Honorable CPO no more

| December 4, 2014

Bill Cosby honorable CPO

I’ve always like Bill Cosby’s comedy – my parents had a record album that we wore down to a sliver of vinyl playing it over and over again while we chuckled away at his antics and those of his brother Russell and the rest of the gang.

Now, his reputation has been sullied by his supposed sexual abuse of women years ago. Well, the Navy had made him an honorable Chief Petty Officer in 2011 and they think that he doesn’t deserve that honor now in light of these allegations according to MSN;

The Navy is revoking Bill Cosby’s title of honorary chief petty officer, saying allegations of sexual abuse made against the comedian are serious and conflict with the Navy’s core values.

Navy Secretary Ray Mabus and Master Chief Petty Officer Michael Stevens made the announcement Thursday in a statement.

Cosby enlisted in the Navy in 1956 and served four years as a hospital corpsman before being honorably discharged in 1960 as a 3rd Class Petty Officer. The honorary title was presented to Cosby in 2011.

Category: Navy

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In before:

You know who *ELSE* is not and never was and never *WILL* be a Chief Petty Officer, honorable or otherwise in this or any *other* universe?

Combat Historian

gee whizzy gee, I wonder who Chip’s talkin’ about ???!!!???


Sailor Moon?

Horatio Hornblower?

Popeye the Sailor Man?

Captain Hook?

Cap’n Crunch?



Robinson Crusoe?


B Woodman

(rustle rustle)

That Guy

Call me crazy, but I think these women smelled the blood in the water when he went on the Colbert report the other week. He’s not all there anymore, and they saw the chance to cash in on unproven claims…


You’re not crazy. Unsubstantiated rape claims apparently is this season’s latest trend. Lena Dunham and now Lady Gaga both are all over it.

Seeing as how women never suffer from this type of behavior even when it’s literally criminal why not try your luck and see if it pays of?

That Guy

Link to Gaga? I knew about Lena being a lying cow and fabricating a rape she attributed to some guy at Oberlin who she called ‘the campus conservative’, but I hadn’t heard about Gaga’s alleged rape. Which is weird, you’d think the punk community would be all about that shit.


Gaga’s claim is that she was raped by a music producer as a teenager, not by Cosby.


That Guy

Lady Gaga is full of shit. Her ridiculous actions and her ‘magical’ change from average rich bitch to weirdo ‘alternative’ musician pandering to ‘monsters’ was entirely designed by a marketing team. I know people who were involved.
Sorry, but I don’t see much truth in her claim when she makes it while pimping a song (and an upcoming record) after her last was such a hilarious flop.
Apparently, rape claims are the new sex tape.


I’m not arguing that her claims are true or false. I was just providing the link you requested above.

Next time I’ll let you find it yourself.



That Guy

Haha, I’m not blaming you for what she claims. I’m just pointing out that pretty much everything she’s done in the last decade has been carefully choreographed. Including her acting out in public.

JarHead Pat

I thought you were innocent until proven guilty.


<b. Salma Hayek, Jessica Alba, Penélope Cruz, Eva Mendes, Paz Vega, Shakira & Selena Gomez all had their way with me.

/*in tears*…..cause it would never happen not one of them, in *any* universe.


I’m glad Catherine Zeta Jones did not contaminate herself with you… she’s mine!

Roger in Republic

But,but, I was self ABUSED as a child. Under the ACA I was still a child at age 26.

The Other Whitey

I’ll see that list, and raise you Megan Fox, Amber Heard, Gemma Arterton, Mila Kunis, Olga Kurylenko, Sophie Marceau, Jamie Chung, Kelly Hu, Grace Park, Gabrielle Union, and Jane Seymour in her prime.

Yeah, even in my wildest dreams it still wouldn’t happen.


Sophia Viagra ain’t no slouch. Just leave Zeta-Jones to me. I love her like a sumbitch.


None of the gals listed here hold a candle to Lois Griffith.


Oops,correction,Lois Griffin. I regret the error,I was working with CRS overload.


I’m going to admit, straight up and out load, that my suspicion is that these accusations come from a motivation to hurt Mr. Cosby for not being “black” enough.

And, this is where I’m gonna stick until it’s proven otherwise in a court of law.

