Brits to interrogators; don’t be mean

| December 14, 2014

Richard sends us a link to the UK’s Telegraph which reports that the release of the US Senate’s fictitious report on interrogation has created a measure of fall out on the British military; they can’t yell at their subjects or bang their fists on tables startling the jihadists;

Col Tim Collins, who made a celebrated eve-of-battle speech during the Iraq war and now runs a private security company with expertise in intelligence gathering, said: “Since I was serving, the rules on interrogations have been tightened up because of the lawyers. We [the military] are no longer able to carry out tactical questioning.

“The effect of the ambulance-chasing lawyers and the play-it-safe judges is that we have got to the point where we have lost our operational capability to do tactical questioning. That in itself brings risks to the lives of the people we deploy.

“These insurgents are not nice people. These are criminals. They behead people; they keep sex slaves. They are not normal people.”

It’s all a part of that “we’re better than them” mentality. Yes, we are better than them, but the interrogation room isn’t the place to prove that point. War is an ugly thing, it brings out the worst in even the most civilized and urbane people usually in response to our enemies. So, we’ve limited ourselves in this war to yelling at prisoners, playing crappy 80’s Hair Band music very loud, keeping them awake and washing their face with a damp wash cloth. And that’s called torture. I guess I was tortured when my room mate in Germany played Rick James’ “She’s a Brickhouse” over and over every night while I was trying to sleep.

NPR wrote that the entertainment business has convinced us that torture works and we fell for it;

From Kiefer Sutherland as hard-nosed government agent Jack Bauer on Fox’s 24, growling this threat to a bad guy: “You probably don’t think that I can force this towel down your throat. Trust me, I can.”

To Liam Neeson’s ex-CIA operative Bryan Mills, shocking a man for information in the movie Taken: “You either give me what I need, or this switch stays on until they turn the power off for lack of payment on the bill.”

Of course, NPR is fond of telling us what Hollywood thinks of this country and passing it off as valid opinions – until it’s inconvenient.

Personally, I’m not convinced that making a jihadist feel uncomfortable while he is being kept in better living conditions than he lived in during his entire childhood is really torture. I’m not advocating blasting kneecaps with a puny 9mm handgun, but what the liberals and lawyers are calling torture really isn’t torture at all. It’s the same thing that we military veterans endured during our initial military training. It’s the same thing my privates experienced at Zero-Five-Hundred every morning when they were a little slow getting out of their racks.

By the way, I watched stank-ass hippies waterboard each other in front of the White House (while I called loudly for them to behead their subjects) – do you really think it’s torture when stank-ass hippies do it to each other? Well, other than the part where they get their faces clean for a change. If it was really torture, the Park Police who were standing around probably would have stopped them for their own safety – but they didn’t.

Category: Terror War

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Actual Transcript of British Interogation with Terrorist:

MI6: We have proof positive you are responsible for the deaths of British subjects.

Terrorist: Death to you, Britain and America.

MI6: Would you like a spot of tea?

Terrorist: We will bring the war to Britain and the Thames will run red with the blood of Englishmen.

MI6: Sugar with your tea?

Terrorist: Death to you all!

MI6: Perhaps some lovely butter biscuts and jelly?

### END ###


Reminds me of the Eddie Izzard skit, just replace Church of England with someone trying to question jihadists:


Fuck the British press. Bunch of wankers, tossers, and pieces of shite.


“I’m not advocating blasting kneecaps with a puny 9mm handgun” Well…I am. Have the CIA watch Goodfella’s with the guy having his melon squeezed in the vice. Now that’s torture and guess what…they got what they wanted out of him too. These are murderous enemies who would and have tortured Americans beyond the pale of humanity and decency, just to get them to pronounce “Allahu Akbar”. Caring less that they know the poor soul has no intel to offer, is a mere common soldier or journalist and yet they do it for shear pleasure and the terror effect to those they film these events for. So no, I have no mercy to offer them. If what we have done is called torture, then by God they are lucky compared to what they happily dish out to others in their captivity. The difference is, to me, we are interrogating known terrorist leaders with highly valuable intel to offer. Intel which solves terrorist acts and finds the other participants, further protects Americans and our allies at home and abroad and gives us a leg up in finding and killing those worse than them. But of course the sad part to me, is that we then release them and they go home even more full of hate for us. Not because of torture, I think they expect that, just as they know they would and do hand out. I think even if we just we detained them and had not “tortured” them but just kept them from their murdering schemes is enough to give them the same level of hatred towards us. Torture, they expect, being pulled from their games of mayhem, is what they hate most.


