Why Not Costa Rica?
We are told that the children from Central America invading our southern border are seeking a life free of political persecution with opportunities to advance their educations. OK, I can understand that. What I can’t understand is why these children have to undergo the travails of threading their way through the iniquity and corruption of Mexico to attain their goals in the United States when there exists a very attractive alternative right in their own backyard.
Way back in the late 1940’s Costa Rica disbanded its army and promulgated laws to ensure that all of its young people were entitled to a free education. That national edict now extends to a college education at state expense. And these are national directives that the good people of Costa Rica take quite seriously. Drive down any highway in that beautiful country and you will quickly become frustrated with the too frequent Zonas Escuealas that crop up every few kilometers. But each and every one of those rural school zones are the seed beds for greater educational growth and national development.
So let’s look at a few positives for those youngsters abandoning say, Honduras or El Salvador, for a future in the United States. Costa Rica is much, much closer and you do not have to cross the lengthy and predatory state of Mexico. And, hey, you speak the same language so that huge linguistic barrier no longer is a factor. Then there is the cultural adaptation that will be considerable in the U.S. but will be negligible in Costa Rica, a country seriously Americanized while still maintaining its Tico culture. The food is still rice and beans.
So, if your goal is self-improvement through education free from governmental oppression, Costa Rica presents a very workable alternative. But wait: does that lovely little country down there in Central America offer you the opportunity to live on welfare, food stamps, subsidized housing and free medical care from the time you enter the country until the day you die?
Um, well no; that would be the U.S.A. that freely extends that greased life-style from the time you cross the border until we plant your free-loading butt in a potter’s grave. “But wait,” as those TV sleaze-bags say, “There’s more,“ and that’s true because the taxpayers of America will end up paying Social Security survivor benefits to your family in Central America who never contributed one minute’s effort to improving this country but who will receive endless monetary beneficence from American taxpayers.
What started out as a piece on why Costa Rica should be a much more attractive asylum than the U.S. simply ended up being yet another demonstration of liberal lunacy.
Crossposted at American Thinker
Category: Illegal Immigrants
Instead of looking at this from a political standpoint, can’t simple proximity be an easier and more realistic answer to your headline’s question?
I would be interested to see research done on Mexican / US migrant population ‘starting’ locations. Without such data, I am willing to bet that the population you are targeting reside within an area close to the US border.
Also, have you researched Costa Rican immigration issues? Or the living situation for southern Mexicans?
I saw an article the other day that said that 1/3 of all the immigrants in this flood were from Mexico. The other 2/3 were from other South American countries.
If I can find the article, I will post it.
What I find interesting is how are the people from South America crossing Mexico to enter the US. Is the Mexican government closing their eyes to this? Are they somehow in cahoots with unknown people / groups / countries? Mexico has very tough immigration laws. How are all these people crossing the country of Mexico without being seen?
There is something way more fishy going on here than just a humanitarian crises at the border.
I’m not ready to don the tinfoil hat just yet, but it does seem rather odd that this happens now, and did not happen during all the conflict in Central America a few decades ago.
That is interesting! I appreciate the different perceptive, going to see if I can find anything on it.
Poetrooper…Thank you and very well said. This is actions by illegals who have been indoctrinated that getting to America means free pie in the sky. All at our tax dollars expense. This nation has gone upside down and backwards in common sense and any notion of self preservation. The time will come, when self preservation will be a necessity in America. Hard choices and demands will have to be made and enforced. We can no longer be the world’s policemen, we can no longer be the world’s open door to a free lunch for life. Unfortunately, so many American voters are so ill informed and or simply don’t care. If they bother to vote, they vote for the “sound good solutions to the feel good issues”, not knowing the costs involved. Were I Emperor of America, there would be immediate voter reform. Voters would have to be tax payers, employed or retired and proven, legal citizens only. No one on welfare or a hand out of any kind, would be allowed to vote. If you don’t work and don’t pay taxes, you can’t vote. Voting would become a right for those who earn it by their contribution to the nation. Not a vote to continue their own freeloading. The biggest self supporting lobby group and voting block of its kind in America, is the welfare recipient segment of society, voting for their own interests, off the taxes and hard work of others. That…is wrong.