That Guy

He’s never been popular with the racebaiting crowd for daring to point out how the black community seems to denigrate those who achieve success via academic achievement…

CC Senor

Not sure what the motivation is but I have noticed there is no presumption of innocence for certain “crimes” these days.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder just how credible Mr. Cosby’s accusers are, remember the Duke Lacrosse team’s nightmare?


CC Senor, Proud Infidel: if it were only one accuser, I’d be inclined to agree. But when you have a number of different accusers all making similar accusations – plus males saying they helped squash or ignored previous accusations – well, you have to wonder.

There’s an old saying: if one person says you’re an a-hole, maybe they just don’t like you. But if a bunch of people who don’t know each other all say you’re an a-hole, chances are good you’re an a-hole.

I don’t know if the accusations are true or false with certainty. But there are now a helluva lot of them – from multiple independent sources.


That’s the new tactic. If there is no evidence, multiply the number of claims.

The problem I have with that tactic is that this man is extremely well-known, and celebrities attract both fantasies and money-grubbers. If he were, for example, a psychiatrist in private practice, I’d say the numbers are very suspicious. But he is a world-famous entertainer, moreover, thought to be very wealthy. The man is a target.


There is some merit in that argument.

But on occasion, celebrities do turn out to be monsters. Google Roman Polanski.

That Guy

What’s odd is that Polanski, who fled a trial, is treated as some sort of saint by so many in Hollywood. Many of the same ‘feminists’ love Polanski.


Yeah, I never understood that. Same is true of one each William Jefferson Clinton, too – who as I recall was also accused of sexual impropriety, including assault, by multiple women well after the fact. Yet there was hardly a peep from the “hard-line feminists” about him, either.

That Guy

Feminism is very selective on whose hand it bites. It never seems to be any Democrat’s hand, unless they’re more middle of the road or even (gasp) religious.
Clinton did what feminists have been claiming all evil men do for years, and hey hemmed and hawed while Hillary Clinton and her PR team destroyed those women.

Hack Stone

Well, according to Whoopi Goldberg, Roman Polanski raped the girl, but it wasn’t “rape rape”. So much for their constant crying “Won’t someone think of the children” mantra.


Well according to Google and the Press, at last count there were 15, with one filing a civil suit.

COMPLETELY circumstantial, however, it doesn’t look rosy.

I’d be interested when all is said and done, how many are based on fact and how many are bandwagon chasers with $tar$ in their eyes.

/it gets curiouser and curiouser


Last night I saw several of these alleged rape victims huddled around a table with Gloria Allred doing a press conference. To me, the presence of lawyer Allred casts suspicion on the whole deal. Just sayin’….


What’s with the Navy and the “honorary” things? Maybe the other Services do it too but I’ve never heard of it and I go back to the ’60s.

Will have to get MCPO’s take on this but I’m guessing that you-know-who won’t get anything revoked because for it to be revoked “he” would have to have had it in the first place. I’ve heard that “he” never had it…in more ways than one.

Intel POG

R. Lee Ermey was made an honorary Gunnery Sergeant (E7) by the Marine Corps. He left active duty as a Staff Sergeant (E6). From what I gather he can and does wear the rank and is called “Gunny”. I’ve never met a Marine that had an issue with it.
*clink, clink* My two cents.

Intel POG

Sorry Jonn, I gotta back my cousins in the Navy. I just don’t shower with them. 🙂


You’d probably still be OK – so long as you squatted to pick up your soap if you dropped it . . . . (smile)

Intel POG

I understand the Navy uses liquid soap… It takes longer to pic up. (Old joke, I know)

Former 3364

Lon Chaney Sr. was made an honorary Marine, so was Bob Hope, Chuck Norris and Jim Nabors.


Perhaps the Navy and the other services can revoke Øbola’s title of CiC? Just sayin’, if they’re in the mood for revoking things.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

So, all it takes is allegations to remove an honorary title? Seems a bit premature.

A Proud Infidel®™

All I can say is remember the Duke Lacrosse team!

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Sure, if he is found guilty of even one of the allegations, then burn him at the stake. All I’m saying is, let the process play out before we string him up.


Wasn’t there, have no way of knowing if he did what he is accused of doing, or why, if he did, it took this long for his victims to attempt to cash in. What I do know is that destroying anyone who dares to leave the plantation is common.

Watch your six, Charles Barkley.


Rape is a particularly nasty allegation. Along with the violence and strong versus weak issues, it has moral overtones.

