Rented boots on the ground in Iraq

| September 7, 2014

last convoy out of Iraq

Stars & Stripes reports that the Obama Administration is contemplating using contractors as a way to get around putting US military in Iraq;

The U.S. Army Contracting Command posted a notice last month seeking contractors willing to work on an initial 12-month contract, who should be “cognizant of the goals of reducing tensions between Arabs and Kurds, and Sunni and Shias.”

They would focus on administration, force development, procurement and acquisition, contracting, training management, public affairs, logistics, personnel management, professional development, communications, planning and operations, infrastructure management, intelligence and executive development, the notice stated.

While it’s a better idea to put people over there who actually want to be there, I’m pretty sure that no one wants mercenaries representing our political interests around the world. It’s funny how all of the things that earned the last president derision from that sector is now being considered as policy. Given that Iraqis weren’t happy with some of the actions of contractors the last time, I’m sure it will be a tough sell to them, too.

Category: Terror War

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^^^^ this X1000.

We so need a like button.

A Proud Infidel®™

NO Mark, B. Hussein 0bama’s rapid withdrawal with NO plan in place for when the SHTF is what made the mess. B. Hussein 0bama needs to put other things in a higher priority than golfing, vacationing, and fundraisers!

A Proud Infidel®™
John Robert Mallernee

When watching the video, it seemed to me that only ONE (01) guy was doing all the wailing, which causes me to be suspicious of some sort of ruse, with the silence of the others indicating a possible conspiracy intended to manipulate their captors.

The Other Whitey

The two-faced hypocrisy of the Obama administration never ceases to amaze me.


Just remember 0bama’s line:

I didn’t know about it until I saw it on the news.


The people – wait, make that ‘idiots’. The idiots in the Lack of Administration are erally on a roll, aren’t they?

Am I overreacting to this, or does this bunch of dumbf@#%@^ers get dumber and dumber with each passing hour?

I hope I’m not alone in thinking those uncharitable thoughts, but it has almost reached the stage that makes the Stooges look like geniuses (yes, the actors were).

So how long do we have? Months? Weeks? Days?

I wasn’t planning to get my annual Christmas present quite this early.


My first reaction? Obama is GUTLESS, but I think most of us know that….


“cognizant of the goals of reducing tensions between Arabs and Kurds, and Sunni and Shias.”

Well let’s see if I can play and win, “Read Between The Lines”.

The answer is, “if I kill one guy involved in a fight, an Arab, Sunni or a Shia, the tension is gone for the others especially the Kurds.”

Did I get it? Did I win?!!


Nope. At least not according to Obama rules. You must get them to all sing “kumbaya” around a drum circle or stand together, holding hands, and sing “we shall overcome.”


I posted this elsewhere, but it works here, as well. This is from France24.–syria-strikes/#./?&_suid=1410095285218023548844684138043

Note the part, down the page, where CoS McDonough says: ‘We have to obviously be very careful and very targeted and very limited in our engagement so we do not get dragged into the middle of this’.

Well, that says it all. That should tell you exactly what this administration is all about: DON’T GET INVOLVED.

Anyone besides me remember the stabbing death of Kitty Genovese in 1964 in Queens NYC? Her neighbors did nothing. They didn’t want to get involved.

I’ll just leave this here.

“No man survives when freedom fails,
The best men rot in filthy jails,
And those who cry ‘appease, appease’
Are hanged by those they tried to please.”

– Hiram Mann

John Robert Mallernee

Well, if the awful truth be known, our government really shouldn’t be involved.

George Washington specifically warned against the government becoming tangled in foreign intrigues.

However, that doesn’t mean that private citizens, either individually, or as organized groups, can’t lend assistance to whatever international crisis they see fit to so do.

If our unique nation, our own beloved United States of America, is to survive, we must heed the advice of George Washington, and concentrate our efforts in restoring our lost Republic, our divinely inspired Constitution of the United States of America, our unalienable rights, the sovereignty of the several states, a free enterprise capitalist economy, and traditional Christian family morality – – – even if that requires many years of violent, bloody, armed revolt to ultimately achieve – – – , that is, “IF” it can ever be achieved.

