Buying ad space from ISIS
So here’s a story you can laugh at because it didn’t happen to you. Mark Oberholtzer a Texas City plumber traded in his old Ford pick up and promptly forgot about it until it started showing up in the news as a weapon platform for ISIS – it still had his logo and phone number on it.
Oberholtzer said he traded in the truck to an AutoNation dealership three years ago. He usually takes the decals off his vehicles when he sells them but he left it on this truck with the expectation that AutoNation would remove it.
“They were supposed to have done it and it looks like they didn’t do it,” Oberholtzer said. “How it ended up in Syria, I’ll never know.”
He began receiving calls about the truck and the picture on Monday afternoon, Oberholtzer said. By Tuesday he said his business had received a thousand calls and faxes about the image.
“A few of the people are really ugly,” he said.
I guess folks thought he was buying ad space from ISIS or something.
Category: Terror War
Just goes to show you that you simply can’t depend on other people to do what they said they’d do, doesn’t it?
Poor dude, just minding his own business and he gets blind sided by ISIS.
You know this whole deal is costing him money.
Someone on the Internet commented that it’s ironic that ISIS is using a truck with the Logo Mark-1 on it, a possible biblical reference (unconfirmed) but I had to look it up….
“I will send my messenger ahead of you,
who will prepare your way”[c]—
3 “a voice of one calling in the wilderness,
‘Prepare the way for the Lord,
make straight paths for him.’”[d]
Maybe ISIS didn’t get the message and someone’s trying to tell them something.
We could send them the YouTube video of that part in ‘Godspell’.
The idiots threatening him and his family over this, should remove themselves from the gene pool. They are utterly pathetic, and just too stupid to be allowed to reproduce.
There is no such thing as critical thinking anymore… “I saw it on the internet, so it must be true” thought process, combined with good ole fashioned lynch mob mentality.
I’ll call him if I need a plumber! Poor guy and their family. Doesn’t anyone use their brains any more?
I would shit if I was to see my 85 Mercury Lynx in Syria with a heavy machine gun hanging out the back.
If I was this guy I would make an 8×10 and frame it.
This guys business is right down the road from my office. His trucks drive by daily – but never with a russian aa gun on them. Sadly.
The GDContractor version of Cash for Clunkers:
From now on, any used trucks that are traded in to Auto Nation should be covered in graphics of pigs and contain a hidden receiver, some C4, and a electronic detonator.
Or maybe just a hidden, non-removable OnStar that can be remotely activated . . . . (smile)
In lieu of C4, they can also just have some Takata manufactured airbags installed in them, if they haven’t been installed already.
So, wait a second, how the hell that truck ended up in syria, I mean someone here had to buy it, ship it and arm it … guess ISIS is not much of a treat huh? no resources and all huh? … *sigh*
Man poor dude worst luck ever ..
On any given weekend I am on the Interstate going to/from the family farm. Almost every weekend, I encounter a southbound auto train. There are organized groups of people that are buying used cars at auction, hooking them up together using bumper dollies, and then driving them in convoys south to Mexico. Seeing a 94 Dodge Neon pulling a 08 Accord attached to a is not unusual. One of my buddy’s said that he has seen 4 and 5 cars chained together in this way. I don’t know what the criteria is for the vehicle they select to do the pulling, but from what I have seen, I think it must require a badass stereo and a working cigarette lighter. Horsepower does not seem to be a requirement. Sorry to be long winded, but my point is that there is a steady stream of used American vics headed south across the border by many different low-tech means. From there they could (and presumably do) go anywhere.
Poor bastard, people are dumb as shit everywhere apparently.
You just now noticing that, VOV? (smile)
How did yesterday’s “fun and games” turn out?
I had lot of good news today my friend, thank you for asking.
Sewers were cleaned out by a great subcontractor and cost me only about $150….my servers were repaired by me, there was an issue with the share points and Apple File Protocol for my graphics department…and best of all my daughters MRI of her brain came back clear so no cancer….I’m thinking this will be a great Christmas after all….
Yes, it will indeed be a great Christmas for you. Glad to hear that.
That last news item is the important one. The rest is merely minor BS.
Hope you are shaping up to have a wonderful Christmas as well!
Thank you for the kind thoughts, much appreciated!!
You know what they say…there’s no such thing as bad publicity. Uncomfortable, shocking, alarming, totally inexplicable maybe…but not bad.
How soon until ISIS fighters show up on CNN wearing FirsTech Software t-shirts (slightly irregular)?
Maybe ISIS has his mailbox door.
Any idea on how uch that Go Fund Me raised for his mailbox door?
Most likely a photoshop.
The photo is just fuzzy enough that I can’t be sure, but it looks like there are 2014 Texas registration and vehicle inspection stickers on the windshield. If so, the truck must have found its way from Texas to Syria very recently, or (as Powerpoint Ranger argues above) it may just be a photoshop.
An enterprising reporter should be able to track the title chain. If I read those stickers correctly, it may still be registered in Texas.
Hmm, turds riding around in an old plumbers truck, sounds about right to me.
I had a co-worker some years ago who got a visit from the FBI, wondering how her vehicle ended up in Iraq being prepped for a car-bomb. The title was still in her name.
She’d traded it in at some used-car dealer in San Antonio. We suspect it went straight to Mexico, then to Iraq.
If you look at both photos you’ll see one is a Ford F250 and the other may be a Toyota? Appears to be the same firing position.