In case of accusations about rape (and all of the other criminal charges) we have a system to determine if an individual is guilty. Until that verdict is pronounced, our system assumes that the accused is just that – accused – and not guilty.

Suppose that someone charged you with a crime, how would you want to be treated?

That is my position – innocent until proven otherwise.

Like above – *clink, clink* my two cents.


Legally, he’s innocent until proven guilty. And, frankly, I’m guessing he’ll never be convicted at a criminal trial. However, civil court and public opinion are different things entirely.

OJ Simpson was “exonerated” of the crime of murder in criminal court. He ended up being held responsible for his wife’s death in a civil proceeding – and her family was granted damages. And I’ll go out on a limb here and say that the majority of people feel Simpson indeed intentionally killed his wife, but managed to “beat the rap” when he was tried for murder through a combination of police/prosecution incompetence and the best lawyers money could buy.


I’d add “celebrity popularity” to that combo myself Hondo.


Eric: I was considering that part of public opinion. But if you’re speaking of the marketability aspect – yep. That’s also quite independent of criminal matters. Just ask Tiger Woods or Roger Clemens – or Google Fatty Arbuckle.


Don’t forget the idea of ‘nullification”, Hondo.


The verdict in OJ Simpson’s criminal trial is generally considered an example of jury nullification.


So they went from politically correct honoring to politically correct punishing.


Department of Defense you so cray.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, three women are seeking 100 million from him. Others are filing civil suits as well. Money, money, and more money will make everything all better. Criminal charges? None. Reminds me of the old joke in which a man says to a woman,”Would you go to bed with me for a million dollars?” She says, “Of course.” He then says, “How about a half million?” and gets the same response. Finally, he says, “How about $20?” She is enraged and shouts, “20 dollars! What the hell do you think I am?” “We’ve already established that,” he calmly replies, “We’re now negotiating price.”

Pinto Nag

While the sheer number of victims coming forward is a red flag, I would feel a lot better about what is happening to Bill Cosby if even one of those women had filed a police report, or had a rape kit done. That’s a horror for a rape victim, but it certainly would go a long way to giving some credence to these accounts.


Same here. I don’t know whether it’s “piling on/gold-digging” or the truth finally coming out.

At this point, neither would shock me.


That’s one issue I have with all of this. I completely understand why an individual woman would decide not to report a sexual assault – the emotional strain, the desire to just forget about it, and a myriad of other reasons. But, there is a certain percentage who will report, no matter how difficult the task may be. But, the fact that not a single one of these accusers reported at the time the incidents allegedly happened, gives me pause. If Cosby really is a serial rapist, given the large number of alleged victims, wouldn’t someone have reported it when it happened?


One would think so, MrBill. That – plus the length of time since many of the accusations – is the main reason I think he’ll never be tried for the crime. It seems to me that making a criminal case would be quite problematic at this point.


To me, it just seems too timely for lib’s to hold any water.
Coming just after the ass whooping they got in the elections, lib’s need something to divert attention from the fact that they are losing on all fronts…
I don’t believe one of them and I always ask how many women Slick Willie raped when I see them come across my Twitter feed.
I get blocked for the most part except for TV and other press affiliations.

Common Sense

It appalls me that the accusers motives are rarely questioned yet the man is always assumed guilty, even years later when nothing can be proven.

When I was in college, I knew plenty of girls who had sex while drunk, then cried rape the next day. Regrets do NOT make it rape. Celebrities are a huge target because the monetary payoff can be huge. There’s already a call for Cosby to set up $100 million fund for “victims”. Extortion by another name.

He’s right to stand up to them, unless they have enough evidence to prove it in court.

I’ve always stressed to my boys not to have sex unless in a committed relationship with a girl they know well. Otherwise, the girl can say anything she wants to and your life will be ruined.

I also taught all of my kids not to drink so much that they didn’t have control over their actions and to always have a buddy at parties.

My dad had the same rules for himself at work. He never met with a woman alone in an office with a closed door, not even his boss.

You need to be even more careful these days where just whistling at woman is construed as sexual harassment and rape epidemics on campus are being created out of whole cloth.


I have a young son and I stress being a gentleman in the presence of any girl, young lady and or women. When he is a bit older, he will have like conversation advanced to match his age.


I got nuthin’!


well, if he were an “honorary” Admiral, they’d take away one star and let him retire with full pay and benefits…


Green Thumb

Damn, I am slow.

