400 US troops to train “moderate Syrians”

| January 16, 2015

Someone sends us a link to the CNN story which reports that the US is sending 400 troops to train what the article calls “moderate Syrian rebels”;

Those groups are battling forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and extremist groups like ISIS, as well as others linked to al Qaeda.

The mission would be led by the military and complement a modest training CIA program, based on what was authorized by the White House more than a year ago.

“There is growing recognition that the Assad regime is an enabler of extremism,” Oubai Shahbandar, an adviser to the Syrian Opposition Council, said in May.

Just as a reminder; the Islamic State is fighting against the Assad government, too. Those US troops going to Syria will be surrounded. There are complaints that we lack the resources for good intelligence in the region, so I’m wondering how the folks who do that will know which are “moderates” and which are extremists. The potential for Green-on-Blue attacks is pretty high.

Category: Terror War

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Seems like we’ve already went down this path by training and providing weapons to the mujaheddin during the 1980’s…and ended up with a little group called Al-Quida.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
don’t remember who said it but it was true with mujahidin and the Iraqi during the 80’s. How’d that work for us? Yep that’s right.
Here we go again
Same old shit again


That plan is far to clever to fail a third time.


Not my pig, not my farm.


This is a monumentally stupid idea.

In most Administrations, this asininity would be a prime candidate as a “WTF? moment”. However, in this DC clown krewe Administration it’s merely “business as usual”.


I asked a friend wtf was a “moderate Syrian” – his answer was ‘they are the ones we will be fighting in ten years instead of the ones we will be fighting now.’


400 here, 600 there
And soon it’s thousands everywhere.

I don’t understand any of this.

Pinto Nag

To be able to establish a Police State in 2016, the Progressives will have to get rid of the professional Constitutional defenders we have (the military). They’re doing that in two ways: 1) breaking down the military in equipment, manpower, and morale, and 2) getting them out of the country altogether.

They can’t fight to defend our Nation from domestic enemies if they’re not here.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go buy some more aluminum foil for my new hat.

Dave Hardin

I thought that was established yesterday. If they are under 15 but over 55 then they are moderate.


Maybe that asshole will come over to this thread and comment.


Next thing you know they’ll be sending James Taylor over there…


Ted Nugent

Frankly Opinionated

Sometimes I have to take things slow, so I can fully comprehend it all.
Let’s see, we will send our troops into a Sovereign land, to train the enemies of the sitting government, (which has a functioning Air Force), and not expect retaliation from that government? And, to further complicate matters, we have no credible intelligence machine operating in that region.
This will not end well.


How can you tell the difference between moderates and non-moderates taking advantage of us?


Easy! The extremists are the ones shooting at you, and the moderates are the ones hiding behind you.

That is, until it’s safe for them to shoot at you too.



Is there anyone inside the Beltway with more than three functional brain cells?


The Other Whitey

The Bad Idea Fairy must be making a ton of money off the Glorious Leader and his minions.

Climb to Glory

Jesus, so much stupid on this Friday. Someone should check to make sure there isn’t a gas leak at the White House.


This looks like a repeat of the Lebanese Civil War. And if history repeats itself, something bad like the barracks bombing will happen. And if history continues to repeat itself, 20 years from now, there will be 4,000 phonies saying they were one of the 400 in Syria when it happened.


I agree with Sarah Palin-
Let allah sort them out.