Another “Global Warming” Update

| July 12, 2014

Well, it looks like that “global warming” is coming right along as we were warned. That must be why the French Antarctic Dumont d’Urville Station just recorded the coldest June on record for that location. The average temperature there during June 2014 was -22.4C (-8.3F). That’s 6.6C (11.9F) lower than normal. It’s also the second coldest month recorded there – ever.

June is the early part of the Antarctic winter. July and August are usually colder.

Austrailia is also seeing some of that “global warming”. Brisbane just recorded its coldest temperature in 103 years: 2.6C (36.7F).

Brisbane is at 27° 30′ 0″ S latitude. For comparison, the latitude of Sarasota, FL, is 27° 20′ 10″ N.  Both are subtropical.

Yeah, it looks like they’re getting their share of that “global warming” in Australia, too.

Al Gore, of course, continues to insist that this is due to “global climate change” (he formerly warned it was “global warming”, but for some reason he doesn’t seem to use that phrase any more). He further insists that this is all is settled science, and that “”We’re way past time where it’s responsible for any national leader to reject the science behind the climate crisis.”

News flash for ya, Al: it’s beginning like that “global warming” you used to warn everyone about about just might not be a warming trend after all. If anything, the climate could well be changing – in the other direction.

Hmm. As I recall, that’s precisely what climate scientists were convinced was going to happen nearly 40 years ago.  Then, everyone was warning us about the coming Ice Age.

Category: Global Warming

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It has been a cool summer… I kind of regret going to see his movie now.

Still not a big fan of coal but nat gas has its issues. And everytime gas goes up I cringe because it just funnels more money into the hands of those who sponsor terror.

I’m a hobby fisherman and outdoorsman, my solution would be to dam every freaking river for power. With appropriate fish elevators/ramps it aint that bad. It worked for thousands of years.


IIRC, I think the EPA (among others) has been working diligently to un-dam as many rivers as they can the past few decades.


The EPA, smh… I’m up in CT which was the place for manufacturing in the US back in the day. Every stream, brook, river that has good flow there’s ruins of a factory. Damn shame. I’m of the mindset that we will never import-fuel ourselves into prosperity.
I’m not sure how I feel about a Democrat’s success but Sen Murphy just got a bill past to put hydro back on the Farmington river. Maybe, just maybe, the Dems might follow this lead to get an energy bill together but I’m afraid this is just pork.

Our grid is a patchwork of shoestring and bubblegum which is too bad since I’m sure our ememies have heard.


Is Al Boring Gore still around? I thought he retired to the mansion on the river or something.

Well, here’s my take on it, based on the stuff I’ve collected over a long time: we are going into a WETTER cycle. Increased water temperatures result in higher eveporation rates, which results in a higher level of precipitation. Add two oddball loops in the northern jet stream – last winter’s polar vortex, and this summer’s similar pattern (NOT a vortex) caused by typhoon Neoguri’s pressure center, plus the wide heat bubble in the US southwest.
I found my mother’s garden journal, so I started to keep a weather journal. Time of day, temps, humidity levels, dew point – that sort of thing. My results show that humidity LEVELS did not drop last winter and the winter before. In fact, drier winter air has been missing for several years. Snow and rain form more readily in humid air than in dry air. Mud cores show changes from wet to dry cycles and back occurring sometimes in less than 100 years at the end of each cycle.

I can do that everywhere in the world and get the same things, if this is challenged.

Oh, and that 18-months of no sunspots October 20008 to March 2010? That was followed by a surge in solar activity, which also occurred after the Maunder minimum.

Also, the ‘average’ time span of glacial advances is bad science. They don’t occur on an AVERAGE, they are irregular and averaging the time in years throws the actual numbers off by a lot. I put a chart together to back up what I’ve said. We are slightly more than halfway through the shortest wet (or warm) cycle going back 400,000 years BP.

So is it going colder?

How about just plain old wetter?

You never know: the Sahara may become green again in our lifetime, if this cycle kickstarted itself in the 1970s or earlier.


The polar ice caps cover more square miles than ever before too.

A Proud Infidel®™

The Eco-doomsday wackos were bawling about rising sea levels due to polar ice cap meltdowns, does this mean we need to start howling about our oceans disappearing? Whatever happened to the hole in the ozone layer? That’s gone now, and is this still Bush’s fault?


