Gun Prosecutions Fall 25% under Obama
The Washington Times reports that federal prosecutors are taking fewer criminals to task for their use of firearms in crimes.Syracuse University’s Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse analyzed the data at the request of the Times and found that, although this administration talks tough about gun crimes, their actions speak louder;
U.S. attorneys have been slowing gun prosecutions even further, with 2,598 brought in the first seven months of this fiscal year. The pace of activity puts the Justice Department on track to prosecute the fewest ATF cases since 2000, well before the drug gang wars in Mexico sharply increased violence on both sides of the border.
“We have this irony. The Obama administration, which is asking for more in the way of gun regulations — in terms of increased background checks for private sales and at gun shows — is actually prosecuting less of the gun laws already on the books,” said Robert Cottrol, a gun control historian at George Washington University. “For a lot of people, there’s more ideological cache harassing Bubba at the gun show than getting a handle on gun crime.”
Well, they like writing legislation and it’s harder to control the behavior of people who don’t follow the laws – but controlling people who obey the law makes them feel like they’re accomplishing something. But people who obey the law, by definition, aren’t the problem. That’s why the trolls come in here and scold us for clinging to our guns and blocking legislation – they can’t assuage their guilt, they’re not “doing something, anything”. And it’s our fault.
Thanks to Old Trooper for the link.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
I would think that, in Chicago alone, they’d have an embarrassment of riches, prosecution-wise. But then, prosecuting THOSE folks isn’t what president mom-jeans wants to see happen.
No, in Chicago they don’t need guns. They have red light traffic cameras that send out invalid traffic tickets to people who weren’t breaking speed laws. That brings in some real cash. Gun crimes dont’ bring in cash, unless they include a drug bust.
Is there any way to find out where the drug deals are going down and get there ahead of the cops? I could use the extra cash right now. I need a new kitchen. Which movie was that – Lock, Stock and Smoking Barrels? Or another one?
If gun crimes were to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, gun crime would be reduced.
You can’t sell gun confiscation legislation when crimes committed by those using guns are reduced.
Excellent point.
Is there any aspect of this administration’s work that is being done so well that anyone is surprised by this information?
After all, it’s not like they are doing stellar work with the State Department, Department of Defense, IRS, Homeland Security, Border Patrol, ATF, or anything else they touch so this really isn’t surprising.
A government that’s generally inept at everything tends to remain inept at everything from healthcare to law enforcement. When the top lawyer in the nation can’t faithfully execute his duties the administration would normally seek a resignation, but not this one they are thrilled with their no action choice for law enforcement and we reap the benefits.
Cuz they aren’t catching as many? Is there a correlation between reduced police budgets because of the economic downturn in those years? Of course, more laws they don’t enforce is going to solve everything.
If they aren’t catching as many, why are politicians so hell bent on confiscatory gun control legislation? Do we not hear a constant drum beat saying that gun crime in out of control in this country?
For example…
A fairly small number of people are responsible for most crimes. If you take one person who leads a life of crime off the street, you deter multiple crimes.
If you enforce the gun laws, you might actually reduce gun-related crime, thereby undercutting your political position.
Yes, they think this way.
My wife works in Sporting Goods at the Big Blue Box store. She deals with at least one straw purchase attempt, and denial, a week. She also deals with at least one denial from NICS a day, where the person attempting the purchase is denied because of a criminal record.
She has never, ever been contacted by the BATFE, or the U.S Attorney, in regards to an investigation into any of those people. She has never received a subpoena to appear at a hearing for anyone committing one of those crimes.
Of course, Bite-Me has said, ” “And to your point, Mr. Baker, regarding the lack of prosecutions on lying on Form 4473s, we simply don’t have the time or manpower to prosecute everybody who lies on a form, that checks a wrong box, that answers a question inaccurately.” while speaking to the NRA.
The reason for delay or denial isn’t given to the FFL submitter. It doesn’t automatically mean that the person was denied for a criminal record and that is also why the BATFE offers individuals a way to appeal decisions and figure out what occurred.
The mere fact the BATFE allows individuals to obtain a special number in order to expedite the process is evidence of that.
OK, I was over-simplifying. However, she has never been contacted for a straw purchase attempt, and she’s never been contacted when the person turned down says something like, “oh, must be cuz of that B&E conviction”, or, “I thought my record was cleared up”.
I realize that some people are turned down because of similarity of names and other personal info.
It’s pretty clear that these folks have little or no interest in preventing crimes or taking career criminals off the street.
What they are interested in is disarming law-abiding citizens.
“Gun control” isn’t about the guns; it’s about control.
Believe I read a while back that the northern Illinois area also has the LOWEST rate of prosecution for criminal gun sales etc. in the country. So they have both the highest gun crime rates and the lowest disincentives.