DeWayne Thomas Ramsey; 6 month USMC Sniper

| December 13, 2014

DeWayne Ramsey

Scotty sends us yet another Marine Corps Scout Sniper killer dude. This one, DeWayne Thomas Ramsey claims that he spent ten years in the unit, well, except while he was a drill sergeant. Amazing, since the marine Corps only remembers that he spent six months in 1996 on the Delayed Entry program (waiting to go to boot camp) and then he spent the next six months in boot camp – then he was out on the street. But that’s now he tells it;

DeWayne Ramsey claims

Yeah, he got a Presidential waiver. Whatever that is. probably because of those three Purple Hearts. His FOIA doesn’t even show an National Defense Service Medal, let alone three Purple Hearts.

DeWayne Ramsey FOIA

I guess we’re lucky that he doesn’t boast about his chestful of medals, otherwise, he’d probably have to kill us afterwards;

DeWayne Ramsey on boasting

Quite a step down from being squad leader in Force Recon to a crew member at McDonald’s, huh, DeWayne? I guess that’s probably because of the the PTS that he caught at Parris Island on the monkey bars in the chow line.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Has to be the first sniper that also studies cosmetology at a beauty school. (see his FB page)


You never know, snipers need haircuts sometimes too.


SJ…I saw that and LMAO. I can hear him now,
“SO sweetheart, are we doing a cut and color today or just a cut? Love, love, love you hair by the way. Looks like my momma’s. It’s cool though, she’s a plus size girl too. You know, when I was a Force Recon Marine Sniper for ten years all I could think about on deployment was all those guy’s hair and what I could do with it if I had the chance. That’s why I decided to give up all the killing and just make you ladies beautiful.”


Yep, you don’t mess with the Zohan.

2/17 Air Cav

That could explain it. Maybe he meant Marine snipper, nose hair expert.

Phil Millard

More like Ass Hair sniffer!


So he did the time travel warp thingy and was back at boot before anyone found out he was gone? Whatta dink — er, guy! Guy!

I’m going to have to upgrade my Certified Doorgunner Status to Level 3A Mk IV Mod 4b(c).


HA , Recon, never fails with the Marine Psers.

And, In honor of me finishing my new “working” points system…..


Mr Wolf

So what did twinkles here do to be pulled in by the po po?


If I read it correctly, drugs and theft.


According to this clown was picked up a couple of times on pre trial misdemeanor confinement this year.

Green Thumb

Cody Stermer’s idol.

Burgers and Buttcakes.

Buy looks of this maggot, I bet he knows his way around a meaty Johnston. Know what I mean?

Extra shitbag loser.


According to the arrest data sheet, he is quite the little fireplug. Five feet tall and 200 pounds. So I guess he probably doesn’t even have to kneel when servicing a meaty Johnston. I wonder if his nick name is “Little Short Shit”??


I’m thinking that last arrest record’s height entry is inaccurate, CLAW. His face in the two photos at Scotty’s isn’t fat enough for him to be 5ft and 200lbs – and his previous arrest records from 1999 give a height of “510” (presumably meaning 5ft 10in).


I figured as much since the “inches” entry area was blank, but it provided the opportunity for a jibing that was too good to pass up.

Green Thub

In the end, it does not really matter.

This dude is not even close to Phildo-Grade.

Phildo-Grade is the benchmark, my man.

Green Thumb

That would be Thumb.

But “Thub” has a nice ring to it….

A Proud Infidel®™

QUEEF, extra-large, 1each with crab lice courtesy of Bubba & Thor last time he was in jail.


Five feet tall? This guy is quite the little person.


So, is this guy having nightmares about his time in the Delayed Entry Program? 🙄


That delayed entry can give you the PTSD! All that waiting, then the horrors of Boot! Ahhhhhh oh the humanity!


It looks like he signed up the day after his 17th birthday, finished high school,and then reported for active duty the day after graduation. Six months later he was back home trying to explain why he got booted. Yep, it was the DEP that screwed him up.



Well shit, Scott. Hey sure make it easy for you don’t they.

This guy needs his balls stomped right proper.


A Jackass! Why Asshole

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

This fartsniffer can’t be the real deal since he doesn’t pack a “Sniper ID Card.” Amateur.

The only thing that clown packs is dicks.

Combat Historian

Hey, don’t you know that “DEP” actually stands for “Death Expert Program”? Yup, they ship you out to a secret covert training site six months before you report to boot camp and teach you the art of the sniper/ninja/assassin, then implant a chip in your brain so that after boot camp, they can activate you at the push of a button and a signed “presidential waiver” and off you go as a genuine recon/SF/SEAL ninja/sniper/assassin to carry out your dirty deed. I know this guy’s legit, because I signed up for DEP before OSUT and that’s what they did to ME !!! ///