VoteVets thinks that they represent veterans
There’s an article at Stars & Stripes today about mainly two competing Veteran political action groups, Concerned Veterans for America and VoteVets. I don’t think that anyone here would argue that they’re not both partisan, but VoteVets is more connected to Big Liberal money;
VoteVets Chairman Jon Soltz rejected any comparison between Concerned Veterans for America and his organization, which claims 450,000 members and was founded in 2006.
“I’m hesitant to say they’re anywhere equivalent to what we’ve built over eight years,” Soltz said. But has also taken heat for its campaign advertising, recently drawing public criticism from a prominent Kentucky veteran over an ad assailing Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., for not supporting a bill that would have boosted VA funding by $21 billion. The ad was part of a $600,000 ad campaign against McConnell by VoteVets, which operates both a PAC and a social welfare arm known as VoteVets Action Fund.
McConnell “has been a vocal advocate about the urgent need for reform at the VA and was instrumental in helping ensure Senate passage of the important bipartisan veterans bill that was signed into law last month,” Karl Kaelin, vice chairman of a Kentucky committee of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, said in a statement released by the McConnell campaign.
McConnell’s camp also dismissed VoteVets as a front “funded by environmental activists.” The VoteVets Action Fund has received more than $6 million in grants from a long list of environmental, labor and other progressive groups since 2010, according to the CRP. The group has also made grants to such Democrat-friendly allies as the American Bridge 21st Century Foundation and America Votes, an umbrella group for progressive activists, according to IRS records.
“We’re progressive, period,” Soltz said. “There are a lot of veterans out there who don’t feel veterans organizations represent them.”
Soltz might have started his organization to help liberal veteran candidates running for office, but it became an anti-Bush propaganda machine. In fact, in the last mid-term election, they threw their money at Harry Reid’s campaign – Reid, using VoteVets own definition of the phrase “draft dodger”, was a draft dodger because he stayed away from the draft by going to college and marrying – just like Dick Cheney.
While everyone else was criticizing the VA and Eric Shinseki for the failures of that organization, VoteVets defended Shinseki and targeted those of us who wanted him out – all of VoteVets’ blog writers left VV to work for the VA, by the way, led by VoteVet board member Tammy Duckworth. At least the crew at Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America took their shots at the VA’s incompetent leadership, but not VoteVets.
VoteVets took to paying for environmental ads using combat veterans as puppets to sell unicorn shit-powered cars to the public, ostensibly to save the lives of troops in their wars for oil – wonder where they got that from.
Soltz was right in the first paragraph of the quote from that article – there is no comparison between CVA and VV – VoteVets does absolutely nothing for veterans except Jon Soltz. CVA, on the other hand, focuses all of their assets on fighting for veterans’ and for the troops. I’ll grant that they are conservative in their political leanings, but in the service of veterans. (I’ll disclose here that CVA paid for my trip to the Republican convention two years ago)
Vote Vets is beholden to environmental groups and is wholly-owned by those drooling morons at MoveOn – wherever Soltz can find some cash to keep that organization alive for his own enrichment and aggrandizement.
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Yeah, Soltz is right. There is no comparison. VoteVets was perfectly willing to let veterans die to protect General Beret. Yep, no comparison at all.
Hey! Soltz, Fuck off and die!
So Soltz says “We’re progressive…..a lot of vets don’t feel that veterans organizations don’t represent them.”
I’m betting that progressives/liberals/socialists or whatever they’re calling themselves this week are a very small percentage of veterans.
And the few that I’ve met over my 30 year career tend to be of the barracks lawyer variety.
Soltz would’ve been the type of fucktard advocating for unions in the military.
Stacy0311…I agree. My money says that if I were a Bill gates type and offered them $500 million, I could get them to swing to the most staunch conservative group out there. the tea party would pale in comparison. So much for ethics. It’s just another, follow the money outfit.
Yeah I’m willing to bet the vast majority of those unicorns were also gigantic shitbags while in the service too.
IVAW = Losers.
Vote Vets = Clowns.
In my next life I plan to be an advocate for anything that will result in a grant, or a community organizer, so I won’t have to work for a living. Outside of the beltway, every state and many cities have these shithead groups who receive millions in free money that society could make better use of.
Soltz is a piece of shit. Always has been and always will be.
Soltz, you no more represent me than any other partisan hack group, left or right.
Pushing the Obama agenda while pretending to represent vets is hypocrisy of the highest order.
At least most vets would be honest enough to admit that. You? Not so much.
I first became aware of Brandon Freidman (VoteVets
and all the other IVAW folks because of Jonn’s work and how I came to be here on TAH. That was a long freaking time ago in the grand scheme of things. These guys do no represent the rest of us and I am fairly certain, not as many Iraq/Afghanistan vets as they wished. We’ve had nothing but liars and fakers out of these organizations and they appear to me to do jack of consequence for Veterans.
Among other things, Soltz is lying about his membership stats. How many of those 450K “members” are veterans? It would surprise me if something approaching 10% would be veterans.
Meanwhile, there exists a plethora of organizations of real veterans (and a few posers), some of whom actually represent me and the best interests of all veterans.
An attention whore seeking and getting attention. Whoda thunk it.
And I object to what they do being characterized as thinking. Soltz et al do indeed spew their opinions around, but those opinions are hardly based upon anything resembling rational thought.
IMHO, Soltz is just another political whore. I think it’s also a safe bet that he and his butt-pals at the top enjoy nice perks and six-figure salaries!
VoteVets is running an ad for Gary Peters here in Michigan, touting what he’s done for Vets and, especially, vet’s health care. Peters, like Obama, hasn’t done anything that I can find.
In almost 6 years in Congress, Peters has yet to sponsor a bill, or get anything enacted into law.
Yet VoteVets wants people to vote for him?
I was listening to Beck talk about the “price” one must pay to be on a committee in the House and Senate. The VA, of course, must be known as the shit committee because no “real” money comes from there like it might where the lobbyists run. It. Pisses. Me. Off. It’s the committee that costs the least amount of money to be on. FFS, I want to know why this has to be paid for? Why is it not a nomination process or appointment? HFS, Batman, I hate how money talks.
“We’re progressive, period,” Soltz said.
Progressive is the latest term for commie, pinko, marxist, rat bastard.