Yes, Senator Ernst is a Combat Veteran…

| February 13, 2015

The Huffington Post has run a hit piece on the military service claims of freshman Iowa Senator, Joni Ernst, claiming that she has repeatedly overstated her role as a combat veteran. That opinion emanates from an organization notable for a staff that generally avoids military service and specifically, combat zones, with the focused circumspection one would normally apply to travel to Ebola outbreak areas.

Andrew Reinbach, a so-called* journalist, and whose HuffPo bio shows him to be a financial writer, seems to have embarked on a sugar-coated witch hunt for Senator Ernst, offended (you just know how easy that is for liberals to be) by Ernst’s campaign claims that she is a combat veteran. Worse, he fumes is that Joni allowed her husband, a retired Ranger Sergeant Major, to claim twice that she led troops into combat when she led a deployment of her Iowa National Guard transportation company into the Iraq war zone. Reinbach quotes other veterans’ opinions to buttress his argument:

This gets scant respect from serving soldiers. Asked what a soldier should do in a case like that, Lt. Col. Alayne Conway says, “You’d clarify, and say ‘Sure, I had friends who were in firefights every day, and those are the guys you should roll out the red carpet for.'” Lt. Col. Conway serves in the Army’s Press Office in Washington.

But interestingly there’s an update at the end of Reinbach’s piece from that same LTC Conway which seems to say otherwise:

From Colonel Conway:

Alayne Conway · Media Relations Division Chief at Office of the Chief of Public Affairs (OCPA)

Senator Joni Ernst is a combat veteran. Period. Andrew Reinbach manipulated my words, and I am angry and embarrassed that a *so-called journalist would deliberately take out of context a small portion of our 15 minute discussion. I never questioned Sen. Ernst’s service, or that of my brothers and sisters in arms; to allow the Huffington Post’s readers to think otherwise is not only a disservice to Sen. Ernst, but to all those who wear the uniform of the United States. In a cheap attempt to besmirch the military service of Sen. Ernst, the Huffington Post instead has insulted all the men and women of the Armed Forces who have deployed in service to their nation. LTC Alayne Conway.

Also interesting is that I happen to know that Reinbach phone-interviewed a web acquaintance of mine for almost an hour trying to gain material for this hit piece. My colleague, a former combat infantry NCO in [Afghanistan] who earned the Combat Infantryman Badge and who also was an embedded combat reporter for a major U.S. service organization, offered Reinbach no red meat and therefore his supportive remarks for Ernst remained unquoted. Reinbach claims that he did not misquote LTC Conway, which is doubtful since she’s a PR pro. Perhaps finding veterans critical of Ernst during Reinbach’s little witch hunt was so unfruitful as to require a bit of liberal colorization of Conway’s actual remarks. But it’s just so hard to imagine an author at HuffPo doing that.

If you insist on a definitive, legal description as to what constitutes a combat veteran, here’s the applicable U.S. Code as used by the Veterans Administration to determine who is eligible for care as a combat veteran:

Title 38, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 1710(e)(1)(D) states that a veteran who served on active duty in a theater of combat operations (as determined by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense) during a period of war after the Persian Gulf War, or in combat against a hostile force during a period of hostilities after November 11, 1998, is eligible for hospital care, medical services , and nursing home care for any illness, even if there is insufficient medical evidence to conclude that such condition is attributable to such service. For purposes of this policy, such veterans are considered to qualify as “combat veterans.” Treatment provided under this authority is not subject to copayment requirements.

Now by this old combat veteran’s reading that makes Joni a statutory combat veteran and entitled to refer to herself as such whether for political purposes or not, even if it causes an old hippie Huffpo journalist to get his panties in a twist. The only way I see Ernst straying into the weeds on this issue is if she says she led troops into combat with that into being the operative term because, while remaining technically true, it suggests leading troops into actual battle. I say it’s technically true because young Captain Ernst did in fact lead a unit into a combat zone. A much safer description of her service is to say she led troops in combat which is a certifiable fact. She led a unit of the Iowa National Guard which was serving in a combat zone when she led it; therefore she led troops in combat service in a combat zone.