No, the oceans are rising, coastlines are erroding and islands are gonna disappear if we don’t do something to reverse this Al Gorious bullshit trend. lol.

Roger in Republic

It sounds to me that perhaps we need more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Burrr, I need to built a fire in the old wood stove. Ass hats, charlatans and fools. It’s the SUN stupid.

B Woodman

The only problem with that is that the asshats (who think they’re) in charge can’t control, regulate, tax, or otherwise legislate the sun.


don’t laugh too hard but, there are some that think you can turn down the sun’s heat…I told ’em, ride a rocket up there and let me know how it worked out for ’em…


I get a kick out of the folks with the zero emissions vehicles.

“I’m doing it for the environment” they say.

Yeah, except there was a whole lot of environment that got polluted to make those batteries in China.

Oh, and all those emissions that you didn’t put into the air? Well, a volcano just burped and dumped 10 times what you saved into the sky.

Wrench S2/S3

I have asked many Pious (Prius) owners what the HAZMAT charges are for the retired batteries – I always get that deer in the headlights look…

And all the “electric” cars that run on coal/uranium – that stymies them too.


I really do think sometimes that if those nitwits had their way, most of the world would be living in squalid conditions envisioned by William Manchester in his 1992 rant ‘A World Lit Only By Fire’, which should have been heavily blue-penciled before it got to press. But since MOST of the world lives that squalid way already, it’s a moot point.

They (meaning sillylibs, or ‘slibs’) want everything to be nicey nice and beautiful, but they don’t want to pay for it. The price of the nicey nice stuff, human and environmental, is beyond their comprehension. And they REALLY don’t want to know about it, either.

I think it’s fair to say that they’re in worse denial about a lot of things than my mother ever was.

I wonder how they’ll heat their homes if natgas becomes unavailable. Unlikely, but one can speculate, yes? Oh, that’s right – they’ll use electricity… but the source is one of those nasty polluting power plants, which they want shut down, so….

Okay, I’m stumped.

Dave Hardin

Come now, poor Teddy just went for a swim and forgot where he parked his car. You are dating yourself with the Chappaquiddick reference.


Oh, golly, I DO remember Chernobyl and I WILL remember Fukushima, but all that HUMAN ERROR is what comes up first when I think of those incidents.


Not to mention the US Navy has been operating nuclear reactors for hundreds of man years without a radiological incident.


N ot to mention there was effectively no radiation release – the folks who fled to the mountains in PA and NH got more background radiation from the mountain’s granite.


Yeah, there’s a recently-built nuke reactor at Byron, IL that serves a wide area.

The Zion, IL plant was closed because a control room operator made a mistake in a shutdown sequence in Reactor #1, and the cost to replace steam generators made it unprofitable, so it was closed and is being dismantled. That’s no reason to ignore a viable source of electric power, though, if it’s handled correctly.


I think I found my next axiom. I like the reference to Kennedy. Thanks for that, Hondo.

Ne Desit Virtus

I got a Prius for my wife a few years back. I’m under no illusions about my purchase saving the environment and the world. What I do LOVE is the fact that I can drive 500 miles on 30 bucks worth of gas. Leaves a lot more money in the pocket during family trips once we get to where we are going. I had a Grand Cherokee before that. I loved it but didn’t so much like getting 15/mpg. Wait, now that I think about it, why aren’t the libs up in arms about the Jeep Grand Cherokee desecrating the name of the native Americans? Somebody do something!!


true…my Powerstroke has 200k on it and runs like a top. 😎

The Other Whitey

A friend of mine bought his wife a Prius a couple of years ago. At my suggestion, he got a custom bumper sticker for it that said, “Screw the environment, I’m saving gas money!”


One volcano puts out more greenhouse gases than all of mankind has in the past and for another hundred years in the future…
There are probably 10 super active volcanoes at any given time here on planet earth.
We do not have the technology to change the climate in any way shape or form.
It is the climax of arrogance to think that mankind could do that. We basically know nothing about this planet, all we can do is keep records. A hundred years of records is not indicative of the future any more than the chance of a quarter flipping ten times to heads will be heads the next time.
The odds are the same, period..
Only man could be so arrogant and only libs could be dumb enough to believe any of it…
They are intellectually lazy, arrogant and thereby ignorant and stupid of the truth of life and the cycles the planet goes through…


Thunderstixx, you’re expecting far too much of them.

