Sunday morning feel good story

| December 14, 2014

Chief Tango sends us our feel good story this morning again, this time it’s from Ohio;

Columbus Police said this morning that someone who lives at 556 Station Rd., south of Sullivant Avenue, called 911 at 10:17 p.m. and said someone with a gun had broken into the house.

The caller reported that he had shot the intruder. Police responded and found 19-year-old Brandon Bolin dead inside the house.

The resident of the home and several witnesses were interviewed by Columbus police but all were released, police said. Detectives said the investigation continues.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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B Woodman

Ahhhhh. . . A story I can get behind. The perp, one with a record, breaks into another house, and is shot and killed.
“And the world is a more peaceful place. . . . beginning now.”

But it appears to be too late, with this yutes death, for his participation in the time-honored rites of the cleansing of the gene pool, as it is reported that he leaves behind a child, possibly a daughter. Hopefully she did not inherit her daddy’s Stupid Gene. But only time will tell.
Maybe if we’re all still here in another 20 years, we can have a daddy-daughter generational Feel Good Story.


“And the world is a more peaceful place. . . . beginning now.” You said it brother Woodman.

Deilah T.

Something to go with my early morning cuppa hot.


I was they’re that night and all I can say is thank god for the second amendment