Not entirely convinced that government employees should be allowed to vote either. Voting certainly seems like a huge conflict of interest from here.
Easy there, OWB. I’m a government employee (state level). There’s lots of government employees who are hard-working, free-thinking individuals. And then there’s the kind of people you find in the DMV or IRS.
Honestly, it seems like the higher-paid a government employee is the lazier and more self-serving they become. But there’s still a lot of good people working for federal, state, county, and local governments. No more fair to lump all of them together with the shitbags than it is to condemn the whole Army because of Manning and Bergdahl.
Not too long ago, a ship full of Peruvians capsized off the coast of Panama. They were headed to Mexico so they could cross into the US.
Costa Rica is quite a beautiful country. Nice place to live in if you love the tropics.
I’m just guessing that the friendly people of la Costa Rica really don’t want these people, either.
And for USofA, there is only SO much room in the shoe that I live in.
This problem will get fixed the hard way when our population is reduced from 300 million to somewhere around 150 million. Historically, we’re way overdue for a plague. The only problem is, disease doesn’t discriminate, and the only people with any immunity are the ones that are carrying the diseases across our borders. It’s only a matter of time.
You forgot nicuragua. They were able to fight off reagan from installing a corrupt right wing drug dealing government there. That is why the children are not coming from their :but from regains drug dealing lackey governments in honduras gauatamala and el salvador! The pilgrims the first uninvited illegal aliens bring their small pox and land stealing to innocent native americans. Why don’t you self deport back to europe nobody invited you here either!
Years ago, in writing about the Nicaraguan election of 1990-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicaraguan_general_election,_1990-and the defeat of the Sandinistas, the great P.J. O’Rourke described seeing Bianca Jagger the day after the election and how sad she looked and how that made him feel “even better”.
And so I similarly think of vwp’s poor grasp of history (and logic and English and hygiene, but I digress lest this list go on forever) and I also feel “even better”.
Goodness no! While they Cajun passes the babbling incoherence threshold, he appears to be a hardworking, productive member of the community. 10,000 vwp’s would not equal one early morning dump by that man.
And are of a Native American Heritage??
And once again, VWPieceofshit declares his support for a violent, tyrannical regime that brutally repressed non-whites in a third world country.
Hey, VWPussy, how many crosses did you burn today? Racist cocksucker.
I must have been hanging out at TAH too much lately. I didn’t know that there were wars raging in Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Now I find out that the UN has declared these kids, youths, moms, and MS-13 members as refugees. I will need to pay better attention to world affairs. Does this mean that we can expect a flood of Syrians, Iraqis, and palestinians to wash up on our shores in Atlantic City? Perhaps the UN can try to collect the unpaid water bills in Detroit, or pay to repatriate all of these latin american children back to their “war ravaged” home lands.
R in R,
No. The Iraqis, Syrians and Palestinians will also be coming through the Southern border(unless we get it closed).
But on a good note, VWP will have a nice bunk and hot chow waiting on them after their long journey.
They’ll even get free blowjobs for dessert!
The way this country is going down the toilet, I keep asking myself that question more and more every day.
Can I get refugee status there?
MustangCryppie, If you do try to go to Coast Rica, Make sure you DO NOT try to go through Mexico. They do not like people to cross their borders (that is only us). You could find yourself sitting in a Mexican prison like our Marine Brother.
The Ticos don’t want them either. My experience with CR is they have Nationalism in the blood. Let me cut and past a better summary than I could write. The misguided PC crowd would consider this racism tho…so look away if you fall into that category.
“Costa Ricans have their own unique traits that derive from a profoundly conscious self-image which orients much of their behavior as both individuals and as a nation. The Ticos–the name is said to stem from the colonial saying “we are all hermaniticos (little brothers)”–feel distinct from their neighbors by their “whiteness” and relative lack of indigenous culture. Ticos identify themselves first and foremost as Costa Ricans and only Central Americans, or even Latin Americans, as an afterthought.
