Bernath and Company, Innocence does not matter

| November 7, 2014

I have several Emails from Bernath and Dallas. I have not posted any of them to date. That is until now.

Earlier today there was an email sent by one of our own expressing concern that the Trifecta of Stupid is still going after innocent people.

I have lost sleep over this matter. The last thing I want is for anyone not involved to get harassed or defamed for something they had no part of or no knowledge of.   This is the reason that I and other have not tried to hide our real names.  All anyone has to do is read the court transcript that Jonn posted today to see that Bernath does not care if he harms those not involved.   He thinks that he can make a false accusation and its up to the accused to prove him wrong.  He and his cohorts make up lies and knowingly drag those not involved into this crap.  My proof of this is below.


Fw: So, where do you want your domicile Sheriff Process Server “to serve you”..? Place & Time..?
May 15, 2014 6:17 AM
SSS, Cell Tower and tracking division

We have uncovered many visits to our news publication This Ain’t Hell (Pew!) from an IP address in Raleigh NC.  Of course, with modern technology, powered by our comrades in the running circles in their cages, we can give you the exact location of that IP address.
SSS, IT Department, Cell Tower and tracking division

On Thursday, May 15, 2014 7:10 AM, Dallas Wittgenfeld <> wrote:
Dear Wesley Wilson of the Tiger Communications Llc.,
You have been shucking and jiving around the country for a few weeks now.  So where do you actually want to be legally process served by your local Sheriff..?  Do not run away.  Do not lie.
So far the only person getting tagged with legal process is your innocent partner, who is not guilty, except for hiring you.  You can not use a community college p.o. box as an authentic business address for the North Carolina Department of the State when you actually live and work out of South Carolina,  9 hours away.  You have your own somewhere, right..?
You, Lilyea & Seavey like to play “secret squirrels” hide and seek, huh..
Time & Place, please.   Or do you want me calling all around you… till I find/contact you..?
Vietnam War Airborne Ranger Dallas Wittgenfeld


I highlighted the part where they admit that they are knowing hurting innocent people.

I was never served. I did provide an address for him to serve me at. I contact the local sheriff’s dept every week and even made arrangements  for the attorney in Oregon to accept papers for me.

May 09, 2014 3:53 PM
I am under orders from the Multnomah Presiding Judge to meet and confer with you as a defendant from time to time. Until you hire an attorney at law I will contact you regarding the lawsuit Bernath v. Enigma4you aka dba Wesley Wilson.
If you disapprove then you can request a restraining order from a judge but it is doubtful that you as a defendant will get one.
I am also suing you for making a false statement to the police.  That is another intentional infliction of emotion distress.
So, you threatened to kill me.
You made a false report to a police officer who then contacted me.
You’ve had a busy day.
Daniel A. Bernath
Chief Petty Officer
Here he is claiming to be a Chief, notice he dropped the honorary?  He is also claiming to have been directed by the Courts, well they didn’t.  More lies.

Category: Bernath

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Hack Stone

A free bit of advice to the Honorary Glider Pilot; Aviation fuel goes into the aircraft, it is not to be huffed.

That Guy

I think I love you. Not in a gay way, mind.


Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Hack Stone

Don’t worry, the President said that it is okay.


Yeah, but he also said if you like your doctor you can keep them.


Irrespective of all his other proven lies and unethical behavior, or combined with them, one would think that the last email would be of particular interest to the California Bar in terms of fitness to maintain an active law license.


LRRPMAN has gone full Derpman!
We can only hope he forgets his parachute the next time he glides with our favorite short bus commando and fake CPO.

Green Thumb



Catheter sucking bedwetters, too!

A Proud Infidel®™

And booger-eaters as well!

Robot Wrangler

Crazier than a pair of road lizards….

A Proud Infidel®™

One of these days it will all implode on them, I just hope to hear the details and laugh my ass off at them!!


This dude is one hell of a loser..
Calls himself “Lawyer” all the other lawyers in the world call themselves attorney’s.
Less snakebit sounding I guess.
It certainly does take all kinds doesn’t it. I feel badly for all of you at TAH, you didn’t ask for this crap out of this pile of Bantha Poo Doo…


At some point I was named in the suit with Jonn, HSSophomore (now junior,) et al. I have absolutely zero clue if I’m still considered part of the suit or if my name has been dropped. I was named as “Gravel” and he has no idea of my real name or where I live, so I have never been served.