Green Thumb

Cosby is over.


2/17 Air Cav

RA_IST. Quick! Fill in the missing letter.

If you went with a c, you are thoroughly indoctrinated. If you went with a p, you need more training. If you said, “Um, ah, um…” before answering, run for office. I want to vote for you.


What does a “B” get me?

2/17 Air Cav

A free dictionary.


A sharp rap on the knuckles by Sister ______)fill in the blank).

2/17 Air Cav

Sister Mary Vicious, R.S.M.


Is her brother named Sid?


Radist: He who believes in the Rad…

So there.


What I don’t get is that if I call Bill Cosby a rapist, I am not a racist.

But if I call Obama an ineffective narcissist, I am a racist?

Doesn’t Bill Cosby’s race provide a shield against all forms of criticism as is the case with Dear Leader? Is the shield only given to those that are half white? Hard core liberal? I lost my decoder ring.


All right, you deck apes! Listen up!

No one has asked the most obvious question, so I will.

Where are the rape test kits?

Rape test kits have been around since the 1970s. Those results have freed people who were jailed, tried and convicted and spent years in the hoosegow.


Oh, and I do not give a crap if someone says he drugged me and raped me and then I was paid off, like Janice Dickinson.

You go to the ER, you get the rape test done, and a blood test for date rape drugs if you think that’s what happened, you file a complaint with the police. Not one of these women did that. I don’t give a crap how many years later this is.

Where’s my back up for my question? The Catholic Church has decades of files of complaints against pedophile/sex predator priests, that’s where.

I will ask again: WHERE ARE THE G.D. EFFING RAPE TEST KITS?????????????

Put up or shut up!!!


All righty then …

Now a word from our sponsors …

Green Thumb


One, I get it.

20, not so much.

And times have changed.

The rise of female empowerment, which I have no issue with, is helping these survivors come forward to seek closure; which, according to many of these cases and history, has been marginalized.

This is more than a SA claim to seek benefits (VA) or a “cut”.

This is real and ongoing.

Good for them.


Understand that I would have no issues if there were any paperwork anywhere at all with formal complaints against him.

There are so many written complaints against Catholic priests that go back to the 1950s, it is illogical to assume that there is no basis for it.

I am also very aware that Cosby had a reputation early on for being randy. I am not defending him.

I’m only saying that if these things happened to these women, they had every chance to follow procedures available to ALL WOMEN to file a complaint against him. We were ALL told in the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, etc. what to do and not one of these women has produced any hard evidence to back up her claim.

You do NOT wait 2 months or 20 years to bring this up. You do it when it happens.

It simply seems like an opportunistic event to me.

Just an Old Dog

“Hard Evidence” …..bwwaaaahaha…
At Cosby age now, I doubt it.

HS Junior

I don’t know. I definitely do have the Tawana Bradley and Duke Lacrosse cases in my mind as I listen to this case. Cosby is rich and he’d definitely be a target for legal shakedowns.

On the other hand, rape/sexual assault allegations against him are not exactly a new phenomenon. Different individuals have been coming forward since 1969, with others in 2000 and 2004: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Cosby#Sexual_assault_allegations (Yes, it’s wikipedia, but I checked, and all the info is cited and well-backstopped. I’m just using it because it’s a convenient overview of all the people and things he’s been accused of).

A number of those women are also models and actresses—high powered, wealthy, and famous professional people or their spouses/partners. In other words, the people who would have the least incentive to risk everything by suing over a bogus rape allegation (though I suppose it is possible).

I dunno. I’m a big believer of innocence until proven guilty, so that’s where I’m standing, but if he’s around, I’m not letting my womenfolk out of sight, that’s for sure.


Janice Dickinson 2006 interview…this is the head scratcher for me since.

2/17 Air Cav

She needs to sue her plastic surgeon. STAT.

B Woodman

I still think Mr Cosby is being “Herman Caine’d”.
Remember when HC was running for Prez in the Republitard primaries? There was a good chance, with his business and conservative background, that he would run rings around BoDaPreezy.
All of a sudden, half-a-dozen women came out of the woodwork and starting flinging sexual harassment accusations. HC knew that he couldn’t take care of the women’s accusations AND run an effective campaign at the same time. So he quit the Presidential run. And just like that,
pooof!, all the women AND their accusations disappeared like smoke back into the woodwork. Gee. I wonder why? (/snark).