” I’m not advocating blasting kneecaps with a puny 9mm handgun,”…

Why not? The IRA did that all the time, and Tony Blair gave them all a ‘get out of jail free’ card…



You have no idea about the IRA.

Tony Blair did NOT give them all a get out of jail card.

If you want to talk to the grandson of a real IRA man, I can explain it all to you in about 800 years.

Far more real and provincials died in custody under horrible circumstances inflicted by the British. Few were ever released in comparison.

I am no supporter of provincials they were terrorists and those who are still living who started the movement in the 1960’s have denounced the essence of their reasoning.

So in review, KMRIA!

Note: Post 9/11 President bush said to and about terrorists, “if you are not with us, you are against us”. Two things happened almost in days of this announcement: 1. IRA said we are out of the terrorism biz and 2. Libya was second. This is what we call in LE a clue.


Hey now, I happen to really enjoy 80s hair bands


Did you sue your roommate for torturing you with that music? I would have.

Torture, huh? Why is it so very, very wrong when a ‘civilized’ country like the US or the Brits does that, and it’s pretty mild, but no one hollers loudly and holds protests and demonstrations when people like Pol Pot and the Iraqi Guard and Needledick in Norkiland do that? Where was the press when Stalin’s goons came out of the walls in the middle of the night and dragged people off to gulags and mass graves?

I know: freedom of speech. Well, for Hollywood the Industry, they can’t see past the ends of their noses and they forget that assholes and opinions are the same thing, but that they themselves are mostly assholes.

Perry Gaskill

There used to be a saying in Viet Nam:

“Yea though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil for I am the meanest son of a bitch in the valley.”

You have to wonder if the British legal system has completely lost its collective mind. Jihadists, by definition, have declared that the only law that matters is Sharia and will go to any length to implement it. At the risk of a rhetorical question, it’s not, why should they have any rights under other forms of law at all?

Something also remarkable about a lot of the recent stories on jihadist detainees, call it sloppy journalism, is that what gets left out is why the detainee became a detainee in the first place. Hypothetically, Haidar Ali Hussein, who sued for getting yelled at, could have been caught red-handed planting an IED and we would have no way of knowing it.

Hack Stone

Every single detainee being held in Guantanamo is an innocent Muslim who just happened to be in Afghanistan as pilgrims doing charity work. Just ask the ACLU, they will tell you. Speaking of idiots, anything new on American Taliban, John Walker Lindh? I remember when he was captured, his father said that he was just a misguided kid.

Friend S. Wilkins

In January 2009, President George W. Bush denied John Walker Lindh’s petition for clemency. Now I’m willing to bet that Johnny Boy will try it again in January 2017. And I am about 151% sure that President Obama will grant the poor little boy his clemency.


The Commodores did Brickhouse. Rick James did cocaine and bitches.

Long live Motley Crue….

2/17 Air Cav

Messkit. Are you related to the famous Herbert J. Messkit?

Old Trooper

A co-worker of mine had this discussion with me this past week and I told him the things that the detainees endured was the same thing I endured in the military. He said “you signed up fo that” and I told him “they signed up for it, too, just on the other side”.

B Woodman

From the quote attributed to Teddy Roosevelt (or is it George Orwell?):
“People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”

Have we as a western society fallen so far that we don’t even acknowledge the positive good done on our behalf by those willing and able to stand in the path of evil? (Don’t answer, rhetorical question)


Allegedly a paraphrase of Orwell.