Boguslawski sentencing
You may remember when we talked about Andrew Scott Boguslawski, an Indiana National Guardsman who was stopped for speeding in Ohio and then it was discovered that he was transporting explosive devices in his car. Well, there’s a simple explanation according to the Associated Press;
[Defense attorney Steve] Nolder has said Boguslawski played the role of an enemy fighter when he helped train troops departing for war zones and wanted to make the job as real as possible. Over time, Boguslawski started to add explosives to the training and gradually became reckless in his approach to the homemade weapons, according to Nolder.
Investigators found numerous videos and photographs showing Boguslawski, family members and associates — including Boguslawski’s 16-year-old niece — blowing up several devices, according to a criminal complaint filed this year.
Video evidence showed that Boguslawski had used explosive devices as weapons and distraction devices near civilians and military personnel, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
I guess that he got so good at building bombs for the National Guard, he had a hard time stopping. Boguslawski faces 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine at his Aug. 8 sentencing in federal court, but he thinks that he should get time served (he was arrested in early January) plus 18 months of house arrest. He’s already lost his civilian job and his career ended abruptly with the National Guard, too.
Thanks to Hondo for the link.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
That bug-eyed look on his face is hopefully very similar to the look he has when he’s introduced to his cellmate’s one-eyed python.
He’s going to have some up close and personal time with Bubba’s ‘pipe bomb’ and I bet it will go off in his face.
When he see’s Big Bubba’s Meat Pole, Mr. Bugass-lostkey ain’t gonna dare drop trou and attempt to take a dump for a couple of months for fear of the “Monster” wanting to play pokey-holey with him.
By the look on his face “Bubba” is the photographer.
@NH Sparky, man, that’s rich! Too funny!
Wonder how he wrote that one up in his risk management statement…
Boguslawski…is a missed opportunity for blowing himself up, much less making July 4th extra fun for the family to watch him do it. He’s a lying skivvy stain. He got caught and I hope he does big time for stealing from the government, making explosive devises capable of killing people and generally being as ass hat.
In celebration of my big win in court yesterday. Today I am thinking about “base jumping” the Space Needle in Seattle.
Please tell us about the win, Master Chief!
First, the coffee in Seattle is not that great.
Second, not much to tell. It is one loss after another.
He is doing EXACTLY what we expected … Now he will have to answer to the court on EVERYTHING.
He has attracked a lot of attention … The type of attention that is not flattering.
You can read all about it in my upcoming book:
“How the Phony CPO Challenged the ENTIRE CPO Mess and Lost”
Sub-Titled: “KMRIA”
Ta Ta!
Waiting for this one. Salivating.
Sounds like a great page-turner!
Attracted is the English word.
I’m not excusing his stupidity but I found this part of the account to be sensationalized bullshit:
“Video evidence showed that Boguslawski had used explosive devices as weapons and distraction devices near civilians and military personnel, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.”
His crime—which he admitted to last April—was possessing unregistered explosives. Dynamite? No. C-4? No. Grenades? No. Fertilizer and diesel fuel? No. His explosives were “heavy plastic bottles filled with explosive flash powder with fuses in lids for ignition.” He is felony stupid but it sounds to me like he just enjoyed a good bang with family—so to speak. This is a far cry from the initial news reports of his arrest, which gave the impression Bogwhatever was a budding terrorist of some sort. And that vido evidence? It was home movies or cell ohone pics of him, family, and friends yucking it up and making bang-bang.
Boys just can’t have any fun anymore, can they?
So very fortunate that no video evidence exist of my own indiscretions with explosives, both civillian grade fireworks, and stuff we used to do in the Army….
He was stupid for speeding around with the crap in his car, but was he someone who was out to blow up innocent civillians, or anyone for that matter? No, I don’t think so. Time served and let him get on with what is left of his life.
This guy sounds as dumb as that fellow who mixed magnesium and sulfur and lit the fuse on his dining room table — with a match from a paper matchbook.
I actually use that video for one of my “funnies” when conducting OSHA safety classes. That dude is a hoot – I wish he’d make some more vids, but he’d probably blow himself for real next time..
My, oh my. While he doesn’t appear to have a whole lot of sense, and for that alone perhaps he deserves whatever in now in his future, he does show us that the world is a far different place today than it was when some of us oldsters came of age. Of course, we silly kids rode bikes without helmets and you could buy a ladder that was not covered in warning labels. How did we ever survive? 😉
This ole’ boy never met the beetle nut chewing black toothed “boom-boom” whores of Vietnam. If he had he would want nothing to do with “boom-boom” and would probably have been singing in the church choir.
But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! Instead he smoked him some funny stuff and got all crazy and schidt.