The United States of America ought not to be acting as the World’s police, being ever more entangled in foreign intrigues and multiple futile wars in foreign climes.

Instead, our own beloved United States of America should lead the way, teaching by setting an example to be emulated, a city on a hill eternally shining its light unto all nations, thus inspiring all people throughout the entire globe to desire the fruits of true liberty and knowledge.

Club Manager

How quickly we forget. Send in contractors then a few years later have some liberal AG charge them with murder for defending themselves and bring them to trail in the U.S. What bullshit.


Send in Joe Titti. In less than a month he will have everyone drinking urine and the war will be over before you know it!


Dammit, Master Chief! I was just about to suggest sending Teti over there but you beat me to the punch. I guess it IS true, you can’t spell “late” without “LT”,



Ah … How is tour going!


So far so good. We just got done with our deconstruction mission out at Leatherneck and are back in Kandahar. The Leatherneck piece went well and I heard that my Platoon got some positive notice from higher command elements (Battalion and Brigade level) so that’s always good. My soldiers are in good spirits and keeping at it.


It’ll be a sad day when they have to tear down the Boardwalk, LT 🙂


Damn, just thinking of LNK going away breaks my heart. We put a lot of time and money building it up during my tour from March ’10 until March ’11….that must have been one hell of a deconstruction job.


Well, part is staying, just in a smaller footprint. My soldiers took down LSA’s and other buildings and facilities, but a good part of it is being handed over to the Afghans.

A Proud Infidel®™

Does Camp Phoenix still exist over there?


You can’t spell “lost” without “LT” either. 🙂


I remember in Baghdad in 2010 contractors were being dragged from their vehicles and detained by Iraqi authorities – no SOFA for you. Wonder how they are going to fix that little potential problem, and if they do, how they will control the contractors like they do uniformed military? Oh well, at least they’ll be cheaper than paying some E-3 or 4…wait a sec, let me do the numbers real quick…uh oh.


I’d love to see the power point presentation they’d use to ensure contractors remain cognizant of those goals. Who’d they get to star in it? Oscar the grouch? Probably Elmo this time…

Wasn’t that the same “focus” we were there before? Weren’t we told those goals were accomplished and it was time to go home?


Obama will need contractors to reinforce Eric Holder when he goes over to “bring ISIS to Justice” since that’s the plan right?

Besides, the way the administration is making the services QSP, QMP, Pink Slip, etc., everyone, especially those with combat experience, they will need Contractors because DoD will be empty.

Climb to Glory

But…But I thought contracts were evil. No blood for oil and all that shit. Good job Zero, you hypocritical waste of space. All hail the Handwringer in Chief.

Roger in Republic

Good news. We no longer need “Boots” on the ground. New Balance has just announced that they have produced a new PT sport shoe for the Army. We could put a hundred thousand troops into the region just as soon as New Balance ramps up production. It would be legit as we really could say that there were no US “Boots” there. Certainly the libs would not recoil at the term “Tennies on the ground”.

Kinda old ET1

Uhmmm… No.

Aren’t you the guy that was caught banging his neighbors horse?


No, I believe the neighbors horse was banging him.

A Proud Infidel®™

Nope, not me either. I came back in after a nine year break in service and did two legit tours.

You lose, MARK L. THE TROLL!!

A Proud Infidel®™

OK, first, I’m all in favor of an edit button to eliminate things like what I just said in the last line of that post. I looked again and thought it might just be sarcasm on Mark L’s part, and if it is, I take back what I said, and Mark, a /sarc after a sarcastic comment comes in handy in keeping from being misinterpreted!


I think you’re giving that clown too much credit. Read his earlier posts, he is a troll.

A Proud Infidel®™

I stand corrected Sir, you’re right. One look at his previous posts gives me the impression that he’s some college puke who’s pissed that he’s out of Mountain Dew and Doritos in the middle of a WoW binge!!

Johnny Buller

America should start it’s own foreign legion. If these illegal aliens want citizenship let them earn it. If they spend five years in the military fighting for this country then they become citizens.