Bergdahl, the special snowflake & Chuck Hagel, the dupe

| June 11, 2014

The Washington Post is setting up the scenario that Bowe Bergdahl was some sort of Bohemian deep thinker who was operating on an entirely different plane of existence that the rest of us wouldn’t understand. Well, that and he got booted from the Coast Guard after 28 days of basic training, or whatever it is that they call the initial training phase;

Before he became a Taliban prisoner, before he wrote in his journal “I am the lone wolf of deadly nothingness,” before he ever joined the Army, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was discharged from the U.S. Coast Guard for psychological reasons, said close friends who were worried about his emotional health at the time.

Of course, he was allowed to join the Army because “Bush!”

With two wars raging in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2008, the Army was meeting recruitment goals by issuing waivers that allowed people with criminal records, health conditions and other problems to enlist. According to a 2008 Army War College study on the subject, the Army was issuing waivers at a rate of one for every five recruits at the time.


“Bullet sponges,” [Bergdahl] wrote at one point. “This is what some of the SEALs call regular Army and other mass ground troops. Its right, the job of a soldier is to basically die.”

At another: “Lightning, there is nothing as truly beautiful as lightning .?.?.”

And then: “Puddle of mud, skitsafrentic phyco.”

He was a hippie, spawn of hippies, who accidentally joined the Army. The job of a soldier is to live, actually. A dead soldier is more of a burden to the Army than a live soldier. Of course, it’d be nice of us to die the day after we leave the service, but not while we’re in. But hippies like to read that shit. They also like to read that the Army was taking the Coast Guard’s mental rejects.

I guess the nature of his new chosen profession hadn’t dawned on him during marksmanship training (you know, shooting at people-shaped targets) or bayonet training (you know, stabbing people-shaped dummies and reciting the “Spirit of the Bayonet”).

Bergdahl wrote all of this hippie shit to a young lady by the name of Kim Harrison. I don’t know anything about her, but I assume that she’s nice, but in my opinion, Bowe was setting her up for a booty call for when he came home. I was a teenager in uniform and I recognize the theme of his writing style.

But the big news today is how Chuck Hagel testified to Congress that “time was not on our side” in regards to the negotiations for Bergdahl’s release. Funny, but the same deal was rejected in 2011 and 2012, according to the Washington Times so basically the Obama Administration is admitting that they suck at negotiating – they had four years to negotiate a better deal, but instead they just took the first thing that had come along. Like that kid in your neighborhood who always got suckered into bad trading card and comic book swaps.

From Associated Press;

“We could have done a better job of keeping you informed,” Hagel acknowledged to the panel.

Translation: It’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.

They couldn’t negotiate to keep troops in Iraq, they can’t negotiate to keep troops in Afghanistan and they can’t negotiate so that dangerous, treacherous criminals aren’t wandering around loose in the world. I’ll betcha that I could get Hagel to trade that Mickey Mantle rookie year card for my A-Rod Yankee card.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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I thought there are no beautiful unique snowflakes in the military. Are you saying my drill instructors were wrong?


He also tried to join the French Foreign Legion. They said non, merci.

Richard Jacobs

No one has said a f**king word about Hatley, Lourance, Miller ,Mayo and the other Warriors at USDB. I visited Hatley last evening and he just about came unglued when the subject of Bergdahl and the 5 prisoners came up. It was definitely the elephant in the room that couldn’t not be addressed. Hagel has the power/authority to release these guys, but does he have the balls?

Climb to Glory

Jesus Christ. I’m getting tired of this fucking narrative. Everyday another excuse/story and they all blow. These people are so out of touch and petty. Just admit you fucked up and drive on and make sure it doesn’t happen again. I wasn’t alive during Carter or Nixon, but they could not have been more dysfunctional than this administration. I just can’t believe it. Jonn I was thinking the same thing about trading cards with these incompetent boobs. 5 for 1.


Climb to Glory: from my perspective, the last few months (or maybe last year) of the Nixon administration were much worse. Desperation makes people do (or at least try) some truly stupid stuff.

But for sheer incompetence, I’m thinking this Administration has now passed that of Jimmy the Clueless. And I never thought I’d see that in my lifetime.

They may not yet have passed the LBJ Administration for mendacity, though. Maybe.


Oh, they passed LBJ a long time ago. LBJ was a real skunk, amoral before it was fashionable, but he did understand that when caught, he needed to own it, and at least appear to change his ways. This bunch of misfits seem to believe that they are untouchable, that anything they want is OK because it’s them, after all.


