Comedy of errors

| November 6, 2014

The last two days have provided lots of comedy in regards to the election results Tuesday night. In 1994, when the Republicans took the House and Senate from the Democrats for the first time in a half-century, President Clinton announced that the end of big government had arrived. President Obama loses the Senate and he announces that the end of elections has arrived – he claimed that the people who didn’t show up to vote wield more weight in his decision process than those who did let their voices known.

The LA Times is having trouble deciding what the elections results meant;

So this year’s GOP surge was more than a ripple, but not quite a tsunami. And that makes it a little harder to understand exactly what voters were trying to say.

The President’s advisers tell the media at every opportunity that if only more Democrats had allowed the President to campaign for them, more of them would have won their contests. You know, despite evidence to the contrary. The New Republic says that nothing was repudiated in the election, only that the Democrats fielded bad candidates.

Democratic Underground members are on suicide watch. One resident of Massachusetts threatened to leave that recently reddened state and move to Vermont to be close to Communist Senator Bernie Sanders. And, oh, yeah, the liberals are over there complaining that Obama is too conservative for their tastes. If he was more liberal, he wouldn’t have lost the Senate.

Barely 18-year-old conservative Saira Blair won her seat in the West Virginia House of Delegates from her WVU dorm room and the libs lost their stupid minds.

So look, if you think anything will change in the way this country is run as a result of this election, I’d like to disabuse you of that notion. We don’t have a leader in the White House, we have an ideologue who is deaf and blind to the morass that he and his staff have created. That’s the way the liberals like him. Only more so.

Category: Politics

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Semper Idem

Historically speaking, whichever political party holds the White House tends to lose big in the Congressional election that takes place halfway through the President’s second term. So the GOP taking over Congress does not surprise me.

I just hope it’s not too late to undo a lot of damage caused by the 0bummer administration.


Denial: not just a river in NE Africa.

That Guy

So, I have a question:
Does anyone have confirmation of the ‘SEAL who shot bin Laden”s claims? He said he saved Luttrell, but I thought that was Rangers…

The Other Whitey

I take it we’re not talking about the Rob Riggle skit?

Pinto Nag

If the one flapping his yap now is the one who actually cooled OBL down to room temp., I can “confirm” he’s one stupid sumbitch. And the one currently named is from Montana, according to an article on MSN. What IS it with Montanans lately? Every bit of goddam sense, right out the window. *eyeroll*


Well, at least that one isn’t suing his previous legal team for giving him “bad advice that tarnished his reputation, cost him his security clearance and caused him to surrender much of the book’s income to the government.”

Pinto Nag

He probably thought it would be easier to get forgiveness than permission. Hell, even Tom Clancy lets the government vet his books before they’re published! (that was meant to be mildly sarcastic, in case it wasn’t obvious.)


With Hollywood pretty much getting a step by step look at every detail of the operation so they could make “Zero Dark Thirty” I say that the DoD being mad at him is fairly silly.

I don’t agree with him or the ZDT peeps making it a public awareness campaign, but at the same time he’s getting in trouble for presenting the same info in a book.

Caveat, neither talked about the secret teleporter machine under the white house that Obama used to get to Asadabad to shoot Bin Laden himself, so at least there are some secrets.


No argument in principle, Eric. But there is this pesky little detail that Bissonnette signed a written Classified non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

In signing that document, among other things he agreed to (1) not divulge classified info; (2) request clarification/guidance regarding the publication of any info for which he did not positively know its classification status; and (3) agreed that the Govt would get the proceeds from any of his later works that made unauthorized disclosures of classified info. Plus, the NDA reminds you that it’s a violation of Federal law to divulge classified info w/o authority and that you can go to freaking jail for doing so.

The language of the NDA is quite clear, and only a fool needs a lawyer to understand it. I have zero sympathy for Bissonnette for losing the proceeds from his book. Sign on the dotted line, live up to what you agreed when you signed. IMO he’s actually rather lucky he didn’t end up in court facing criminal charges.

The fact that others apparently got away with the same misconduct in a different setting (briefings to Hollywood) is irrelevant and doesn’t alter the fact that Bissonnette forked-up bigtime by not submitting his book for prepub review.


