played the “I’ll cooperate in helping you find (nonexistent) POWs still in Vietnam” card.
I’d have had no difficulty with seeing Garwood hang or getting the firing squad given what’s later come out about him. I’d have grudgingly settled for him doing 5-10 at Leavenworth in addition to what he got.
I never thought about that until you said the reason for him getting that break. That is just wrong, they better not have that mentality with Bergdahl trying to put this war behind us when he finally gets sentenced 10 years from now. Even worse, This guy probably received more punishment for losing his pistol then he did for going AWOL.
Look at this deserter’s name. Do I really need to draw you a picture of why he deserted, or can you figure it out?
Hint: Allah Snackbar!