Many old virtues and values have faltered under the onslaught of foreign influence, modernity, and social change. Drunkenness, drug abuse, and a general idleness previously unknown in Costa Rica have reared their ugly heads. And theft and burglary are seriously on the rise (see “Safety,” p. 162). But most Costa Ricans remain strongly oriented around traditional values based on respect for oneself and for others. The cornerstone of society is still the family and the village community. Social life still centers on the home and family bonds are so strong that foreigners often find making intimate friendships a challenge. Nepotism–using family ties and connections for gain–is the way things get done in business and government.” — costarica.net
Some backwards shit going on down there…can’t wait for another visit!
Will someone tell vwp the pilgrims were not the first; Spaniards and Portuguese were in the Western Hemisphere long before the pilgrims. On second thought, never mind, his mind is made up; don’t confuse him with the facts.
Norsemen got here well ahead of the Spanish and Portuguese, and Columbus was a citizen of Genoa, Italy.
In fact, a bunch of Irish monks got to North America ahead of Columbus.
Ex PH2
I’ll see your Irish monks and raise you a Chinese fleet.
Custer died for your sins. Children si republican gun nuts NO!
I see that you not only have you mastered the English language, but Spanish as well. VWP: El culo de caballo.
CTG, No need to offend horses. They do work, unlike our super duper libtard here.
You’re right. My bad.
Uhh, Custer died because he was an arrogant jackass who ignored his most recent intelligence, underestimated his opponents’ tactical skill and individual fighting prowess, and tried to take on a hugely-superior force without artillery. But nice try at making him some kind of messianic figure, VWPissant. I’m sure the Sioux and Northern Cheyenne REALLY appreciate that opinion. You really are a fucking moron.
Custer was a conceited ass who underestimated Sitting Bull’s ability to outguess and outmaneuver him.
However, vwpsquared, no one has EVER overesitmated your lack of ability to stop abusing any language unfortunate enough to fall under your line of sight.
You’re a braindead, moronic asshole with nothing important to say or do, and an attention whore, so shut the frack up, you clothwitted. toad-spotted, gleeking, potbellied measle-pocked lackwit.
I will state it once again for the cock-mole VWP to understand.
The illegals coming here and their ignorant supporters are using the false assumption that they somehow have a “right” to go anywhere they want in the Americas simply because they have a similar skin pigmentation that other “natives” had.
Had this been 800 AD and the Mayans or Aztecs came into California ot Texas they would have been skinned alive by the “natives” already there.
Saying that a Guatemalan has a right to move unhindered to Texas is like saying a Greek has the right to come without any papers or means of support to Oslo, Norway.
The Comanches in Texas would’ve skinned them. The Apaches in Arizona and New Mexico would’ve done far worse. Then again, seeing as how this would be non-whites butchering other non-whites, the thought certainly gives VWPussy the warm-fuzzy.
Custer would have been your typical poster here!
Good morning, douchebag. Off your meds again, eh?
G. Custer
On Monday, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Guatemalan president Otto Perez Molina held a joint press conference in Playas de Catazaja, Mexico, to officially announce an agreement to make it easier for those making the illegal journey to the United States from Central America, to cross into Mexico.
The Southern Border Program to Improve Passage, will provide for more border checkpoints along Mexico’s border with Guatemala, and offer more protection and even emergency medical care to those making their way north. The illegal aliens will receive a so-called Regional Visitor’s Card, according to El Universal.
Officially, the program will grant the cards to only illegal aliens from Guatemala and Belize, allowing them to remain in Mexico’s southern states for 72 hours (more than enough time to reach the U.S./Mexican border by train). While, those two countries share a border with Mexico, the program will undoubtedly benefit anyone who makes it to the border, which would explain why our Border Patrol stations are currently overflowing with illegal aliens from El Salvador and Honduras as well.
The program will also give special protection and even financial assistance to unaccompanied minors now pouring across our border. Of course, these efforts, chiefly by the Mexican government, will only increase the number of illegal aliens coming to this country by the thousands, now on a daily basis.
US running ads for foster homes paying as much as $6,000 a month paying for a mom and a couple kids.