Their goals and ambitions generally don’t go any further than how much they sweat in a gym workout, and whether or not they can find free Wi-Fi at a local coffee shop.


Here’s an enlightening bit of news that says, flat out, that humans were manipulating the landscape in South America BEFORE the Amazon rainforest existed.

It’s amazing, isn’t it? How utterly blind mere mortals can be if things don’t exactly meet their agenda?


There are several science fiction writers who are convinced that we are currently in the middle of a miniature ice age, with me being one of them. The only reason we have been able to hold it off is because of the amount of green house gasses that we have been producing.

Think about it, since this whole push to curb greenhouse gas emissions took off, the gasses have been lowered, and the temperatures have been getting colder. I don’t know if it’s an actual cause/effect.

Then again, I don’t have the expert scientific advisory panel of Al Gore who somehow believes “[t]he interior of the earth is extremely hot – several million degrees.”

Roger in Republic

And that is close enough for Government work.


Flagwaver, you have to take some sort of pity on Gore the Bore. His mind cannot encompass things like the way the jet stream loops under the influence of warm Pacific waters, as it did last winter and is doing now (Typhoon Neoguri). He doesn’t understand that warmer water temps increase evaporation, raising humidity and increasing precipitation.

He’s not as smart as you are, so give him a break. He can’t help being just plain stupid.

Roger in Republic

You make an interesting point. The greenhouse effect of water vapor is three orders of magnitude greater than Carbon dioxide. Google Wattsupwiththat.


I’ve noticed the past three winters have had higher humidity levels than normal. Usually, the humidity indoors drops to between 30% and 10% and you get a lot of static whacks from doorknobs and blankets, but when that blizzard hit in February 2011, the humidity levels overall, including indoors never dropped. I took them from the local weather station readings on Accuweather.

It just seems like we’ve had one heavier-than-usual snowfall almost every winter since 1979-80, and they have frequently been followed by winters that are bitterly cold with lots of snow, like 1985.

I’m waiting to see what this coming winter will be like.


One thing you will never see Gore do, is be on the ground in Great Britian and flapping gums about global warming,cooling, climate change. Seems his retoric falls under falsification and fabrication of lies, with intent to commit fraud or grand larceny. Don’t remember where I read that fact, but it was noteworthy enough to retain in the ol climate change riddled memory banks. lol


If anything, your pointing out unusual weather patterns- even cold weather patterns is an argument FOR Global Warming. VP Gore, if he did stop calling it global warming, did so because some have politicized the term. It’s cold in Georgia! Therefore there’s no global warming (of course they forget that it’s hot in Alaska)

Here’e Hank Green, a man who has a degree in biochemistry and a Masters in Environmental science debunking many of the claims made here:

And here he is hopefully explaining it in terms you can understand.

The Other Whitey

How exactly do you figure that global average temperatures slowly dropping since records have been kept equals “global warming?”


I would say that you’re dealing in a falsehood. And so would every major institute that tracks global temperature including NASA, The NOAA and United Kingdom’s Hadley Center.


OK, TJ, I’ll try to keep it simple for you so that you can understand it.

Rising atmospheric temperatures mean warmer WATER temperatures. That’s mostly OCEAN WATER, to be clear. Rising WATER temperatures result in a rise in evaporation rates, adding humidity (moisture) to the atmosphere, which increases precipitation rates overall. The winter humidity levels (as I said elsewhere) for the past four years have been ABOVE average, meaning 70% to 95% indoors and outside.

There is a high probability of increased incidents in unusual WEATHER patterns, such as snowfall where it does not normally occure (Atacama Desert 2012, 2013) and Pacific hurricanes making landfall (Mexico 2013), and likewise consistently above or below average local temperatures.

The ‘warming’ trend is more properly called a ‘wetter’ trend. And while I’m at it, the charts produced for climate trends are based on averaging the long term periods of warm/wet and cold/dry climate patterns, which is completely WTONG. The actual length of time for each set of warm/wet to cold/dry periods is erratic. Averaging the length of time completely throws off the results, and is BAD SCIENCE.

Climate science is best used for short-term forecasts, not long term predictions. So far, it’s given us better, more accurate weather forecasts, which is meteorology.

It does not do such a terrific job with long-term predictions.


I’m sure I’ve asked this before, but why the FUCK isn’t algore in jail yet?!


Because he hasn’t robbed a jewelry store or passed bad checks yet.


He did commit fraud though.