DOJ: charges not likely for Darren Wilson

| November 1, 2014


Reuters reports that the Department of Justice has dug and squeezed and still can’t find enough evidence against Ferguson, Missouri police officer Darren Wilson in regards to the shots he fired to protect himself from 18-year-old Michael Brown to charge Wilson with violations of Brown’s civil rights;

Justice Department spokesman Brian Fallon was quoted by the Post as saying its report was based on “idle speculation.” An attorney for Brown’s family declined to comment to the newspaper on “something that is not official,” while Wilson’s lawyer did not respond to requests for comment.

Earlier this month the St. Louis Post-Dispatch published a leaked county autopsy report that indicated Brown had residue on his hand that could mean he struggled for Wilson’s gun while the officer was in his car. Some witnesses have said Wilson shot Brown again after he got out of the car even though Brown’s hands were raised.

This is not my surprised expression. Of course, we can count on folks to make a big deal of this, too, because Wilson has been convicted by the court of public opinion already, despite evidence that supports him.

Category: Crime

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Amazing how all this shit comes out the weekend before the midterms.

The Dems are reeking of desperation, and it’s a stinky cologne.


You just know that if DOJ could squeeze out one iota of evidence to justify a civil rights indictment before the mid-terms, it would have been done Friday. Just to give every dem in the country a chance to call a presser and tell everyone how only they cared enough to bring an indictment.


Nice to see the liberal media can’t drum up false charges, although they continue to fuel the flames of hate and riots. When the grand jury doesn’t indict I suspect all Hades is going to break loose.

Case in point: “the white police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager” aka ‘gentle giant’,

Maybe try: “the police officer who shot a teenager”

Or better: “the police officer who shot a drugged up robbery suspect who attacked and tried to take his gun.”



Wilson’s career might be over in the Ferguson PD. What other department in the country is gonna touch this guy?


Yeah, sadly no department will ever hire him. Sad to say but the race card will be played and any department considering him will have to say, “no.”

Club Manager

Thankfully there are still parts of our country where the faux race card cannot be played.


After the furor dies down, if he’s still interested, there is hope. My former department hired (and I trained) a guy that shot a black female in her car. He told me how both Jesse and fat Al called him a murderer to his face. His former department initially backed him then succumbed to the pressure and fired him along with the other 4 officers that were at the scene. A long trial, lawsuit etc later he was totally exonerated and the department gave him a medical retirement to get him out of there. We hired him a few years later, and even though there were some rumblings from the newspapers here, he turned out to be a damn fine officer. Best trainee I ever had, now a Lt with the office. If Darren Wilson still wants to stay in law enforcement, it could happen. I don’t recommend it as a profession any longer though.


And oddly enough the mid-terms sacrificial lamb just might be George Zimmerman.

After saying this whole time there wouldn’t be civil or federal charges it looks like DOJ might be going after Zimmerman.


It’s all Kabuki theater to pacify the masses.

2/17 Air Cav

He was convicted in the court of public opinion all right, but the media, the idiot in the White House, and that defender of terrorists, Holder, and the reat of the race baiters made all of the arguments that ensured the conviction. And Wilson–if he he eased out the door at altitude, ought to have a very big golden parachute. I don’t know what happened that day, but if there are no charges–and Lord knows, everybody out there wants there to be charges–he must have truly done nothing at all wrong. I mean, nothing.




I almost hope they do charge the poor guy; if he can get a fair trial and be found not guilty. The majority of the public and the news media have no idea what it’s like to be in a fight for your life. I was there twice and managed to walk away both times. I did get my ass beaten soundly before backup arrived though. This officer had no clue how old Brown was or what his intentions were. I wasn’t there but I will have to believe the physical evidence before I believe a bunch of attention/money seeking people. Or as I like to refer to them……dipshits.
cheers when OJ is not guilty, yet outrage when Zimmerman or that disgusting Anthony woman is given the same verdict. If you don’ like our imperfect justice system then either change it or find a better one. Until then, STFU


3E9: being tried and acquitted worked out real well for Zimmerman, didn’t it? Everyone accepted the verdict in his trial as the final word on the matter, didn’t they?

Yeah, right. Wilson has been “screwed, blued, and tattooed” by the media here. He’s never going to get true justice in that arena, or his good name/reputation back – whether or not he’s ever tried and found innocent.




“Hello this is the AG, I am calling to tell you that I did what we could for our peeps, however it did not stick. Even the black members of the grand jury could not find cause to deliver an indictment. You son was a good boy … Sorry”.


Damage done already. Black terrorism was successful whether or not this guy legally is punished. His career is ruined and he had to go into hiding. The department is being extorted and political changes are occurring in the city because of the violent demands of scum

Black terrorism.


Here we go again. Just as the stores were being rebuilt and getting restocked, I fully expect another round of riots now. Because the “man” got away with the murder of “just a good hearted big guy and friend of all in Ferguson”. One the other hand, the 2015 models of big screens are out now so, you know, everyone wants the latest and greatest. Guys in Ferguson, just don’t steal VCR machine, no media left for them really. If I were a store owner I’d load the front windows with boxes marked, “Playstation, XBox, Multi Changer DVD”, etc. and then fill them with old VCRs.


That last part … hahahahahaha excellent. You’re devious Sparks, DEVIOUS!!!


If I were a store owner I’d load the front windows with boxes marked, “Playstation, XBox, Multi Changer DVD”, etc. and then fill them with old VCRs.

I am SO stealing that one!

oops …. did I say “stealing”?


Wilson was a scapegoat for what is wrong with people. They go on gossip, rumor and supposition, and nothing will do but start a fuss without waiting for facts.

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly people jump on something based on little or no firmation other than hearsay, and even if they are proved wrong, others show up and egg them on. And why are we still focusing on Ferguson? Why are people still going down there to cause trouble by clashing with the police?

Never heard of that town until this happened and then some genius turned it into a media circus. Why was this turned into another flashpoint? How much of this did the media mavens create in their haste to boost TV news and newspaper ratings?

I’m merely waiting to see how many book contracts and TV/movie contracts come out of this before it loses its zip. If this isn’t finished by Spring, there’s something wrong. Maybe the Ferguson PD should just shut up shop and go home.


Maybe they should do what the Marines did in Fallujah a decade ago.

Wait for the next riot, then setup barricades around the entire city and don’t let anyone in or out.

Just a thought…

Roger in Republic

After viewing the autopsy diagrams of Mr. Browns gunshot defects, I am forced to conclude that… Officer Wilson’s service pistol pulls to the left. Not one center mass hit in the whole string.

E-6 type, 1 ea

I believe he had a pretty severe injury to his eye. If he’s right-handed, and got hit in the right eye, the shot placement makes perfect sense.