I do remember that, the accusations against Caine.

But aside from getting some cash, what would be the point to what is going on now? Cosby’s not running for anything, he’s pretty well through with his careere in comedy, and something about this simply does not add up for me.

Still not defending Cosby, just bringing this up.


Ex-PH2 I agree with EVERY point you have raised. I always ask 2 questions: 1) WHO does it serve and 2) WHAT are they hoping to accomplish.

I don’t know Bill Cosby, nor any of these women. I wasn’t there….BUT seems to me the answer to 1) is each of these ‘accusers’ is getting their 15 minutes of ‘fame’ or infamy, and 2) they see an opportunity to cash in.

I don’t care who they are, I find it beyond belief that apart from not one of them filing police reports – which *could* be believable, perhaps – but not one of them has hard facts corroborated by a friend with whom they shared their trauma….I also have issues whenever Gloria Allred attaches herself to any ’cause’. Never lends credibility to my way of things.

Lastly, I guess Bill Cosby knows it is far too late for him to say “I did not have sex with that woman” since the supposed “first” black president already proved the lie to that one.

It is all quite pathetic from where I sit that THIS topic with THIS man is getting so much msm attention when I consider some of the truly atrocious things done to women around the world..every single day..and the *ahem* empowered feminists stay silent.


Yep. Exactly my thoughts.

We will never know positively one way or the other, unfortunately. No criminal charges will ever be filed, unless they can produce a victim from within the statute of limitations for whatever crime might be contemplated plus some evidence that a crime was committed.

Let’s assume for a moment that he committed crimes with multiple women. What is the point of airing it decades later? Who benefits from it? The point remains that there is no actual evidence that he committed any crimes.

Not that any of us should expect any regard for the rule of law from those who have the most to gain by taking down another rational human being simply because he refuses to accept their version of how an American should behave. It’s almost as if someone somewhere decided to show him just how it feels to be a victim, when he has lived his life otherwise.

B Woodman

Yes, you’re right. Quo bono (who benefits)? We may not know for quite awhile, until after the dust settles.
I have a feeling it’s the next “step” in the evolution of the “Herman Caine Procedure”, practice making perfect for another trick in the Libtards bag of political treats.
But still, that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.
It feels more “right” than anything else at the moment.


Remember it very well…I was a volunteer for the Herminator. When shit hit the fan, none of the volunteers bought one red cent of it. When Herman decided to bag it, a whole lot of people took it very hard, too. Still talk to him once in a blue moon. He’s back on WSB radio again, giving lefties crap. hehehe!

A Proud Infidel®™

Or “Clarence Thomased”.


Does anyone here find it just the least bit strange that the last one suing him claims she was drugged and raped by Cosby at the Playboy Mansion?



I’m pretty sure that a person has to be at least 18 to visit the Playboy Mansion since the mid seventies. Also, why did her parents let her go to the Playboy Mansion at 15?


I’m pretty sure that a person has to be at least 18 to visit the Playboy Mansion . . . .

Unless you look a bit older than actual age and have a good fake ID saying you’re 19, maybe.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Not at all, one of the dirty secrets of the glitterati in Hollywood is that children are allowed to be in all kinds of places that they are not legally allowed under normal circumstances. Nobody checked ID at the Playboy mansion years ago, somebody said they were 19 they were let in. Especially a good looking female.

No fake ID needed, just a lie and she would have been allowed in as the esteemed Mr. Cosby’s travel companion.

Why does anyone think it would be normal for honorable Mr. Cosby to be so interested in the careers of so many young women? He was supposed to be this doting family man who loved his wife and kids but he spent all his leisure time trying to fuck young women who were not his wife.

Fuck Cosby, that jello pudding hawking motherfucker, hope he rots in hell with all the other fucking reprobates on the left coast who think they’re above the law because of our celebrity worshipping asshole filled society.


Hear, Hear!!

The Other Whitey

Whatever happened to “Innocent Until Proven Guilty In a Court of Law?” Something tells me that if it was, say for instance, Jamie Foxx, no such preemptive action would have been taken.

OSC(SW) Retired

/pedantry hat donned – –

honorable Chief != honorary Chief

Honorable Chief Petty Officer is a respectful form of address used by slugs to address genuine Chief Petty Officers. Honorary Chief Petty Officer is a a symptom of the MCPON’s sycophancy. Some hCPO titles that have been conferred are deserved, but others are just garbage.


