Looks Like We’re Not the Only Ones Getting Some “Global Warming”

| February 20, 2015

So is Jerusalem – along with the rest of Israel, from Golan to Negev.

As in just short of 8 inches of that “global warming” in Jerusalem – 20 cm, per published accounts.

The photos at the above link are worth a look.  I especially liked the pictures of the snow-covered palm trees.

But just think how bad it would be without that “global warming” we keep hearing about.

Category: Global Warming

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Didn’t you get the memo? It’s now “climate change”, that way no matter what the weather does the libtards can always be right.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Its cold as balls outside. Inside aint much better.

My truck is frozen shut. How in the hell does that even happen??

The really crappy part is its comparatively warm here, a balmy 14 degrees as compared to the others places that are very cold.


Put some vaseline or key lubricant on the door and the door jamb where they meet. Spray some key lubricant on the key, too, and run it in and out of the door lock several times.

Also, rubbing alocohol will loosen up the frozen door enough to pull it open. Been there, done that. Sometimes, winter annoys me, but I fight back.


I’m calling bullsh*t! I drank almost an entire bottle of that stuff and my doors are not any closer to opening than before.


(Falls off chair laughing)

Did you wear the ‘Hello Kitty’ fleecey pants, too?


My NDA requires me to STFU (burp).

Now where did I put that other bottle…

Semper Idem

DC area, right? It’s the same temp here.

Snow, snow, and snow some more; colder than a witch’s teat in a brass bra for the past week. I suspect temps like that until late March or early May. There’ll be another snowstorm between now and then, probably two or three.

My mom and stepdad are retiring to Florida; they have invited me to join them. I was planning on Southwest Virginia, but Florida is starting to look pretty tempting now – the current temp in Jacksonville is 42 degrees.


Slackers 😉 Here in MN it was 41 below zero WITHOUT wind chill. Embarrass, MN.

When I retire I’m gonna tie a snow shovel to the front of my Suburban and drive South until somebody asks “What the hell is that?”



Hondo, living in MN in the winter is the civilian equivalent of BUD/S. -)
And summer ain’t much better with mosquitos the size of Blackhawks.


Semper Idem

Okay…something tells me I better not be in this thread when The Hair finds out about your little comment. ;o)

Pinto Nag

Snow. Huh. Why is it when WE get snow (Rockies) it doesn’t even get an honorable mention, but when YOU get snow, it’s front page news?

And you can have your southern gnats and sandfleas and giant, stucco-eating land snails. I’ll stay right here, where our elk get as big as your horses. 😉

Pinto Nag

You know why Montanans color Easter Egss, Hondo? So the kids can find them in the snow!

Pinto Nag

“…EGGS…” Geeezzz.


Whiners, all of you. I’ve seen worse than this.

So I don’t care what it does outside as long as I have popcorn in the cupboard and pizza in the freezer (and I do) and plenty of stuff to do.

Besides, there is nothing bettr than a long winter’s nap.


Ex, don’t forget Bourbon.
Winter goes better with Bourbon.



It’s 61 out here. Supposed to get close to 70 again.

Just sayin’


if the doors are stuck shut, it can also be frozen condensation along the weatherstrips. Light layer of Vaseline on them will probably cure that from happening again.

Day I started Basic at Ft. Leonard Wood, the drills were claiming that with wind chill it was -75F. Dunno if it is true but even to someone raised in the area it was a damned cold winter.


I visited the Western Wall about 3 weeks ago, it didn’t look like that!


interesting… morning paper says despite the cold in the East and North, on average across the country we just had one of the warmest Januaries ever.


Um, Dave – those people never go outside. Ever.


In which realm of reality is this?


Uh, Tattooine, maybe?

Semper Idem

It’s the whole internal identity thing the libs have – wish it and make it so.

It’s how men can get away with flashing their penises in front of women and girls in women’s locker rooms – they wish they were women, so they name and claim (steal, really) a womanly identity; it becomes real to them then.