If amnesty gets passed by executive order, can the new congress de-fund or block it?


Block by defunding.


Rather difficult to defund an order to NOT do something. Here’s hoping that a way is found to make it happen.


There’s a lot of things that can be defunded if he goes that route.

White House budget
Air Force One budget

Just two as examples.

Farflung Wanderer

I wouldn’t mind just cutting off all of his funds. See if he can go to Martha’s Vineyard then…


The next POTUS can repeal all of the “illegal” citizenships. BUT I doubt that will EVER happen.

Whoever the next POTUS is, he/she will not accept the appearance of what that will look like. IMHO.


I don’t think the next President could. That would be making illegal what was previously legal – the definition of an ex post facto law. Such laws are prohibited by the Constitution.


I’m going by wha judge Andrew Napolotono (sp?) Said.


I like how the Democrats and the left leaning media are trying to determine what sort of mandate the Republicans taking back the senate means. Example; Senator Harry Reid claiming that this means the voters want the Republicans and Democrats to work together.

Pretty damned sure it’s up to the Republicans and not Democrats to decide what it means. We cannot allow the left to define the next two years and the course of action that must be taken. After several years of Senator Reid blocking bi-partisan legilation, compromise, and ramming crap down our throats I am not about to sit around the campfire singing Kumbaya with him.


Edit: legislation

Pinto Nag

Until we get the media to be honest about us (I’m not holding my breath), we will continue to be obstructed, maligned, negated, and lied about at every turn, regardless of what we actually try to do.

Top W Kone

Some of the complaint that the Dems ran bad candidates is true. Here in Louisville KY, a bastion of democrats, Grimes got 14,000 fewer votes than the Democratic candidate for Congress!

She sucked so bad that people who vote democratic skipped or voted against her.


Top, the Democrat power structure was convinced that Grimes, young, female and photogenic, was the perfect candidate to beat McConnell. They hand picked their candidates and for them now to blame those candidates is just more liberal dishonesty.

Besides we all know that the real reason they lost, according to Nancy Pelosi, was rampant voter suppression by our side. You know, like all the voting sites being encircled by heavily-armed, hooded and robed Klan members, with vicious police dogs and burning crosses in all the surrounding parking areas.

Wasn’t it like that where you voted?


Sure was.

The worst part was the prejudiced, gun-toting, Christian, conservative, loon, White Supremacist senior citizen little old lady that handed my ballot to me.

I just knew there was something about the way she used that walker that said she was a bigot and was only going to let other prejudiced, gun-toting, Christian, conservative, loon, White Supremacists vote.

Just kidding. But at 43 YO, I was the youngest person by at least 25 years that was there at that time


The jokes continue for the election and the climate deniers still sure that they are the only ones worthy of the fawning of the electorate !!!
This wasn’t a tsunami, not even a landslide… It was a 20 megaton thermonuclear warhead in the halls of the unions, lib’s and media in general….
This thing was huge, all the down ballot things and the fact that 99% of all gun control measures were tossed would tell anyone not smoking their breakfast that they need to change their ways.
Wisconsin was a complete blowout as was Texas, where I now live.
Wendy Davis and Mary Burke were both publicly spanked with their little girl panties down around their ankles…
This really was something….
Truly historic and it has nothing to do with the 6’Th year of ovomit’s term.
This was a complete GFY to every liberal in the US !!!
Juan Williams weas the funniest I saw on Tuesday when he tried to tell all of us that it was only an anti-incumbent election…
If that was the case then why did only 2 GOP’ers lose their seats ???
Denial, the longest river in the world !!!


Down in our part of Texas, we had Sam Houston and Daniel Boone on the ballot. Neither won but if Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett show up in the next election running for Gov & LtGov, Abbott better look out.


I think that the overarching issue still remains that far too many people in this country vote for a “Party” and not for a “Candidate”.

Thousands of people voted for that gold-digging, family abandoning, scumbag Wendy Davis who made fun of her opponent’s disability and even tried to hint he was racist when he’s got a Hispanic wife. Why did they vote for her:

“I’m a democrat, I’ve voted democrat my entire life and I will until I die.” (Though in some places they will vote democrat for years AFTER they die, but I digress.)