What is most curious to me is Reinbach’s contention that Ernst’s claim is invalid because her unit never came under fire or encountered an IED. That is a curious distinction to me for it would prevent a number of general officers and admirals of many wars from claiming that they were combat veterans of those wars since they never came under direct fire. And the fact that convoy operations in Iraq were exceedingly dangerous is demonstrated by the experiences of PFC Jessica Lynch, who was badly injured, then captured in an ambush of her convoy and brutalized by her Iraqi captors until being freed by a special operations hostage rescue team. Perhaps Reinbach should have considered that every time Captain Ernst led those convoys she was exposing herself to the same risks and hazards that befell PFC Lynch.

It so happens that I’m now reading Liberation Road, a WWII novel by David L. Robbins which relates the exploits of the Red Ball Express, the Army truck convoy system set up in August 1944 to ferry supplies from the Normandy beaches and the captured port of Cherbourg to the rapidly advancing allied forces across Europe, after their breakout from the beachhead. While a few of those almost endless truck trains occasionally came under fire from strafing German fighters, most didn’t. Nor did they actively engage in ground combat. They simply drove.

So I’m really curious as to how Reinbach would characterize those drivers and their service. Were they combat veterans? Somehow I suspect ol’ Andy might have a different take on those Red Ballers for a very politically-correct reason: 7,500 of those 10,000 truck drivers were black. But poor Joni is southwest Iowa-white, which is about as white as white gets in this country. Does anyone really think Reinbach would have written his article with a much more serious violator, Senator Richard Blumenthal, as the subject? Blumenthal, who did serve in the Marine Reserves during the Vietnam War but only in Washington, D.C., and then only because he’d run out of college draft deferments, told audiences that he was disrespected when he returned from Vietnam. That’s not a semantic distinction like Joni’s but rather an outright lie meant to bestow an undeserved honor on a dishonorable politician. Yet even after being exposed for his Stolen Valor claims his party organization stood behind this phony combat veteran and helped him get elected. And he’s still serving, Reinbach. How about a story on this true phony? Oh, that’s right; Dickie boy is a Democrat senator so he’s off limits to liberal rags like HuffPo.

Finally, I would offer this cautionary statement to the bearded, balding, greying, and professorial looking Reinbach who’s lacking only the defining ponytail: Senator Joni is a Harley-riding, pistol-packing farm girl who used to castrate hogs that were much harder to manhandle than your usual beta-male HuffPo writer.

Oh, and she’s a combat veteran, Andy.

The author was an NCO in the 2d Bn, 327th Airborne Infantry, 101st Airborne Division, Vietnam 65-66

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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The stupidity shown by so many folks who have never served on this issue is staggering. A local radio host here had one such person rant on his Facebook page, and a friend of mine who served in Iraq with then Captain Ernst, and myself, offered to debate the clueless fool on the host’s radio show…..nothing but crickets since.


I belong to a fraternal organization that awards members who have war service. The organization defines the war service as “…served in the armed forces of the United States (or a country that was an ally of the United States or in a United Nations Peace Keeping Force) and fought against a common enemy of the United States in a war or action that has been recognized by a branch of the Armed Forces of the United States and for which a campaign medal and ribbon are authorized.” The sticking point always seems to be the “fought against” phrase. With some folk’s interpretation would prevent someone who served in the Navy on a cruiser in Vietnam and was awarded the VSM my organization’s recognition. Since I’m the guy in the local chapter, if you can show me a DD-214 or orders for a campaign medal, to include an AFEM for Bosnia, you’ll get your stuff from us. I’m not going to denigrate anyone’s service in a combat theater just because you were fortunate enough not to get shot at.


Damn, Poetrooper, you SO harsh with poor ol’ Andy, who has never been any closer to combat than the plasma screen in his living room.

I suggest, strongly, too, that we do our very, very best to embarrass ol’ Andy Reinbach into recanting his story and for once in his useless metrosexual life, try telling the truth.

I’m sure doing that will be punishing enough for him. He might even do us a favor and quit writing crappy stories for Hussypo.


“useless metrosexual life”. That pretty much sums up M. Reinback. Suffice it to say that Reinback is described, by PuffingHoes, as “toiling in the vineyards of journalism for 35 years, mostly writing about real estate, banking, finance generally, and, more recently, the intersection of politics and money”. So, yeah, 100% metrosexual. And clueless.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just a second, WHAT IF Andy Reinbach has PTSD from HALO and CoD games on his XBox? That and the stress from conjuring things up for the HuffyPoo! /sarc


It’s interesting that they take issue with a combat veteran calling herself a combat veteran, but they’re fine with, “…you can keep your plan. Period.”


As the King of Siam would have said, “Senator, Joni Ernst is a combat veteran. So let it be written, so let it be done”.