They feel warm because they identify as warm. To say otherwise makes you a transphobe who needs to die in a fire. ;o)

Lurker Curt

52 degrees in Boise, Idaho right now…in bloody February! The ski hill is not a friendly place to be, what with the lack of any real snow for weeks…

E-6 type, 1 ea

We were in t-shirts in the motor pool on Ft Riley two weekends ago, temps were in the mid-70’s. Of course now it’s 25 and freezing rain, but still…


FWIW, snow in Jerusalem isn’t all that unusual; though a heavy (in Israel, that’s more than 3″) snow is. King David knew about the snow in the Judean mountains. It doesn’t last more than a day or two. Problem is, no one knows how to deal with even a light snow, and it isn’t economical to keep heavy snow removal equipment for the few days a year that it might matter.

The solar collectors for our hot water boiler in Katzrin on the roof were broken in the freeze a few weeks ago. So many houses had the same damage that the municipality put out a list of plumbers willing to do replacements for a fixed agreed-upon price.

The big irony is that the Hermon ski area had to temporarily close during the snow, because no one knows how to drive safely to get there.
rolls eyes


I am quite jealous. I wish it would have snowed when I was sent over for the 9 months of training I assisted with. All we got was a cross between hot as balls and wet as… well, Oregon.

Though, the snow in the Negev is quite interesting, from a climatological perspective.


Anyone else in Baghdad in the winter of 07-08 when it snowed… I was!! Brown snow, that was something you don’t forget.


Did you get pictures? Pictures, or it didn’t happen.

Brown snow! Pooh!



I’ve got some pics too, I’m just to damn unschooled (AKA stupid) to know how to post them. I was at OLD MOD on the river.


We didn’t have snow while I was there, but we did have the dubious distinction of getting to experience historic high’s in July and August of 2003. I want to say it was the first week of August when the mercury officially surpassed 140 degrees on two different days in An Nāşirīyah.

Convoy opperations were curtailed for almost two weeks due to equipment and personnel ‘failures’, lol.

And while I haven’t seen it snow in Baghdad, I HAVE seen it snow in Phoenix, and it snowed an official 1 inch in Bullhead City, AZ this year. Yes, Bullhead City, one of the hottest spots in America every year.


I was in El Paso when they got the Big One in I think ’87 – NE El Paso recorded 23″ in one day. In a city where the snow removal equipment rises in the east and sets in the west, that was one ugly scene.


Was thinking it was before Christmas a week or two. Some of the nastiest snows I have ever been in have been in El Paso… one time I could not only not tell what kind of car I was behind, I couldn’t even tell if it was a sedan or hatchback. They don’t get it often but occasionally get it really well.


Yeah, I have several pictures of that snow storm. Got some good ones of Trans Mountain powdered white.


Snow in Tucson actually isn’t terribly uncommon. They got dusted this past New Years Eve as a matter of fact. And in 2013 they got more snow than some places in the Pacific North West.

Supposed to be 79 – 80 degrees there today and tomorrow btw, lol. 71 – 73 around my neck of the woods (Sedona area):)

But snow in Bullhead City, where it routinely hits 116 to 118 in the summer? THAT’S rare. 🙂


Well I’ve lived around these parts for over 40 years.

Ya, Tucson’s not much cooler than Bullhead City anymore?



Yes, I was there. Later that day I checked the blog, “In Iraq, Sex Is Like Snow” to see what his updates would be. (Not much.)

I deployed out of Alaska so I figured maybe we’d brought it with us.


There’s been snow in Turkey in the mountains – not unusual – for a long time, but this time, the snow not only whacked the mountains of Greece, it hit all of Turkey.

Considering that mud cores from the Atlantic coast of Africa show that the Sahara Desert can shift from dry desert to wet, green savannah in as little as one to two generations (40 to 80 years), it’s logical to ask if this kind of thing is signalling that kind of shift.

Perry Gaskill

Here in California, we had weather move in last week with the fabulous name of Rainstorm Fernando that dropped 0.95 inches of rain in three days. 0.95 inches! In three days!