Gloria Allred is another carpetbagger with a JD degree. She smells publicity and money and TV face time and goes for it like a hog smelling truffles.

The minute she showed up, my suspicions went up ten notches. There are conflicts, like Janice Dickinson’s appearance on Howard Sterm: she has now changed her story about what happened. There is no hard physical evidence, meaning rape test kits, drug tests, written complaints – nothing. Not even hearsay, which is one form of evidence. The guy who said he paid off some women? Show me the copies of the cancelled checks.

It looks to me more like a bunch of hyenas going after what they see as the weakest one in the herd with the idea that they’ll get a big chunk of that wildebeest, and not much else.

And how come this comes right on the heels of the Ferguson protests, which were so damaging? Was Cosby just not radical enough for these anarchist gangbangers who want to set my town on fire?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Fuck Cosby….piece of shit turd getting away with molestation because he was a “respected” actor and comedian…when does a 40 year old man “tutor” a 20 year old woman? Really?

I’m supposed to believe this jerkoff when he says he was helping their careers?

FFS some 40 year old guy starts hanging around your daughter telling you he’s going to help her career and you should take him out back for a fucking tune-up, not send your daughter over for dinner and drinks like some fucking pimp.

Cosby’s story sucks and so does that old rat bastard.

This is exactly what comes of worshipping celebrities as some sort of gods….

Idolatry leads to un-prosecuted and un-convicted crimes whether rape or murder or a multitude of other sins with celebrity men and women who think they can (and often do) get away with just about anything they want…

A society of idolators along with all the liars and here we are. Believing a shitty rat bastard comic because he was famous and determining that dozens of women with eerily similar encounters with a creepy old dude must all be fucking liars and gold diggers…

The end of this planet and our species can’t come soon enough.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This explains all those Playboy After Dark series with Cosby creepily hanging around in the background of every single episode…devoted family man my ass…

Karma is a harsh mistress Mr. Cosby sadly your debt has been born by others in your stead.


As usual, The Duffel Blog is on it:


“WALTER REED NATIONAL MEDICAL CENTER — Honorary Chief Petty Officer William Cosby was called before an honorary Captain’s Mast Thursday at the Navy’s Medical Command in Bethesda where he was busted down to Honorary E-1, sources told Duffel Blog.

Read more: http://www.duffelblog.com/2014/12/bill-cosby-navy-chief/#ixzz3L37NPyrs

Semper Idem

Am I the only one who is eerily reminded of the ‘molestation mania’ of the 1980s? I strongly suspect that Bill Cosby may very well prove to be the 21st century’s version of Ray Buckey or Steve Pagones.

Face it, Dr Cosby’s message of personal responsibility is gonna ring mighty hollow with the victim crowd. This, especially when we consider that he was born and raised in the Jim Crow era, which precludes to-day’s victim crowd from using the race card to explain why they can’t get off their butts and take responsibility for themselves.

TL;DR version: Dr Cosby could be another Jerry Sandusky or another Steve Pagones. Only when the facts come out will we know for sure.


True – but there’s a key difference between the two cases (Buckley Preschool and Cosby).

In the Buckley Preschool case, you had investigators with an agenda interviewing impressionable children, asking leading questions, and interpreting the results to fit their agenda. Here, you have adults coming forward – possibly with an agenda, but still adults. Harder to skew the results in the latter case IMO.

You are correct in stating that either could be the truth. Unfortunately, in this case I’m guessing we’ll never see a criminal trial. That would give us the best chance to find out the truth.


To EX-PH2 and the others asking why these weren’t reported at the time, I think there is an excellent explanation for this. Cosby chose his victims well.

It certainly shouldn’t be a revelation to anybody that in Hollywood, there are ten thousand actors for every desirable job (at least.) And that in turn means that those who are powerful in the industry can get away with a hell of a lot (see also, multiple reports of molestation/out right rape of child actors reported by many, many former child actors.)

Because in Hollywood you’re lucky if you get one shot. Make waves, accuse a powerful person of doing something horrible (even if true) and you can kiss your career goodbye.

The “casting couch” wasn’t invented recently, and I’ll bet my next paycheck that the most frequently heard question anytime a young ingénue is being interviewed for a desirable job is “honey, just how badly do you want this part?”

