“Belligerent” knife-wielding man at Groton submarine base

| November 14, 2014

Richard sends us a link to a story about a “belligerent” knife-wielding man at the Groton submarine base last night. One guard was stabbed in the leg and another was caught in the cross-fire when they responded to the intrusion by Belligerent Guy.

According to the Navy, a “non-compliant” man brought a knife to the main gate on Crystal Lake Road around 7 p.m. and attacked an officer, who “perceived a threat” and started shooting.

That officer suffered a stab wound to the leg and the other officer, who was caught in a spray of bullets, were taken to the hospital to be treated for non-life threatening injuries. They were released around 10:30 p.m., according to the Navy.

Belligerent Guy went to the hospital, too, even though he wasn’t injured and he’s in the custody of NCIS. I’m guessing that Special Agent Gibbs is slapping the shit out of the back of Belligerent Guy’s head as we speak. Fox News said in their broadcast of the news says that it’s not being considered a terrorist act, but who knows what a terrorist act is these days.

Category: Navy

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The guard just wanted to shoot his buddy in the vest to let him know somebody was trying to stab him. Like a friendly ballistic tap on the shoulder.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, we’ll probably never get the details but this story is screwy. If I’m on duty and you approach, I damn well better see your hands. If I can’t see them, I ask you nicely to take your hand or handss from your pocket. If you are non-compliant, it’s safety off and establish or maintain at least 25 feet from you. I then tell you to stop and, if you don’t, I am prepared to shoot you. If you brandish a weapon, edged or otherwise, I shoot you. That is all.


2/17 Air Cav…That’s by my book!

Club Manager

Used to guard nuc loaded B-66’s in England. Had a red circle around the aircraft and 25 feet further there was a yellow circle. Needed a password to cross the yellow and if you made it to the red without being verified we could shoot. Had a smart ass pilot cross the yellow ignoring my challenge and when he got close to the red I jacked a round into my M1A1 semi auto carbine with the 30 round clip. He stopped and said “airman, did you arm your weapon” and I replied yes sir now you either provide the password or I will shoot you. He gave the password, stormed off to find the senior NCO and a couple of days later I got a three day pass. That was the only incident in 3 years of ramp duty.


“Perceived a threat?” If you attack me my spidey senses don’t have to be very sharp to perceive that threat.

Something doesn’t make a whole lot of sense on this one. I’m curious to see what the entire story is from all sides. When you have three people, two firearms and one knife there should be a lot more damage than a stab to the leg.


Somebody needs some range time…
The “Belligerent” individual was not even wounded but the other officer was ???
Either range time or the old wastepaper basket over his head trick like our First Sergeant did to several people before he left for the lower 48…


That reads like NBC got a copy of the report the shooter filed. And the shooter apparently writes like he was told in a class on how to properly report a discharge of your firearm. Or, his superior dictated what he was supposed to write.


Thank God no one was seriously hurt.

Not to make light of the situation, but I’ve been stationed in “Rotten Groton” and if the USN sent me back there, I’d be tempted to brandish a knife a few times myself!

Bubblehead Ray

The one Base cop must be bucking for a job with the NYPD with those shooting skills.


When I first read it, my reaction was, “somebody must have learned their gun handling skills from the Don Knots at the widely acclaimed Barney Fife School for Tactical Shooting”.

The nominal bad guy has a knife, guard one gets stabbed then guard two shoots him. I wonder if the bad guy fell down laughing. I wonder what guard one said to guard two.

Upon reflection it just sounds like lots of other “first reports” – somewhere between “not quite right” and “fantastic!” It will probably turn out to be an ordinary charlie foxtrot sexed up with some bad shooting and poor journalism. At least nobody died.

Mike W

“Guards” make sure that children cross the street safely. Any LEO (police, corrections) are officers.

Thank you

CC Senor

The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight Part 2. So much for the adage about not bringing a knife to a gunfight.


If he isn’t a white Republican NRA member, he won’t be labeled as a terrorist.


Another embarrassing story regarding incompetent security in our country.