Where are the gun control crowd on Ferguson?

| August 19, 2014

So, I’m sitting here watching the videos taken last night in Ferguson, Missouri and folks seem to be firing guns at the police. So, it struck me that we haven’t heard from the Mayors Against Illegal Guns or Americans for Responsible Solutions, you know, respectively, the Nanny Bloomberg and Giffords family hand-wringing organizations which seem to pop up every time a gun is fired in the news. In fact, I cruised over to their websites and the Giffords are currently involved in legislation to confiscate guns from folks who have restraining orders filed against them (without due process) and the Bloomberg crowd are more concerned about stopping the legal practice of carrying long guns openly in Krogers supermarkets.

But, it seems to me that folks who are shooting at police are criminals, and this scenario is ripe for hand-wringing by these Mayors (Ferguson has a mayor, right?) and the Giffords who claim that they want “responsible solutions” for keeping firearms from being used in crimes. Well, here are firearms crimes unfolding on my television screen and the gun grabbers have nothing to say about actual criminals using guns in crimes.

But, then, if criminals were somehow prevented from using guns, these folks would be out of business – they’re only concerned in taking guns from legal gun owners who abide by the laws. Criminals don’t usually care about the laws, that’s why they’re criminals. The gun grabbers can only measure their effectiveness (raise money) by taking guns from people who normally do what they’re told.

I’m not surprised that gun grabbers are ignoring real gun crimes. Like I said, they don’t want to disarm criminals.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Waiting to jump all over a legal owner that is forced to defend their lives from a mob, of course.

Delilah T.

Using logic in an argument about or with these people is illogical.

A Proud Infidel®™

“It ain’t Whitey dat’s doin da shootin’, nevva mind!!”

Liberals only want the government and criminals armed, remember “Fast & Furious”?


Yet again rioters throwing my name around like they know me.


Whitey, you don’t get no respect.


Shhhhh…stop that. You know you’re not supposed to use facts and logic against liberals.

A Proud Infidel®™

True. Facts, logic, and common sense are to liberals like holy water, garlic, and crucifixes are to vampires or like soap, water, and work are to hippies!


Speaking about hippies, where is VWPunkass?


Probably not even up yet.


Probably kneeling before his “Hope and Change” poster whilst sodomizing himself with an Obama action figure complete with TelePrompTer and golf clubs


Now the racial tension and attention is so high in Ferguson that if a thug, criminal shoots an officer or Guardsman in the street there will be little done except to try to run the guy down and that won’t happen. I am sure the police are the only ones with live ammo anyway. But if rounds are incoming I say, it’s a free fire zone and shoot the SOB shooing at you, I don’t care what color he is. I know that’s going to go over like a fart in church with Al Sharpton, the NAACP and the new Black Panthers, there to support the black man and demand justice. Where were all of them this past weekend or the one before in Chicago when blacks were killing blacks by the score? No where to be found. That is why they are the worst form of racists. A white on black incident in America is a liberal media wet dream. Black on black murders by the dozens…uhm…not so much. It’s been 50 years since the beginning of the civil rights movement. How many blacks have taken advantage of the benefits afforded them by civil rights? As opposed to the number who have taken advantage of everything given to them since the onset of the “Great Society”. It’s their lives, their neighborhoods, their crimes against one another. They can choose to make their lives and neighborhoods different or continue to decimate themselves as a race. I can’t change anyone’s mind or outlook on their future as a people in America. But the time has long past for hanging it all around the necks of white America as an excuse to live as you please and then bemoan your own life.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Chicken shit gun grabbers are hiding behind the cops from the real criminals because the dumb bastards don’t have any of their own weapons.

There’s a lesson in that, but they won’t learn it. The obvious is often the most difficult lesson to absorb.


As stated elsewhere, gun control isn’t so much about guns as it is control.

Yeah, this is my shocked face.


Shocked? Perhaps this says it best

Casablanca gambling? I’m shocked!: http://youtu.be/SjbPi00k_ME


Actually, state senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, the one who got butthurt over being teargassed and literally tweeted ‘fuck you’ to Jay Nixon, was willing to support him in his veto of all the pro-gun bills that would have prevented Missouri from being labeled as stubborn in the face of all the post Heller/McDonald/school shooting reform. I suppose she considers herself moderate because she paid lip service to Brian Nieves for talking about crime prevention even though she opposed him on everything.

Quite frankly I wish she didn’t get more than just tear gas, and more along the lines of the whole canister in her stupid face, because back in the beginning of 2013 she spearheaded a bill that would have required parents to report gun ownership to schools. I think TAH actually covered it.


The thugs of Ferguson have been shooting at police since day one. You are now just hearing about the most recent barrage. Probably because the ‘journolists’ had to dive for cover too this time.