Dakota Meyer-designed 1911

Paul sends us a link to the Marine Corps Times article about a 1911 designed for Akai Custom Guns by Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyers. At $3500, it’s a little out of my price range, well, that it would be hard to justify to Household Six since I already have six 1911s.
Meyer, who was awarded the nation’s top valor award for heroism during a 2009 battle in Afghanistan, was consulted on the design. He told Akai he wanted something that belonged on the modern battlefield.
The end product was a no-nonsense-looking pistol that — unlike its predecessors — would look at home on the hip of a fighter carrying a black M16. More traditional 1911s are a better match for rifles with wood stocks, like the M1 Garand or M14.
On one side of the sleek new pistol’s slide, it reads: “For Those Who Gave All.” On the other side, it reads: “Dakota Meyer, Medal of Honor Recipient.”
If it cushions the price any for you, Akai says that part of the purchase price goes to charity and it comes with a Dakota Meyer challenge coin.
Category: Guns
For a mere $3500 I get a challenge coin, and they will throw in a 1911? Sounds like a good deal here!
I like the charity angle, I like that Sgt Meyer designed it.
Other than that…
How about a plastic one in the $10-15 range for kids? Christmas is coming, you know. The $3500 is cheap–if a day on the range with Meyers comes with it.
Beautiful weapon…well named.
I’m a 1911 guy. Some might say I’m a 1911 fanatic. My (excessively metrosexual, borderline-fag*) Glock-shooting cousin calls me a 1911 tweaker.
That being said, I don’t really care for the lip at the bottom of the grip, messes with the natural advantage of fitting nearly any shooter regardless of the size and spacing of their fingers, plus it kinda looks like ass. I also feel that the cocking serrations look like something the movie armorers for “Robocop” would come up with. And the first thing i would do with it is add some rosewood grips.
But what the hell, I still want one! It’s a manly sidearm! Sure, it costs what I make in a month, but it serves two good causes (including expanding my gun collection!). Plus my wife is collecting a paycheck now, so…just have to find a way to sneak it past her. Maybe with the tax return…shit, this calls for some long-range planning!
*My cousin is actually straight, but he shoots glocks. I can’t help pointing out that 1: I outshoot him, 2: my steel will outlast his Tupperware by at least a million rounds, and 3: glocks ooze estrogen, which percolates through the shooter’s palms and if continued, will permanently damage the shooter’s masculinity 😉
OH jeez Whitey !! Spewing coffee out of my nose onto the keyboard……
Carried an S&W Mdl. 10 for a bunch of years until our department went to the Sig – I opted for the Mdl. 226, a nice shooting 9mm.
When I retired I had the opportunity to buy my duty weapon but decided to buy the relatively new (at that time) Glock Mdl. 23, .40 S&W. I purchased it at a great price – owned a gun store at the time 🙂 and have never regretted my decision, until my wife told me that my voice is a little higher and I walk with a swish….damn! It must be all that estrogen that I’m oozing!!
Roger your last. Xenoestrogens are a big NO Bueno for men.
I would be willing to bet dollars to pesos that a very very small percentage goes to charity.
The MoH angle seems like a marketing gimmick to me.
Rather stick with my SIG.
For that type of money, I’d go with a Wilson Combat. It’s a nice story and gesture for the charity aspect though.
For that type of money I’d either go for 2 Springfield Armory MC Operators, or 1 MC Operator, and 1 M1A.
Oh gosh that looks just awesome. Ok the price is insane but wow! It’s kinda sexy!
But you guys that own 1911’s, don’t they have like an insane recoil?
And hey TOW! Sheesh! Fag??? I’d like to shoot against you and I think I probably won’t outshoot you but I would still do ok with my Glock 19!!!
To answer your question about 1911 recoil, that’s a common myth, and I don’t know where it originated. Recoil varies depending on whether you’re shooting full-size, Commander, compact, or subcompact and on what caliber you’re shooting, as 1911s are available in 9mm, 10mm, .40, .38 Super, .50GI, and a host of other calibers besides good ol’ .45ACP. It also depends on whether your gun is traditional steel or one of the new aluminum or polymer models that have recently seen the light of day (though a polymer 1911 is an unholy abomination that has Saint John Browning spinning in his holy grave). A full-size, all-steel, .45ACP 1911 is actually very comfortable to shoot. The barrel axis is very low over your hand, the grip angle is very ergonomic, the weight (which is not very heavy, BTW) tames the recoil, and the trigger pull is very smooth. My wife is a skinny little Asian chick with tiny little hands, and she has no difficulty whatsoever shooting any of my 1911s. In fact, it’s much more comfortable to shoot than a Glock 21 in the same caliber. As for your choice of (alleged) firearm, the range is no place for a Tupperware party, a gunfight even less so! Okay, in all seriousness, I really just like giving Glock fans (like my cousin) as much shit as possible, all in good fun of course. Personally, I loathe all things Glock. Some people like them, and that’s cool (not that it will stop me from giving them crap for it), but I actually have some very valid reasons for my dislike. For one, they are not as tough as they’re made out to be, though they are light-years ahead of any pistol Beretta ever made (not that that’s saying much in and of itself). They aren’t exactly fragile, but they will break and they will wear out a lot sooner than many people think. Not just 1911s, but also SiGs, CZs, HKs, etc will outlast them. For comparison, there are original, first-run, pre-WWI (as in The Great War) 1911s with over 1.5 million rounds… Read more »
Owned a 1911 for years. Got my Glock for reasons already discussed here. I am having to consider getting rid of it, and the reason falls into your ‘ergonomic’ catagory, I think. When I fire it, something about the recoil strains my right elbow — I end up with tendonitis in my right elbow, but only after firing that gun. It never happened with my 1911, or any other pistol I have ever owned. Just that one.
So I would love if you could provide me a link of a 1911 that has over 1.5 million rounds that still has the majority of its original parts. And one of the reasons CAG went away from 1911s to glocks was the glocks required less maintenance.
Yep, own/carry/shoot what you are comfortable with. That is always a good rule.
Some years back, had a friend who actually purchased a Glock to carry as a duty weapon instead of the issued Sig. It looked stupid. The thing felt goofy. But, it was a personal choice.
Wouldn’t be my choice, but my life did not depend upon what someone else selected.
And TOW? If you buy one, you have my permission to put whatever kind of grips on it that you want! Meanwhile, I’d go with a story line about how you are supporting one of Dakota’s charities, that he’s sending you a challenge coin for the donation. Then innocently “discover” that the 1911 was included as a thank you gift. Plenty of time after you have it in your hot little hands to admit the real deal. Or not. 😉
I don’t think a wimply little ‘ol 9MM would be able to do this:
Marine….trading in the chainsaw for one of these today! Less work, more fun.
I’m going to have to come up with 3.5k now, because I want this gun.
It looks a lot like my Sig Scorpion.
Thats my next weapon purchase whenever I get around to it. Can never go wrong with a SIG.