Sparks, didn’t the King of Siam also say “Off with their heads” a lot.

Sounds like a pretty good solution to me.


I thought that was Yul Brynner in “The Ten Commandments?” Same actor but different movie.

Former 11B

It was. Metallica even used the line in their song Creeping Death which was inspired by the Slaughter of the First Born scene in the Ten Commandments. That was back when Metallica was a real band and not a bunch of pussified jokes.


Yep, you’re right. I knew I had heard Yul say that in a movie somewhere.

Good actor, especially in the “Magnificent Seven” movies.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The HuffPo is usually kind to the liars it supports, after all they never really took Hillary to task for her sniper fire bullshit story…and they love Blumenthal…

Just a typical leftie forgiving the liars he supports while chastising someone who was actually telling the truth that he doesn’t support.

Another turd floating in the punch bowl of urine that is journalism in the modern era. Fuck. That. Guy…


Yep. That is my general objection to lefties. I don’t care for any hypocrites who practice situational ethics, but the lefties are consistent in their support of liars, as long as the lie advances the agenda, and disdain the truth if it does not support their agenda.


I think this gent sums things up rather well.

I am not a Combat Vet, so my take may be a little different.

I am a Viet Nam Era and Cold War vet with an EIB and six slashes on my left sleeve, having served in 3 Infantry Divisions and a Separate Brigade (in a little town called Berlin)so I am not totally naive about this issue.

And as with this Academia Twit Hanft, I am a constitute of Sen Ernst, and damn glad to have her. Mr Reinbach has somehow failed to solicit my opinion.

Fuck Him!

David Webb, CAPT

I don’t have any dispute of whether Senator Ernst can claim to be a “combat veteran”, or how she herself has phrased her wartime experience. On the earlier article here at TAH, a soldier that was then under her command left very detailed comments about their first trip into Iraq (in the third week of May 2003). My issue is with the soldiers (in Special Forces positions like her husband had) saying that she did more than what matches those records.

In comments to a Raw Story article, a Ranger that served under the Iowa National Guard said that she “made multiple trips into Southern Iraq during the initial push in 2003”. Later he comments “[S]he was in combat. Those trucks rolled through many a firefight. The units job was to get equipment where it needed to go, not stop and shoot back. The fact that no one was injured or killed lends itself to the fact that she was a tactically proficient commander.”

Note that this conflicts with your statement in the article: “What is most curious to me is Reinbach’s contention that Ernst’s claim is invalid because her unit never came under fire or encountered an IED.”. It’s been reversed in the Bizarro World from what we usually see here; Special Forces soldiers (Sergeant Major Don Pugsley, whom was in the Green Berets, and was part of Senator Ernst’s Iowa campaign, also commented on the original article here at TAH) are claiming SHE did more, including to have actually leading troops in combat!

This is a double-standard from the position many of us support on this site: Times, details, awards, and stories must match the facts (no matter the political stance), especially since there are members drawing from their experience that can counter those claims. Again, I don’t question Senator Ernst’s definition to have been a “combat veteran”, I’m objecting to what other supporting her (notably former Special Forces troops) are saying that she did.

David Webb, CAPT

Letting others (with the irony of them being former Special Forces troops) embellish her record is as wrong as those whom think that level is required for anyone to be a “combat veteran”. When proper research comes back to say she wasn’t directly in combat, and didn’t enter Iraq until two months after combat troops (with transportation companies, like what Jessica Lynch was with) initial breached into the country, those detractors will say “See, I told you she wasn’t a ‘combat veteran’!”. The Senator herself doesn’t seem to be making those embellishment claims, it is those that are supporting her.

We rail against “the media” (Reinbach, Williams), but then also don’t try to correct the Jessica Lynch stories (knocked out in the crash, weapon jammed, not sexually assaulted) because she represents a certain image (and we forget about those like Shoshana Johnson, shot in both ankles, being a Black immigrant, because we think they aren’t the right image for us). There needs to be an equal challenge for that (we can’t just mark our opponents as political if we are as well).

I’m saying we can’t turn a blind eye to one side just because what we feel the other represents. Don’t use stereotypes to support your arguments: Instead of your representation that I would have meting out discipline, I was at the receiving end, losing “a stripe” (and gaining it back later, purely for politics). We can’t object to a behavior if we condone our own side using it as well.

