While Benghazi burned
Congress released thirty-some hours of testimony from the various military officers who had a hand in the behind-the-scenes actions on September 11th, 2012 in regards to the assault on the Benghazi consulate by al-Qaeda-linked insurgents that resulted in the deaths of four Americans. The Associated Press summarizes that redacted testimony;
Some heard that, some didn’t; nothing was clear about events on the ground at first.
One of the earliest reports came from Ambassador Chris Stevens, who told his deputy in a phone call cut short: “We’re under attack.”
“We started calling it an attack from inception,” said Army Lt. Col. S.E. Gibson, who was at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli. “We never referred to it as anything else.”
Over the two days when the attacks were occurring, there was “very, very little discussion that I can recall about why did this happen.” Ham said. “There just wasn’t time for that, frankly.”
So, the excuse just popped into the heads of the brain trust in the White House?
Technically, no, the team was not ordered, as some have asserted, to stand by as militants attacked Americans 600 miles away. But they were told not to go to Benghazi and instead to stay and protect personnel in Tripoli. In hindsight, the attacks were over by then, anyway.
One Libyan plane carrying a six-man U.S. security team already had taken off. Gibson wanted his group on the second chartered flight. He called the special operations command center for Africa to say they were heading to the airport.
He was told, “Don’t go. Don’t get on that plane.”
Yeah, well, that sounds like a “stand down” order to me.
It was not a stand-down order,” Gibson said. “It was not, ‘Hey, time for everybody to go to bed.’ It was, you know, ‘Don’t go. Don’t get on that plane. Remain in place.'”
“It was never an order to stand down,” Losey said. “It was an order to remain in place and continue to provide your security role in Tripoli.”
So, it’s matter of semantics, I guess.
In hindsight, Ham said, he should have reached out to his Libyan contacts and other U.S. officials to get Americans evacuated from Benghazi faster. That might have saved the two lives that were lost hours after the first attack at the diplomatic post.
Category: Terror War
If it walks like a duck, smells like a duck, quacks like a duck … it’s a duck.
I sense the presence of the “nuance” folks with a very carefully selected choice of words = plausible deniability.
Ie: lawyers.
Avoiding responsibility. It’s what politicians, and their shyster accomplices, do best.
But Hey! President Mom-Jeans shot an 89 on the course while this was going down. He needed to be relaxed so he could assuage the nation’s “feelings” afterward./sarc
It wasn’t a stand down order, they were just told not to get on the plane. Am I stupid or is that a stand down order. Better yet, do they think we’re that stupid.
Hell, yeah, they think we’re that stupid!
To quote Marx: “Who are you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?”
“In hindsight, the attacks were over by then, anyway.”
Is it just me, or does anyone else find this (and “logic” like it) to be some of the most stupid and maddening things ever said on Benghazi?
When people are getting on the plane, you don’t know that the attack is over.
Saying that “it didn’t matter” is looking at the results in 20/20 hindsight rather than looking at the actions or inactions of the day.
OK, so they were just told to not get on the plane, not to stand down. What about the pilot of the plane? What sort of order was he given, and where did the plane go that would have delivered the team near Benghazi?
If I was given a choise: 1. Go to bed or 2. Go and save, recover US PERS and or kill terrorists … I would not have been sleeping that night!
When do you think the republicans in congress will investigate the deaths of over 4500 americans in iraq ? Anwser never their is no political gain for them their.
What’s to investigate fuck face, they died in battle. You know whats sad is I know people that are no longer with us and the fact that people like yourself are walking this earth pisses me off to no end. VWP, you are more worthless herpes. You are a draft dodging coward fuckwad pussy. If you were on fire I wouldn’t waste my urine to put you out. Go fuck yourself you waste of space oxygen thief.
Damn! Took the words right out of this ‘ol Marines mouth! Good job!
DUDE!!! Get back on the Zoloft, Prozac, and the Thorazine.
Yer makin’ my eyes bleed reading yer nonsense.
“Anwser never their is no political gain for them their.”–
The resident idiot, 12 July 2014
That about says it all, whatever it says.
Every person in the chain of command including secdef and Optus shoulbe questioned along the lines of Troop Leading Procedures. i. e. What info was gathered? What necessary movements were initiated? What tentative plan was made. No one KNEW the attack would end when it did.
Optus. Equals potus
Please. Haven’t semantics fucked enough people. This is utter bullshit.
Is that like the hundred ways to say you’re sorry, but not actually “I’m sorry.” What. the. fuck.
Here let’s play.
Stay put.
That plane stays on the ground.
You cannot conduct a maneuver in that plane.
That plane is not leaving here for Benghazi to save people.
Cease and desist because it’s not really your gig.
Why haven’t these heads rolled?