Franck Gervais charged

| November 21, 2014

Franck Gervais1

There’s not much that I envy Canadians for, but their Stolen Valor laws rock me. According to BBC, Franck Gervais, the Walting Canuck who chose to parade himself around in his clown suit at the national War Memorial in Ottawa, just days after a real soldier was murdered there by a jihadist has been charged;

Ottawa’s police department have now charged Mr Gervais with four counts, including falsely representing himself as a public officer and unlawful use of military decorations, but he could face even more charges, the CTV News website reports. “There are a lot of military and officers nationally that are very unimpressed with his actions that day,” says police spokesman Chuck Benoit.

The article doesn’t mention what his sentence might be in this instance, but the fact that they frog-marched his ass beats the shit out of what LEOs could do here.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Guard Bum

One of the likely charges is wearing a gay beard in uniform. I think they ought to enlist him for a few years and station him up on one of the White Alice sites even if its deactivated…make him remove all the rust with Duraglit or something,


Guard Bum…Spew alert please. “Gay Beard in uniform”…rocked my morning!


I’m glad they can actually do something to stop that. It’s unfortunate that the process here takes a different route, but our method works (most of the time).


Ex, I wrote to my MN. house representative asking him to introduce a SV bill similar to the one in S.C.
He thought it was a great idea.
I’d encourage everyone to write to their reps and senators in their state to do the same.


mike macdonald

I’m from MN also and not familiar with SC law, could you send it to me?


I wonder if his penchant for impersonation is just the tip of the iceberg. That seems to be the case for the majority of these scumbags.


Well done Canada!!!

2/17 Air Cav

I am not going to mention his terribly gay beard again. I did so twice all ready so there is no need for me to mention his terribly gay beard again. So I won’t. Promise.


So …. is it a terribly gay beard or not?


Ask the expert.

/couldn’t help it. 😀 😀 😀

Green Thumb

I wonder if Lori defended him?


Oh dear Lord almighty…
I have to run down to Wally World and get a gallon of eye bleach after making the jump…
Some things just cannot be unseen…
Proceed at your own risk…


“There’s not much that I envy Canadians for”

Well…there is this:


Probably the only thing I envy about the cunucks is they don’t let this dishonorable shit slide. Good for them go after these scumfuck bag nasties.