Wrong Family in the Rose Garden

| June 8, 2014

America was recently treated to a heart-warming display of presidential warmth, sympathy and concern when our commander in chief lent his magisterial presence in a particularly personal way to a Rose Garden photo opportunity. Barack Obama personally led the nation in welcoming the return from behind enemy lines of PFC Bowe Bergdahl in the presence of Bergdahl’s parents in a highly scripted event on the White House grounds. After Bergdahl senior stepped to the lectern and demonstrated in Arabic or Pashto where his true loyalties lie, our ever so solicitous chief executive escorted the happy family away from the ceremony with a comforting presidential hand on the centers of both their backs.

Even before this ceremony, Internet buzz, especially among those in the military and veterans, was that the guy the president was honoring before the entire world was in fact an undeserving deserter, possibly a defector and most likely a collaborator with the enemy. Coming out of all that buzz was the heretofore unknown information that there were at least a half-dozen or more young soldiers killed in the efforts expended by the American military forces in Afghanistan to recover the rogue soldier who’d gone through the wire.

At minimum, six Gold Star Mothers lost their sons in a futile effort to recover a possible traitor. While Bergdahl’s family is treated to a celebratory Rose Garden event by a super solicitous president, not a one of those grieving mothers of the dead searchers is given the time of day by the most agenda driven and politically motivated commander-in-chief of our armed forces this nation has ever seen. A Rose Garden stroll? Sure, but what’s in it for Barry, hmmm?

Military deaths must be sorted and categorized, you see, by this most transparent of administrations, for their relative political value. Deaths that can advance their politically correct, socialist agenda become high value opportunities. Should that political value be lacking, then meh…not so much. But in the case of Bergdahl, this tender flower child with ballet skills and inclined to ethereal walk-abouts is obviously poster material for liberal causes, so we will level the full force and presence of the United States government to enshrine him as a hero.

Oh, the families of those killed in the search for our precious little flower?

Tough…they’ll just have to work through it on their own.

Hey, this is the office of the commander of the chiefs; we’re busy, ya know?

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Sea Dragon

I only pray that history accurately records what he has done to our republic and its institutions. I served under the best C-in-C of my lifetime, Reagan, and the two worst, Carter and The One. Time to retire.


Recorded accurately? Are you kidding? Historians will remember our First Black President ™ as a visionary genius.


I’m not defending this little retard at all–only the truth–but I think it is probably a stretch to call him a collaborator and traitor. At this time, those are accusations that can’t be proven, only assumed.

Call him a betrayer, a deserter, a fucking piece of shit not worthy of the 6 brave American soldiers who died looking for him, a boy who abandoned his men in the enemy’s land by walking off the OP, whatever. Just be honest.


“Even before this ceremony, Internet buzz, especially among those in the military and veterans, was that the guy the president was honoring before the entire world was in fact an undeserving deserter, possibly a defector and most likely a collaborator with the enemy. ”

That statement is factual. It does not contain a conclusion.


+100. Well said, PT.


PT: You nailed it.


Couldn’t have said it better Poe.

Becky Buck

My thoughts exactly! Obama’s strategy is so twisted that he keeps our politicians scratching their heads. Lindsey Graham says “do it again” and then we’ll act, as if Obama was caught with his hand in the cookie jar instead of secretly unleashing five of the most vicious barbarians back into society. Bergdahl is Obama’s expendable pawn and only God knows where he’ll wind up, it could be in Kansas at USDB, whatever suits Obama’s strategy. He is focused on fundamentally transforming the United States of America, and he’s counting on American naivete and on Congressional infighting to give him as much time as he needs to complete his mission. I don’t know what his team’s timetable is but I don’t assume we have until the mid-term elections, let alone 2016 to stop him.

Becky Buck

I forgot to say that my reply was in response to Poetrooper’s reply.


While I have defended some of the goings on (gag orders during criminal invesitgations), I don’t think it’s a streatch at all. Especially in light of the Eclipse Group’s recently released SITREPS concerning Bergdahls treatment and actions while in captivity. While they do show at times he was mistreated, they also show he was at times allowed to carry a weapon, participate in range fires and other actions that last time I check were in direct violation of the Code of Conduct at best and UCMJ and US Codes relating to helping the enemy during time of was/conflict at worst.


As others have also noted, it is not just the deaths of the American soldiers who died searching for Bergdahl, but the as yet not publicly well known names of those who died capturing the 5 terrorists traded for Bergdahl. That’s a lot of dead Americans who are directly dishonored. Add to that number the survivors of those KIA’s, the entire miltary and all our families who are utterly disrespected by this little photo op.

Gee, thanks. Such respect shown to the people whom you serve, Mr. commander of the chiefs.

