350 more troops to Iraq

| September 3, 2014

last convoy out of Iraq

Ex-PH2 and Pinto Nag send us a link from MSN reporting that the President has authorized the Pentagon to send 350 more troops to Iraq (that’s 700 more boots on the ground) bringing the total to about 820 (1640 boots);

Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby added that the move would bring the total number of U.S. military personnel responsible for bolstering diplomatic security in Iraq up to about 820.

Funny how this stuff kind of gets away from you, ain’t it?

Andy sends us a link from Reuters which reports that the President promises that the Islamic State will no longer be a force after he gets done with them;

The United States plans to fight Islamic State until it is no longer a force in the Middle East and will seek justice for the killing of American journalist Steven Sotloff, President Barack Obama said on Wednesday.

I’ll believe that when I see it.

Of course, he adds that it will be difficult because President Bush did such a good job training al Qaeda;

He added destroying the militant group will take time because of the power vacuum in Syria, the abundance of battle hardened fighters that grew out of al-Qaeda in the Iraqi war, and the need to build coalitions, including with local Sunni communities.

I’m pretty sure that Bush is responsible for more al Qaeda deaths than “battle hardened fighters”, but, hey, whatever floats your boat.

Category: Terror War

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Mission Creep… or in this case a grudgingly slow acceptance of the fact that he needs to something about that JV team in Iraq and Syria.

Andy Kravetz

Forgive me if I am mistaken but I thought we already had about 1,000 troops there (including the embassy guards and others). Doesn’t this bump the total number around 1,300 (again, including Embassy guards. They are Marines of course and count, at least to me, in the troop numbers).



A buddy of mine and I were thinking the exact same thing. There’s more there than what the media is reporting.

Climb to Glory

“Andy sends us a link from Reuters which reports that the President promises that the Islamic State will no longer be a force after he gets done with them;”

Hahahahahahahahah! I needed a good laugh today. Keep trying President Zero. Zero has no will to destroy those savages.


The disconnect from reality is frequently startling, isn’t it?

So that makes – oh, I’ve lost track, really. And how long before we get back into the thick of it? Anyone got the odds on that? Should I call that bookie in Las Vegas?


“U.S. military personnel responsible for bolstering diplomatic security in Iraq…” What the hell do military boots have to do with diplomatic security unless they are only in the embassy? Sounds like typical Obama political speak which has no meaning. I am sure his sound good, sound bite will comfort a few of his Democratic lovers coming up for election but in truth he will do nothing, nil, nada. The only way, in his words, “The United States plans to fight Islamic State until it is no longer a force in the Middle East…” is to bomb them with everything in our arsenal until they beg for a ceasefire and surrender. THEN send in boots to kill whoever is left. But he is a coward of the worst sort and will let Americans die before he takes a real stand and puts a long needed stop to ISIS. Obama is wringing his hands and praying for 2016 so he can hand this off to the next President. Of course he will never, ever take responsibility for things being the way they are there after his months of watching them unfold. It is Bush’s fault for making al-Qaeda what they are. Well if memory serves me al-Qaeda said some time ago that ISIS is too extreme for them and have distanced themselves from the group. Now don’t get me wrong, every al-Qaeda member deserves to die as badly as every ISIS member but it speaks volumes when a group like al-Qaeda says, “uhm hey you guys are going too far for us, we’ll sort of sit this one out”. I have hated very few people in my life. In fact I can count the ones I have felt a true hatred for on one hand. I may dislike or have disdain for many but hatred is a strong sentiment to me and not easily come by. However, besides ISIS, al-Qaeda and other radical Muslims as groups, Obama made the individual list long ago for me. I absolutely hate him and all in his administration. He is a coward of the worst sort… Read more »


In the meanwhile, in other great Obama news regrading the Ukraine and Russia, “Obama declared “this is a moment of testing” for the Western alliance to stand up to the Kremlin.”

Man can this guy pick a fight and stick to it or not? Russia and the Ukraine are talking now so of course Obama makes big statements about them. The horse has left the barn on that one and he is rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Why? Because ISIS isn’t a “moment of testing”, for that region or America at large everywhere we are in his opinion. No, no testing there at all, nothing to see there folks. They just cut off heads while they declare directly to Obama in their videos that they are coming for America and him.

Oh, I forgot, the whole ISIS business in Syria and Iraq, (now about 100 miles from Baghdad). No Mr. do nothing CINC, don’t make any strongly worded statements about destroying them or doing anything right or sensible in that situation. Just let them run loose to their murderous heart’s content until 2016. After all you’re protected in the White House by the best security in the world. You’ll be safe no matter what happens. Just continue to make a lot of noise to you know, sound tough, but actually do nothing.

I tell you folks, I am deeply worried about the current state of our homeland security. With the anniversary of 9/11 coming soon I am concerned for American citizens in towns, cities and military installations at home and abroad.


Oh, don’t worry, Sparks. Reporters know more about what’s going on in the world than the Idiot In Charge does. Didn’t you know that? After all, ISIS or ISIL/IS or whatever they are this month has peeps all over the country and they’re planning attacks here SOOOOOON!, per their tweets about it.

You forget that bodaprez is only able to handle golf scores. Everything else is a distraction from what’s really important.

Just make sure you pay attention to your surroundings all the time. I’m just glad I don’t have to get on the commuter rail service and go to work any more.

B Woodman

ANd what, exactly, are the (new) ROEs for taking on this JV team? If it’s anything less than “shoot, kill, break, destroy, and raze to the ground”, then this is just Iraq Redux. ANd we see how well the first go ’round went.


I heard today that the reason the jihadist cut off heads is that the victim will then be unable to enter Heaven. I have no idea if this is actually a Muslim belief or not, but if it is,, we need to do it too.

these guys are not going to stop until the desire to fight has left them. This may be the best way to get rid of that desire.

No 72 virgins, No will to fight.

Who wants a virgin anyway. I’d rather have a woman with experience.

By the way ladies,, I am free Saturday night.


When I was a Private I had a Squad Leader that used to say that our jobs as Infantryman was to go places, break things, kill people, come back home and get drunk.


Unless I am mistaken, the Prez made a statement earlier this year that Al-Qaeda was “decimated”.

But now it is again President Bush’s fault (AGAIN)because they were trained in “HIS” war.

Hey,,why change now. blaming someone else has been working for 7yrs.

One more thing…. I predicted this was going to be full on MISSION CREEP. I love being right, even when I wish I was wrong. That is the problem with having a POTUS that has no idea what the military is for, or how to use them and also has absolutely NO foreign policy. Oh well, he does make a good speech and his golf game is improving all the time, so we do have that.


If he had both hands on his backside, he wouldn’t know what he was holding, Blaster.


So I guess the big question that remains to be answered here is whether or not he will continue arming and funding these fine young moderate pro-democracy activists who dream of progress and hope for change as he bombs them. He’s already switched sides in the GWOT once, I suppose he could do it again.