So: How’s It Feel to Be Thrown Under the Bus, Mr. SECDEF?

| June 10, 2014

It appears as if the Administration’s story about Bergdahl’s release is morphing again. And now that there’s pushback, it also looks like they’ve decided on a scapegoat to take the heat.

Last week, SECDEF Hagel made the following statements to the BBC:

Last week, Hagel said the swap was a unanimous decision when speaking to the BBC.

‘It was the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Director of National Intelligence, Attorney General,’ he said.

But now that there’s been some pushback regarding the deal, here’s what the Administration was saying yesterday:

Final approval for the prisoner exchange that freed Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was made by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, members of Congress learned on Monday from administration officials.

‘They indicated (it was) Secretary Hagel (who made the final call),’ Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CA) said after a classified briefing, ABC points out.

It also seems that 80 to 90 people in the Administration were aware that the deal was being made before it happened. In contrast, zero Members of Congress were informed a priori – as required by Federal law.

For the SECDEF’s sake, I hope that bus has plenty of ground clearance. ‘Cause it certainly looks like he’s about to get a close-up view of its undercarriage.

Category: Military issues

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Resigning either this Friday or next.


between 4:30 and 6 p.m.


Look how long it took them to DX Shinseki. Clinton left on her terms. Holder is still there. Hagel will be around until this administration walks out the door.


“‘I make absolutely no apologies for making sure we get a young man back to his parents,’ Obama told reporters Thursday at the end of the G7 summit in Belgium.”

Guess he meant HAGEL makes no apologies…

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

“‘I make absolutely no apologies for making sure we get a young man back to his parents,’ Obama told reporters Thursday at the end of the G7 summit in Belgium.”

Guess he meant HAGEL makes no apologies…

You almost got it right… Obama makes no apologies getting HAGEL back to HIS parents… although Hagel’s parents are probably deceased… but you get my point.


“Here you go….one set for you…..and you…here …and here for you too….yep, plenty to go around….no pushing…. nice orderly line please…and one bag and bucket for you sir….”

/tar and feathers.


The wheels on the bus go round and round…
Wondering if he heard this in his head as the bus ran him down?

Pinto Nag

There’s at least 80 to 90 people in the Administration that will be responsible for American blood and bodies in the near future.


Yeah, try to get a single name of those in the know. It’ll be, “not me, nobody told me nothing”.

2/17 Air Cav

“I make absolutely no apologies….” The Emperor is psychologically unable to apologize for anything if the apology signals an error in judgement or a mistake. Hagel was a sap, a useful sap. He is now roadkill. And so it goes.

2/17 Air Cav

West Winger: “What is your sole mission?”

Hagel: “To protect The Emperor from blame in all things gone awry and to advance his agenda as I am instructed.”

West Winger: “Correct. Did you do that regarding Bergdahl?”

Hagel: “Um, well I…”

West Winger: “That was rhetorical question, Chuck. So, here’s one that’s not: How do you want it? Prussian style or Jap style?”


Good shit right there.


Chucky goin’ under the Obama bus… head first, face up no less! What’s it feel like, gettin’ dorked in the old squeakhole, Chucky-boi? Your buddy don’t care, he’s looking for someone to take the head for his lack of managerial skills, and this time it was Chuck!

I bet that Chuck will be buffing up his resume here real soon…


B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Benghazi


Is it wrong that I find this funny and enjoy seeing UpChuck get his comeuppance?
OK then……..
*cough cough*


For all his warts, Panetta was at least competent and incredibly smart! Hagel… slow child. So, I’m not crying for him.

Old Trooper

We all know the MO of this narcissistic fraud-in-chief; if it’s a positive, like the SEALs taking care of business with Capt. Phillips or Bin Laden, then he is going to be front and center with the administration narrative having Obama doing everything including squeezing the trigger. When it’s a negative; it’s never his fault, he didn’t know about it, it was someone else who is to blame, but not him, he didn’t know until he heard it on the news. He came out acting like the cat that ate the canary, until the uproar started, then he couldn’t pass the buck fast enough.

fucking narcissistic coward pile of monkey nuts.


“fucking narcissistic coward pile of monkey nuts”

Best description I’ve heard. I may have to borrow that one.


A grunt turns his back on his former brothers for selfish reasons, only to find himself betrayed in turn by them when he is no longer useful. It’s almost poetic.


“Them” being his new friends, sorry.


The perfect republican fall guy……


Dumping Hagel now would lead to lots of speculation on a replacement and uncomfortable talk about defense issues in the lead up to the congressional election. Only reason to do it now would be the better chance at getting a nominee through confirmation, but even reliable Dems aren’t happy with the admin right now. I doubt he will be fired, but he’s going to get some road rash and tire marks over the next week.


Bring in Mad Dog!



Obama has no idea what his cabinet is doing? They are just making policy decisions without him?


A Proud Infidel®™

That’s right, Hagel IS A RINO Republican, so will that lead to B. Hussein 0bama & Company blaming Bush for this latest mess?


Token Repup Chucky did as he was told- gutting the military- and now is useless.
Except for this one last thing…


“Final approval for the prisoner exchange that freed Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was made by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel…”

How’s it feel under the bus, Hagel? Anyone with an ounce of sense knows that it’s a lie. The buck stops on Obama’s desk. He’s the only one who could authorize such an exchange. But typical of this crooked administration, they’ll do anything to protect the asshole in chief from any criticism or fault. Remember, this is the same guy (Obama) who threw his own grandmother face first under the bus.

Roger in Republic

I’ve been around for a long time and have heard more than my share of Bull Shit, but this takes the cake. No whitehouse would ever leave a decision of this political magnitude to a SEC DEF. This has Obamas bloody hand prints all over it. If this trade came from DEF why would Susan Rice be on the Sunday shows shilling for the Great Reader. Point out the law that gives Hagle the right to free Tallywhackers that the government sued to keep locked up! If Hagle were a real man he would tender his resignation on the Fox News Channel in prime time and call Barack Obama a lying sack of shit while he spilled the whole rancid story to Megan Kelly. But he’s not such a man so he will swallow Obama’s load and carry on. As far as this administration goes, I fart in their general direction.


↑↑↑↑↑ Upvotes, Roger. You done hit that hanging curve out of the ballpark, sir.