Or maybe it was more than just a photo op. There sure seemed to be some cryptic messages going out to the terrorists from the Rose Garden that day.


How much ISR and air support was pulled off of other operations to support the search for Bergdahl? How many were wounded or died because they didn’t have that support?


I’m just waiting for when he gets back home in ID and is discharged and is interviewed by the likes of rolling stone and displays the name tags of true Americans that he personally killed in combat. Too bad this POS can’t be shoved out the side door of a 17 bound stateside

Just an Old Dog

Getting an American POW back. Good Job.

Trading 5 highlevel terrorist for him? Questionable. Then again its not like Either side has a wide variety of POWs to choose from.

Having a high profile press conference and celebrationing as if you just got Audie Murphy back from a death camp: Bullshit, Obama’s staff has had full access to reports of Bergdahl’s shenanigans from the CIA and DOD for a long time. A competent president would have simply had the press release that he was back in US hands.

The Other Whitey

I can’t decide who’s the bigger turd here, Bergdahl or Obama?


It has to be either/or?


When Taliban sympathizer #1 was praising Allah and Obama had a huge shit eating grin on his face, it was obviously the right family for Obama.


The fact they are defending his appearance is appalling as well.

After being there long enough, his hair, mannerisms, way he spoke, etc., all pointed to him appearing like a Tali, not a “biker” or some other “average joe” they proclaimed.

I’m surprised Obama didn’t make it seem like he personally went in to pick up bergdhal himself, like when he flew to Pakistan and killed Bin Laden.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty

Maybe you will like Mrs. President better! Hillary Clinton. Obama did not invade afganistan that was republican bush deal with bin ladin. Obama had no such deal with bin ladin so no more bin ladin. Same with Iraq Obama got us out not in. As neo-con artists and chicken hawks(ask them where they were during the vietnam war?)now want to send others not their kids to syria and ukraine.


Rock VWPAUL, VWPAUL Rock: Now that your re-acquainted, please go crawl back under it.

Mr. Blue

Well, vwp, we do know you were not yet in existence during the Vietnam war.

We know that your Aunt-grandma thinks it is cute when you pretend, but we find it kind of derpy, you know?


I’m just curious – when was the last time you praised Nixon for getting us out of Viet Nam?

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty

In 1968 president johnson was given a tape recording by cia of nixon talking to south vietnamese president. Tricky dick told him to wait till after the election and nixon would pay him off! So we had 4 more years 4 more years 4 more years! and many thousands more americans dead I should praise nixon for this! Johnson played the tape for republican sen. dirksen. Sen dirksen was owed a favor by johnson for republican support of civil rights bill and called it in. Same type of treason bill casey made with iran to hold our hostages till after 1980 election so reagan could beat carter.


My, you are one special, delusional snowflake, aren’t you? Go have another sip of bong water, turd.



Still off your meds, you punk ass bedwetter?


If you’re going to be calling people names like chicken hawks by dwelling on the past Vietnam war, you can’t have been a chicken shit coward and fled the country yourself.

You’re right though, if 9/11 happened on Obama’s watch nothing would have happened. He can’t seem to lift a finger when Americans die, but he’ll sure make them more vulnerable while aiding the enemy.

Go take a long walk off a short cliff, Pal.

Mr. Blue

vwp is the result of multiple generations of hippie commune inbreeding and prenatal drug use. Poor kid actually thinks he was around back in the sixties.



He himself said he was a draft dodger though, so I’ll go with using his own words against him.

NR Pax

Just curious: Have you apologized to your English teacher yet?


Not really acquainted with you VWP, but you type like a misinformed arsehole.

In recap: if you type like an arsehole, you must look like one, and if you look like one, you must be one.

Dumbass, go crawl back under the rock you came out from under.


Why didn’t they just bring this person back and drop him off at the Military hospital and let the system work it’s course. To parade him in front of the cameras along with the White House Donkey, is only stirring the pot.


Because Obama figured that it could be another political win and took the opportunity. It backfired, big time. So now they are in full defensive mode over it.

Though I could put on my conspiracy theory hat and say that the CIA and senior officials purposely let him do the parade and show him to look like a dumbass. But that’s just a conspiracy thought.


Obama being apolitical is against his very nature.

This is the same shmuck fundraising while Benghazi was occurring.


Well as fare as conspiracy theories go, it sounds reasonable and close to the truth. I would have to say it worked.


The sad reality is that even when something “backfires” on them in this manner, it still accomplishes the intended distraction from whatever they are doing behind the curtain. In this case is it the VA, their mass transit and integration system for illegals, or something else entirely?


Rules for radicals.

If there are scandals, make sure there are enough to where nobody can truly cover them all.

They know exactly what they are doing. It’s intentional because it’s been so consistent.