Sttttttttrike! knee high, inside the plate. 😎

Just an Old Dog

I had a buddy on my first enlistment who was prior coast guard.
He said they played a lot of the same games they do in all the other boot camps. In fact he said that going through Coast Guard boot gave him a big advantage at Parris Island. He was not in as much shock as the non military recruits.

charles w

Went to Navy Basic in 1981. Joined the Army in 1987. Many new rules went in place in in six years. The intensity in the Navy was a lot more than the Army, which really surprised me. I only had to go thru BRM in the Army. Only Prior Air Force had to do the whole thing. Plus the Drill Sergent’s knew that the head fucking wouldn’t work with me. But my name became Navy the whole time.


Chucky was stand up today at the hearing, stating unequivocally he had no knowledge of any specific Bergdhal rescue missions, or any US losses because of them. So he’s either uninformed or lying, neither of which is acceptable.


I have to agree with Hagel. Time was indeed running out… on the election and the VA scandal.

Pinto Nag


The excuse that never dies.

Delila T.

If Bergdahl is mentally ill, then I’m a roll of pink duct tape with kittens on it.

If that’s his claim as is reported, and I think it’s pure hooey, he’s fishing for free money. I’ve seen that before and so have all of you, right here on good ol’ TAH. I do not think I need to mention any names.

A Proud Infidel®

What could have made him catch a bad enough case of PTSD before deploying, being shot with too many spit wads while doing paperwork? His getting ragged about his tiny penis n the showers? I think he was a recruiter’s quota boy!


“Puddle of mud, skitsafrentic phyco.”

They realize that’s a lyric from the song, Pyscho, by Puddle of Mudd right?

Pretty sure being an actual schizophrenic has nothing to do with listening or liking that song, it was pretty main stream.

Grasping for straws much?


Being a big Puddle of Mudd fan myself, I thought the same thing. That song was played on the radio quite a bit after it first came out, and is still played occasionally now. If they thought that it was weird seeing the words that simply described a band and one of their more popular songs, what other non-issues are they making a big deal about?


The head scratcher for me is the trade.

Whatever reason Bergdahl left his post is secondary.

I just coming back to the thought that had Lincoln traded five captured Confederate field officers for one wayward private who wandered away from his post (for whatever reason), there would have been a ton of outrage back in the day.


CDR_D…I agree that the trade is the bigger issue to me as well. That is why all the spin and blame shifting are at full throttle now. It is duck and cover time for Obama and all concerned. That is their new primary cause. To keep this from being viewed as yet another scandal, mistake and very bad play on the part of the Administration. Obama will never, ever take responsibility for or admit to a mistake.


Next we’re gonna hear he was a whack job. Recruited and allowed in the Army because of the policies of the Bush Administration but had it been under Obama, he wouldn’t have made it in. They’re gonna spin this every way to Sunday. Why? The more confusion, obfuscation and contradiction Obama can add to the story, first the harder it will be to find and settle on the truth of what he did and why and second, the easier it will be to blame shift and garner the sympathy of the “he’s suffered enough” mentality, the military haters on the left and the average ill or non-informed American.

This story of Bergdahl is a lot simpler than it is being made out to be in my mind. I believe he is simply a malcontent who deserted and afterwards possibly aided the enemy. If he were truly treated as a deserter until proven otherwise, based on HIS own words, notes, emails, phone calls and the testimony of fellow squad members, then subjected to a REAL debriefing until the truth comes out of him, his story, the truth, will be pretty simple and clear cut. He may indeed be a whack job. But he was a soldier. He deserted. His desertion cost lives and he needs to be held accountable for those lives as well as his desertion.


Funny I was always told that my job was not to die for my country but to make sure that other dumb SOB died for his..


Another issue I have with Bergdahl crossed my mind. In an article of his words and emails from another thread, he stated in so many words that he did not like the Coast Guard and “faked a psychiatric disorder” (my paraphrase) to get out. The Army knew this and gave him a pass on recruitment. That being the case, which I believe was not and he in fact did have psychiatric problems which the Coast Guard discharged him for, begs a question. From the time he hit boot camp, through AIT, then assignment to a unit, to the knowledge they were being deployed, to arrival in Afghanistan, then spending time on the line, he could have done the same thing. In fact right up until he decided to desert, he could have gone to the doctors, pulled the psychiatric trump card, with full evidence and support from his Coast Guard discharge and asked to be relieved for his same stated reasons. I believe the Army would have taken him up on it, sent him home and discharged him accordingly. Yet he did not do that at any time. He instead CHOSE his path all the way to the night he decided to walk off his post and desert. No psychiatric excuses he can claim in my mind. No excuses in fact whatsoever, except he decided to be a traitor to his country and supported that position by deserting his post and walking over to the enemy.