Granted, in this race there were plenty of people who did vote for republicans that previously would have voted democrat, which is a start.

A Proud Infidel®™

I just hope that the left stays on its current track. That ought to insure further spankings at the polls, and the GOP sure could use some real leadership, Rove and Company need to be replaced!!


“he claimed that the people who didn’t show up to vote wield more weight in his decision process than those who did let their voices known.”

Translation: “I intend to keep doing what I’ve been doing which has been pretty much nothing. I never had a mandate. I just went along with the DNC’s deal that I’d get to be the first black President in history and on their flip side, I promised to do whatever they told me to do. That’s what I’ve been doing. The people who voted to turn the government upside down Tuesday, mean nothing to me. The ones who do are still the same. Welfare folks, illegal aliens, yes all those too damned lazy to get out and vote Democrat! But I want to assure those voiceless Americans that I am still on their side and I will fight this Congress at every turn! I will not let their unheard voices go unheard from my chair. You folks who thought you were making a difference in changing the Senate, no way. I never listened to you ass holes before and I ain’t starting now! I still have the powerful Pen of the Executive Order and then there’s always the veto. So come and get me if you can.”

Ass Hole Extraordinaire!!!


Addendum” “And where the HELL are my golf clubs?”

The Other Whitey

True. Also, for all the big deal they made of the “first black president,” they couldn’t even, you know, run an actual black guy!


Mayor of Detroit, 2012: We voted for you, Mr. Obama! Where’s the bacon?

City of Detoir, 2014: We’re filing for bankrupt status.


‘Detoir’ s/b ‘Detroit’.

Durn fat fingers typing,although I do kind of like ‘detoir’. It’s kind of like ‘debris’ or ‘desespoir’.


Ex-PH2, actually detoir works just fine as it brings up visions of an abattoir, which is a very apt image.


Detoir; a Detour around Detroit … because, really, who the hell wants to drive through it?


Who wants to drive through Detroit? Anyone who likes dodging gunfire, rocks, bottles and the occasional dead body in the road. Come to think of it, the Army could make Detroit a training center for truck drivers and gunners.


I think it would be a perfect training ground for the A-10s that McCain says he’ll fight to keep.

They can just do a strafe there, fly to Chicago, strafe there, fly back to Detroit, strafe, and so on. Think of how much better parts of detroit and chicago look after a few days of training…


Is ‘detoir’ something that could be applied to undesirable characters, such as those that inhabit the Lemon Party triad?

For example, detritus is what sticks around after a disaster, and some can be recovered and reused. But could ‘detoir’ be the part of detritus that nobody wants?



Detoir is close. I thin Detour is probably close though.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ain’t Detoir the name of a town in Sweaden?


May I suggest “Detroilet”? After all, it is a shithole.


Yep, that’s the one I am voting for !!!
Detroilet !!!

Zero Ponsdorf

Regarding Miss Blair: The geezer part of me was kinda saddened that such an apparently well meaning young lady is gonna be immersed in what is arguably, at least, as foul as pornography or drugs – politics.

I DO wish her well… but can’t help myself.


Someone posted this as their new facebook profile photo.

NOW I understand where the phrase I used to hear the drill instructors used to tell many of the troops that they would “break it off in their ass”…

comment image?oh=3e28d7b9c2960957342a14bc50dd6de7&oe=54DF1F39&__gda__=1425120339_8e918e3178600c6ce0c7cf283483dced

Pinto Nag


Jokes on them. Ammunition lasts a heck of a lot longer than birth control pills do.

And after the way the progressives have been acting lately, they’re lucky the Republicans don’t mandate birth control into their drinking water.


My wife asked me, “what are going to do with all that ammo?”

My answer was brief, “use some of it, save most of it and pass the rest on to my son”.

She continued, “and the guns?”

I replied, “pretty much the same thing as the ammo, however everytime I hear of concerns over gun controls, I will buy more guns and more ammo … such purchases will forever secure my right to keep and bear arms”.

That is all.


It always amazes me how the far left/right nut jobs say “since (fill in name) has been elected he/she is going to take away your right to (fill in right or supposed right)” as if one person or one group can simply say “make it so.” and it will happen. I remember my parents saying that a lot of their friends thought the Pope was going to rule the US when JFK was elected.