It was terrifying…


In Houston that is described as a “heavy dew” (beat ya to it, Thunderstixx!)

Perry Gaskill

Y’all use a different system of measurement. Out here, rainfall is measured in both inches and Pelosi units.

A Pelosi is equal to about what it takes to fill a bucket and melt Nancy.


last week, here in California we are in the mid seventies. This week mid-sixties. I sure hope we pull out of this cold snap, so we can start seeing all the hot girls in their shorts.


I feel all your pain, fellas.

It’s so terrible here at my place in California, that I had to wear flip-flops on the beach. ON….THE….BEACH!! How cold is THAT? Right?

Even my Harley took almost a whole block to warm up this morning…


Wait! Stop! Hold the presses!!!

This article has everything you want to know about why things are so – well, cockeyed: http://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/scientists-now-know-why-global-warming-has-slowed-down-and-it%e2%80%99s-not-good-news-for-us/ar-BBhZW8r

Oh, note that they ran a ‘15,000 year’ model. They based it on modern numbers. My personal opinion: not a real good idea, gives off false numbers, just like averaging periods of time for warming and cooling phases, when averages give you false numbers.

Why can’t they just say ‘we don’t know’ and let it go at that?


Here’s an addendum to that other article. The Yamal region in Siberia is loaded with pockets of frozen methane. If you know what methane is, you know how cold it has to be to keep it frozen. The winters in Yamal, in the Sakha (Yakutia) province frequently go down well into the minus 90Fs.


For a comparison, Saturn’s moon Titan is a planet with a methane atmosphere, and frozen methane for rocks, sand and soil. It rains and snows methane up there. Titan has lakes and oceans of liquid methane. It’s a damned cold place, but because methane is so temperature sensitive, even a few degrees of elevation in temperature will cause the frozen methane lakes to melt and previously unknown islands have appeared in these episodes of ‘thawing’.

The only reason Titan does not go up in flames is that there is no free O2 in the atmosphere to cause combustion. However, hear on Earth, the levels of O2 in the atmosphere are enough present a very dangerous possibility in Yamal, and that is that the tundra, can literally set itself on fire if conditions are right. It happened a couple of years ago in the peat bogs. They spontaneously ignited because the peat was too dried out.

Oh, yeah – I blame Al Gore for this. It’s all his fault, because he can’t keep his piehole shut.


Grrr. Typo: ‘hear on Earth’ should be ‘here on Earth’ My bad. Sorry.


Last one for today. This is from Live Science, discussing the pause or slowdown in global warming.


I will only add that, if they want to refer to historical records, they are not including anything from Chinese history. The Chinese of antiquity were keen observers of the natural world. They recorded everything. I will also question their failure to use equally old European records, such as those in reports by Roman historians.

I just don’t think it’s a good idea to base an estimated forecast on records that go back only a few decades or maybe to the 1880s. After all, these are the same people who told us in the 1970s that there would be runaway global warming by the early 21st century and palm trees would be growing in the upper Midwest. Didn’t happen, period.


Well, here’s another one. This is about how Antarctica is rapidly melting away to nothing… until you read the part at the end.


It’s that next-to-last paragraph, in which the writer says that this process of de-icing Antarctica will take anywhere from 200 years to 1,000 years.

When I read that, I checked my birth date to see what that really meant, so here goes: it means nothing. If it takes anywhere from 200 to 1,000 years to do raise the ocean level 10 feet, I won’t be alive, so I don’t give a crap.

These people are completely ridiculous.

A Proud Infidel®™

Well CRAP! So much for that future Oceanfront Property in Kansas that I invested in…


Sometimes, it’s a good idea to check out things like NYT videos. Now, we all know that NYT doens’t agree with anything ‘conservative’, which means it’s all about AGW with them. However, this video about Bedford, MA’, frozen harbor and the following longer one about New York’s very rough and cold winter argue against that concept.