Like so many of the other topics, can we just say “Why embellish an otherwise honorable service with more than what actually happened?”…


OK. Not at all certain what you are trying to say here. And I may even agree with it, except that it is so convoluted that I have no idea whether to argue fer or agin it.

Mainly, though, it appears that you are making a bunch of assumptions about quite a few people. Or maybe I am interpreting your words incorrectly. Somewhere between difficult and impossible to tell.

It would seem that someone is being castigated by you for something. I, for one (presumably of many) would completely agree that one’s military career should never be embellished. Why you opt to mention either Senator Ernst or Jessica Lynch in that regard, I have no idea. Cite for us somewhere that either have embellished their service record, please.

David Webb, CAPT

Neither Jessica Lynch nor Joni Ernst are seemingly embellishing their status as “combat veterans” themselves. In fact, it is written: ‘Lynch has been outspoken in her criticism of the original stories reported regarding her combat experience. When asked about her heroine status, she stated “That wasn’t me. I’m not about to take credit for something I didn’t do… I’m just a survivor.”‘ One of Joni Ernst’s soldiers at the time commented here on TAH about her first trip into Iraq from Kuwait, placing it in the third week of May 2003, with five vehicles on the end of a very large mixed convoy. That stands in contrast to comments by Eron Lindsay, a former Army Ranger that has been in the Iowa National Guard, whom has said she led “multiple” convoys of vehicles during the “initial push” into Iraq (more than two months before her first trip) that “rolled through many a firefight”. Apparently he didn’t read the statement from Ernst, saying “It was only by luck and the blessings of God that my soldiers did not encounter an assault, that we did not run over an IED.”. What I am saying is that in an effort to promote Senator Ernst as a “combat veteran”, there are supporters embellishing the facts of her command, which is just as damaging and wrong for the “stolen valor” cause we support. I do remember hearing of the large convoy they trailed in late May (the composition and size was unusual; I was at Navistar during that time, and had been at Camp Cedar for a month prior to that). It is very likely that I would have seen Ernst as she passed through Navistar, or course with the volume of soldiers and Marines coming through over several months I can’t specifically place if I did (nor does it disprove anything if I did not). I would like to hear an official statement of how many convoys she was on from Kuwait to Iraq (and back), not that it would diminish her being classified as a “combat veteran”, just that it is further details… Read more »

David Webb, CAPT

It seems you have one of those stereotypical “political operatives” in the (Facebook) comments above, whom was involved in that “full-bore political campaign” for Senator Ernst. Below, I’m getting criticism because of an objection to her being portrayed as “rolling through many a firefight”, not because I think she is a “combat veteran”. Why do I need to reference some other tangent you want to send me on, I’m being told here on TAH that it doesn’t matter if the story differs from the reality, as long as someone is on a certain political side.

The book you are reading does sound interesting, we’re seeing a more current version being dramatized for an Internet audience and the nightly news. The real mission I played a part in is changed, Trailer Transfer Points aren’t as interesting as the stories of long-haul truck drivers being escorted by helicopter gunships, and still convoys somehow coming under fire. It wasn’t the trucking companies that were housed on our camp at the Kuwait-Iraq border, that doesn’t provide the same chub as someone cowboying out the entire trip from the docks and back.

I’m just surprised to receive flack when I say the story being presented is embellished further so that it doesn’t match reality. Maybe Don Pugsley, still apparently close to the Ernst camp, can get a statement of how many convoys to Iraq that she did command. We’ve both said we are in agreement, why taint otherwise honorable service with something that is not a reality.


I said it on the last post here.
She is a combat Veteran, and I am proud of her for the great work she did. She was and is one hell of a good woman and deserves more accolades than she is getting for her command in what would be one of the worst hellholes of this ongoing war.
She led her troops and many of them are going home because she did a good job, period…

Cpt Bob

The Senator has every right to call herself a combat veteran. They mount guns on those trucks for a reason. The fact that she and her troops didnt need them doesnt make it any less necessary. Her claim doesnt offend me one bit. I was infantry in Vietnam, CIB, 2 Bronze Stars, Soldiers Medal, Air medal, and Cross of Gallantry. No purple Heart and damn glad about that.

Jordan Rott

So how do you get an Air Medal as an 11B? I am just curious, is it because you were a door gunner for a specific thing or got shot down? I read that in 1942 this was part of the criteria: per twenty-five (25) operational flights during which exposure to enemy fire is probable and expected, was that still criteria in Vietnam? Hope you don’t mind my asking.