Me too.


The joke really IS on them. I would gladly pay for birth control for any liberal who cannot afford it themselves. Just think – we could float some late night commercials, have sponsors, maybe even send pics of the lefty whose birth control you are supplying!

But wait! There’s more!!

Free castrations? Free tubal whatevers? But no more paying for children or STDs. You catch something, you pay for it.

For the next 47 million callers, you get three for the price of one.


Maybe use Sally Struthers as the spokesperson? Hell, looking and listening to her is kind of like birth control….of you’re a guy, you can’t make anything work with after seeing and hearing THAT on TV.


Hoarding birth control pills?

Oh, dear God, are they really that stupid? (Rhetorical – don’t answer that.)

That noise and thump you heard was me falling off my chair, laughing. But let the little snowfarts follow their paths of idiocy. We need the comedy around here.

Shalom (R.Ph.)

Don’t be so quick to laugh, guys.

I’m a pharamcist, and I can testify that there have been shortages of LOTS of drugs lately. Stuff that’s been around for half a century is suddenly unavailable, for no apparent reason, and when it comes back, the prices have skyrocketed. (case in point, doxycycline tabs used to wholesale for $22.50 for 500 tabs. Then they were backordered for a while, and came back at $1600.00 for the same amount. That’s not a typo, folks.) I’ve heard speculation that there’s a prescription drug price freeze coming down the pike in 2015 as part of the ACA, so the drug makers are jacking the prices up as fast and as far as they can.

That said, I’ve yet to see shortages of birth control tablets, but it’s certainly possible.

Also, a data point for PintoNag: the stuff we have in stock has a sell-by date of 6/2017. Whereas I don’t know how long it takes for ammo to go bad, but we recently shot some .22-LR from the mid ’70s and it was as good as the day we bought it.

Shalom (R.Ph.)

*pharmacist. Where’s that edit button.


Will that apply to over-the-counter stuff?

I only use Advil and occasionally, a generic antihistamine that’s the same thing my cat takes for sneezin’ season. I’m inclined to avoid Rx drugs, period.

But then, there’s that prospective joy of watching the looks on the libbersnowfarts’ little faces when they discover that not only is obamacare expensive, everything that goes along with it is expensive.

Did you guys know that Medicare Part A doesne’t cover squat any more? Yeah, it’s a usefull as a bull heifer.


Doxycycline is what they give everyone deploying to Afghanistan and presumably Africa to prevent Malaria. I have about 500 dollars worth by your reckoning. I wonder how much the DOD is paying for it?

2/17 Air Cav

Hoarding birth control pills? Another one of those where it’s so funny I can’t laugh. That really needs to be a separate thread.


If DU members are on suicide watch, I volunteer to watch them commit suicide.


I volunteer to hand them their chosen method … with a smile, and softly singing, “… Another one’s gone, another one’s gone, another one bites the dust!”




If we made it a Pay Per View event, we could pay off the US’s 17 trillion dollar debt.

Farflung Wanderer

I’m loving the Shock and Awe of it all. The sound liberals make when they’ve lost is the modern day equivalent of the lamentations of a fallen nation’s women.

And I’m just talking about the male Libs.

Seriously, they’re trying to patch the huge hole in their side while bailing out the rushing water with a rusty bucket. The backtracking, indignation, and outright denial that this means that the American people has had enough is hilarious.


Do you think they’ll blame it on Bush?

Farflung Wanderer

I expect them to be blaming robo-Bush in 2099…


With the loss of life that this POTUS has brought upon our Military, cops and even Mexican Citizens somehow comedy of errors just doesn’t seem to fit for me…
With the ROE’s good only for committing suicide, the Fast and Furious mess and God only knows how many murders, rapes, assaults, robberies and other things that illegals have brought to this country and the bull shit of leaving 4 of our men in Benghazi to die because he wanted to go to a fund raiser in the morning or whatever he was doing reminds me that this shit means something…
I’m not complaining but something like disaster of huge human proportions seems more fitting…
Like I said, I’m not complaining, just trying to keep it in perspective.