FOIA his USCG discharge paperwork. THE key is in those items….

NR Pax

Dear Washington Post,

If the boy is such an intellectual powerhouse, how was it that he wasn’t smart enough to understand his obligations?


Just for giggles lets toss out the fact that Bergdahl Sr was at one time, a “contender” on the US Olympic Team that did not go to Moscow (or where ever it was they didn’t show). When people are desperate, they do desperate and oft times, can and will do despicable things. *shrugging*


Oh, please don’t tell us he was on the biathlon team!

Anonymous in Jax

Not that it absolves him of his responsibilities, but this is exactly what j was saying the other day….the lowered standards led to many soldiers being able to enlist when they had no business doing so. This Coast Guard business just proves he never should have been in….much like Manning never should have been given the clearance he was given and probably shouldn’t have been in either. Raise the standards back up and maybe this stuff would be fewer and further between.

2/17 Air Cav

To state the obvious, there are two distinct issues here and, it occurs to me, the administration would like the two to be confused or, at least, accepted without any degree of separation. The first is Bergdahl and all of the ugliness and strangeness that goes with him personally and his sudden disappearance. The administration would like us to believe that he was captured by the enemy and that his capture alone accords him so sort of hero status. Aside from the fact that there is not anything heroic in itself about being captured, there is a legitimate question about whether Bergdahl surrendered or otherwise willingly delivered himself to the enemy. Distinct from that matter is the question of how he came to be released (not captured) and the administration’s decision to free five terrorists in exchange for that release. On the day this story broke, Obama invoked the false but attractive slogan “No one is left behind.” He also appeared at the dais without the secretary of defense, Chuckles Hagel. It is guessed that the West Wing gang anticipated that Obama’s announcement would be a credit to him and that there was no need to share the expected adulation with anyone. Bergdahl’s father did appear with Obama and eyebrows immediately arose. Instead of viewing a happy Dad, the American public saw him and asked, “What the hell is that? What did he just say? Pashtu?” And when the country learned that five terrorists had been secretly and illegally and unilaterally exchanged by Obama for Bergdahl, all hell broke loose. A week later that administration couldn’t say often enough that “The secretary of defense signed off on the agreement” and even the most ardent Obama loyalists had no good answer for why he negotiated with terrorists, failed to consult Congress, and unilaterally caused terrorists to be freed so that they may kill, maim, and terrorize again. Bergdah’s capture. Berghdah’s release. They ought never to be confused.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Obama to Taliban: C’mon how about 1 gitmo guerilla and some DNC convention memorabilia?

Taliban: 5 gitmo guerillas

Obama: Alright I’ll release 2 of them and send over some white towels with the presidential seal.

Taliban: 5 gitmo guerillas

Obama: How about 3? I could send them with some stingers?

Taliban: 5 gitmo guerillas

Obama: Okay final offer, 4 and we’ll deliver them in a Bradley that you can keep as a souvenir?

Taliban: 5 gitmo guerillas, and we want them to get a nice year long vacation poolside at the Ritz Carlton Doha.

Obama: Alright, alright, but if anybody asks you guys were asking for 10 guys and I negotiated a better deal okay?

Taliban: Whatever you say Mr. President


That would be better than what actually appears to have happened:

Taliban: We want our 5 big boys.

Obama: OK, here they are.

Taliban: Fine. We like new way of American “negotiation.”

Toasty Coastie

The Traitor/Deserter is due back in the US in Texas this Friday…–politics.html

2/17 Air Cav

Oh goodie. The old Friday hideaway routine. Will he be in handcuffs? A strait jacket? Will be be wheeled in as the wounded hero or will he walk in, jacket pulled over his head, surrounded by LEOs wearing vests and carrying weapons?


Hi TC!!! *waves and blows kisses*

Hope you’re feeling better!!

Toasty Coastie

Hi yas Chip!! *kissies and wavies*

Thanks doing ok…Only toppled the wheels twice 😀


I don’t think there will be a home coming celebration for this jackturd. Too many folks believe he’s a deserter and a traitor. I do imagine though, security will be tighter than a virgin on her wedding night.


Oh joy. Something else for us here in San Antonio. However I don’t think he’ll get a rousing “Welcome Home” from us either. SA has lots and lots of military (Active and Retired) and we don’t take kindly to deserters. I expect the press to have some fun with him (after we finish of the Heat that is).


Quite the leap from Coast guard to Army.

Toasty Coastie

Take your BP meds if you have them before reading this update…