Cpt Bob

Dont mind you asking at all. A lot of grunts got air medals. As I recall all it required was 100 missions and 100 hours but combat 1 mission counted as 4 so your 25 figure is correct. Every air mobile insertion counted.

Jordan Rott

Oh I see that makes sense. I assume you were part of 1st cav then? I rarely see that medal and I read the citation for it but it makes alot more sense now that you said that, thank you. So one more question, If you don’t mind, the Vietnam Cross of Gallantry is supposed to be a bronze star with a V for a unit? Sorry to bother you with a bunch of questions I just like to understand what they are when I see them. The old awards make alot more sense to me when Vets who have them explain them versus reading the criteria.


The Cross of Gallantry for personal valor came in four flavors of devices depending on the level of the citation:

Bronze Star: Brigade/Regimental
Silver Star: Division level citation
Gold Star: Corps level citation
Palm: Armed Forces level citation

NOT to be confused with the Cross of Gallantry with Palm and frame UNIT AWARD that everybody got.


Cpt Bob could have been in a lot of different outfits besides the 1st Cav.
The 101st Airborne, 173rd Airborne Bde, the 196th and 199th LIB’s, 1st Inf Div, 23rd (Americal) Inf Div, 3/82nd Airborne, 9th Inf,etc,etc. I’m sure there were more that I’ve left out.
All outfits who did not have their own internal air mobile assets simply got their airmobile operations support from the many,many Assault Helicopter Companies that fell under the 1st Aviation Brigade. Virtually any primarily ground based unit could be moved by helicopters from Point A to Point B by intra command request.


Air Medal:

— per twenty-five (25) operational flights during which exposure to enemy fire is probable and expected.

— per one-hundred (100) operational flights during which exposure to enemy fire is not expected.

You might see an Air Medal on Special Forces officers who flew as observers in Cessna O-1 Bird-dogs. My father was happy to receive his … then he noticed some Air Force pilots wearing an Air Medal ribbon with two numerals instead of oak leaf clusters!


And then there enlisted men who post here (such as myself, 3/17 Air Cav, and Joe Williams) that have numerals/strike flight awards on their Air Medals.

Air Medals, they’re not just for Pilots.


Air Medals, they’re not just for Pilots.


Sorry about the unintended slight, Claw131.


That’s OK, I didn’t take it as a slight.

We enlisted crew chiefs/gunners know our role in mission success was just as important as the actual piloting of the aircraft.


Air Medal is odd…lots of differing criteria among the services over the years.

I don’t think the Army formally uses flights/points.


I think you’re right on that. Near as I can tell (at least in the outfit I was in, the 101st Airborne) they simply based it monthly flight status, not numbers of flight hours or operations.
If you were to divide the number of flight hours I accumulated during my tour by that 25/100 hours formula, I would have ended up having about four times as many Air Medals as what I received.
As it stands, I was on flight status for six months until we shut down operations and returned to CONUS. I was awarded six Air Medals.


The funny thing about those (other five) Air Medals is that I didn’t even know I had been awarded them until six years later (1978) when I was going up to the E-6 board and received a Microfiche copy of my DA level records.
The orders had been cut in the last couple of days before the Division departed Vietnam and they never caught up with me in all that time.


So, why is CPT Webb bringing his argument to this site? I don’t think anyone here ever said she was a steely-eyed killer personally engaging the enemy.

Why doesn’t he just contact those folks he thinks are embellishing her record and correct them?

David Webb, CAPT

Who’s saying that isn’t my intention? There are other members of this site (hello, this isn’t the first topic I have posted about) that don’t agree she is a “combat veteran”. Nice “Straw Man” BTW.


You might want to have a better argument prepared than what we have seen so far.


Well shit then why do we have combat awards then?

Fucking hadji slaying body dropping outside the war logistics master of arms war machine commander tier 12 black ops SOF warfighter.

Fucking get sum.

Excuse me while I continue to laugh at this obvious as shit attempt to mislead about somebody’s military sevice and the lengths people are going to excuse it.

She’s basically nearly a Joe Teti.


Writing a piece and presenting the facts without trying to influence the reader is journalism. Reinbach writes this piece with the intention of deceiving the reader by presenting lies as truth to defame Sen. Ernst. I think this Reinbach turd attended the Brie Williams School of Lies and Propaganda. Should be fired for writing such shit, but then this turd is typical of what passes as a reporter.