If Jonn or TSO were ordered by the judge to give up my name I’d certainly be happy to send a letter to the judge with my pertinent contact information. Until then, Bernath, GFY.

A Proud Infidel®™

Bernath has accused at least three if not four different men of being me, and he’s been wrong each time. The last time I looked at his webpage of IQ-depleting idiocy he was accusing two men of being me at the same time, but what other than blithering idiocy has ever come from from Daniel A. Bernath and/or Dallas Wittgenfeld?


I just noticed on the lawsuit filing where he names me … I think he thinks I’m at some college prep school.


You’d think that the States Attorney in the relevant states would be interested in crushing the shit out of these numbnuts for abusing their courts in such a constant and malicious manner.

There’s already enough abuse and undermining of the rule of law going on. You’d think actual professional officers of the court would be interested in retaining what shreds of faith and confidence in their profession as still remains.


Kinda what I was thinking. At what point does this cross over into frivolous lawsuit, malicious prosecution stuff?


I feel more stupiderer just from rerading the emails.


And for a knuckle-dragging snipe, that takes some SERIOUS doing…



I read a charming phrase on a motorcycle site I frequent. Seems appropriate here, “Nuttier than squirrel shit.”


Do you really want to know how stupid these people are?

They’re so stupid, they have to check the mirror to prove to themselves that they exist.

The squirrels in the tree outside my window are smarter than these marones.


They’re so stupid, they’ll spend hours demanding that the person in the mirror quit mimicking them. :mrgreen:

Hack Stone

How can you get any sleep with the screams of all of those flaming squirrels in the trees outside of your house? ( That is a nod to The Stunning Agency, in case you don’t recall).


How could anyone forget The Stunning Agency?

JarHead Pat

I thought dilly dallas joined up to fight isis/isil or the Vietcong, didn’t he jump behind isil lines dressed as a huge fucking douche clown lololol. the stupid leading the uber retarded stupid.

Green Thumb

He jumped up to fight the War on Pedophilia.

Green Thumb

And is probably rolling around with Terry Sallada in his ice cream truck spreading the word that pedophiles are cool and not a threat.


Just an Old Dog

Pieces of shit like Bernath, unless declared mentally incompetent, will always be able to file frivolious lawsuits.
It’s just one of the perks of being an American. Now matter how destitute you are, if you can file the proper papers the legal system will address it. Prison inmates are the worst and there is one ex-con Jonathan Riches who makes Birdshit look like a piker by comparison. He has filed over 2,600 lawsuits. The only way they have restricted him is by saying he can not file in forma pauperis.


Bernath and Dallas are proof that life in the modern world is far too easy if this is how they have to occupy their lives.

And FWIW, DullASS, I’m here. The cops around here are notorious for taking their sweet time to responding to 911 calls. That could be bad for you, were you stupid enough to ever actually sober up long enough to drive up here and actually try to carry out any of the threats you’ve communicated to me and many of the other posters here.

Your move, ExLax.

B Woodman

Please. Somebody. Anybody. Inject these “nattering nabobs of negitivism” with something (botulus?) that will translate their mental paralysis into a physical paralysis. Then they can do nothing all day while sitting in the sun in their wheelchairs, and enjoy it.


I’m not too far from Raleigh. He can run his fat, stupid ass down here and serve me in person if he has the balls to do it. It will liven up the week for me.


Kinda old ET1



Remember – designated driver and bail money!


shure. rogerwilcooverandout.

Raleigh? Wait a minute here. Isn’t that me?

No, maybe we are all Raleigh. Or something.

Barkeep? ‘Nother one here, and one for my brother Raleigh. And my other brother Raleigh.

Delilah T.

Is it appropriate to say these lackwits are so desperate to be in the spotlight that they are being shoved off to the side as irrelevant?

And for not the last time, bernitwit, I’m NOT Michelle Malkin. Do you think she would post anything online under a pseudonym?