Obviously the casting-couch scenario is not rape (unless the would-be actor/actress is underage) but it’s bad behavior by anyone’s reckoning, and people who get away with one kind of bad behavior often think they can get away with other kinds.

Ex, I completely agree with you that the mere presence of Gloria Allred sets off my BS detector, and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the accusations are spurious. But as others have said, Cosby has had a certain “reputation” over the years and a reputation like that seldom lasts for long if it doesn’t bear some underlying element of truth. 😉


Yeah, I know about how seamy Hollywood the Industry really is. That really wasn’t ever a ‘best kept secret’, starting with the day that motion pictures could be shot and distributed.

I’m just saying there are some serious flags raised here, Allred being one of them and Dickinson’s episode on Stern’s radio show another.

It’s like I said, I’m not defending Cosby, but I don’t like witch hunts, which is what I see going on here. Theres was something on MSN this morning about 12 more accusers. How many more people are going to come crawling out of the woodwork over this?

This is why I said I want to see physical evidence, even if it’s just a copies of those payoff checks.


How many more? Well, the accusations go back to the 1960s – or around 45-50 years. For arguments sake, at a HYPOTHETICAL rate of 1 incident per 3 months, worst-case we could be looking at between 180 and 200 total.

I’m NOT saying that this is what actually happened. But, hypothetically speaking – if it did, 30 individuals coming forward so far is plausible. Hell, it’s even plausible at a rate of 1 or 2 incidents per year.


Ex, the other thing about rape kits is that they don’t “prove” anything other than whether or not two people had sex. Even if one of the accusers had come forward when this happened, Cosby could still have answered a positive rape kit by stating that the sex was consensual and unless there is evidence to the contrary, how do you prove it wasn’t?

Even the presence of so-called “date rape” drugs in the victim’s blood is not dispositive because some of these ‘date rape drugs’ are deliberately taken recreationally (including the “original date rape drug”: alcohol. 😉 )

Now, on the flip side, I am a little troubled by the fact that not ONE of Cosby’s purported victims seems to have gone to the police at the time of the alleged assault.

If Cosby truly was some kind of serial rapist, and his victims numbered in the dozens, at least, is it plausible that he was so lucky that there wasn’t at least one woman who would report it at the time? Just one?


One would think that at least one would have made a complaint at the time, martinjmpr. But rape and sexual assault is reputedly a hugely under-reported crime under normal circumstances. And most rape/sexual assault victims don’t have the motive to keep quiet (trying to get into “the business”, where – as you pointed out above – making such an accusation against a beloved, powerful figure would have been career-ending even if true) that most if not all of Cosby’s accusers did.

Bottom line: I dunno. And, unfortunately, I suspect we never will know definitively.


Martinjmpr, you’re echoing my thoughts on this. As Hondo has indicated, the number could be over 100.

I’m disturbed that not one of these claimants filed a written complaint, which is what the victims of pedophile/predator priests did when it happened to them.

The fact that the Catholic Church buried it until it was finally unable to hide it any more was what made it such a big deal. But there was paperwork to back up those claims, which are being resolved.

In this case, despite some gofer’s assertion that he paid off some of the alleged victims, there has not been one single piece of documentation including cancelled checks to support those claims of sexual assault. I also find it curious that Dickinson appeared on Howard Stern’s show in 2006, claimed she had sex with Cosby and that he preyed on women, but has now changed her story to rape.

‘Preyed’ is consistent with other people’s current statements. If Cosby is a sexual predator, then give us consistent statements and don’t change your story to fit the current needs of the media.

What Dickinson said in 2006 contradicts what she says now. That’s my point.

No, I don’t think we’ll see any kind of trial and it won’t be because of Cosby’s age. There is a retired state senator now facing felony prison time, despite his age, for serious predator charges.

2/17 Air Cav

Then comes this to remind us not to hang Cosby just yet:

“We have a problem, and we are going to get after it,” said President Teresa A. Sullivan, president of the University of VA. “Sullivan said she was wearing a bracelet that was given to her last week by a rape survivor.” WaPo Nov 25 or 26 2014

She was responding to a horrific story, published by Rolling Stone, the progressive doper’s periodical, detailing a gang rape that occurred on campus. And Virginia legislators have been falling all over themselves to contrive meaningful legislation in response to the terrible crime. One thing, though: The rape? What rape? Oopsies. Can you say Tawana Brawley? How about Duke lacrosse? Not again! Yes, again.