Kerry: $5b in terrorism fund

| May 28, 2014

John Kerry

ROS sends us a link to the Washington Times with an Associated Press article and I really don’t know what to make of it.

Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday the United States is setting up a $5 billion “terrorism partnership fund” to help other countries push back against radical extremists.

The headline tells that story, too, but that’s all there is. No indication as to what they plan to do with the fund. For all we know, it’s to buy bubble gum for when our allies aren’t kicking ass.

From Wiki;

The most recent major report on these costs come from Brown University in the form of the Costs of War project, which said the total for wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan is at least $3.2-4 trillion.

So what do they expect $5 billion will do? I’m thinking that they announced this the day after they settled on keeping 9800 troops in Afghanistan to give the impression that they’re not giving up on the war on terror, that the Nobel Prize president is still a wartime president.

The only way this would be news to me is if Kerry was starting the fund out of his own pocket, and I guess we know that will never happen.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John Kerry

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Oh, great. Another foreign aid welfare fund.

Green Thumb

Economic liberalism 101.


Great! Can’t take care of vets at home. Sending more troops into harms way and now $5 Billion to help do something I can’t comprehend. My money says now, every ass hole and their brother, including Boko Harem, will have their hand out to, you know, help push back radical extremists. What a bunch of dumb assed, no brains, fuctards this administration has become. I mean they weren’t much before but EVERY decision now is screwed up and incomprehensible, beyond belief! Come on 2016!

James in Gulf Breeze

Hmmm. Let’s just give this money to Al Quaeda… but they have to use this information to send their leaders to the CSM acadmey and the armed forces staff college. That should take care of ANY threat.

2/17 Air Cav

My guess is that this is The Emperor’s Crew’s Retirement Fund, a 911K, if you will. See, that money–our money–will be spent for bullshit studies, bullshit consultants, bullshit white-papers, and other bullshit–and the recipients will be former obamanistas. It’s pre-retirement planning at its best, that’s all.


2/17 Air Cav I bow to your common sense and foresight. I didn’t think of it like that. I believe you are right though. We will see when we see how much of this money actually goes overseas instead of staying in the USA.

Pinto Nag

Please be patient with this analogy, because at first it won’t connect. In the end it will, though.

Starfish have always been thought to be a rather useless creature. In exasperation, fishermen used to cut all the arms off the starfish and throw the pieces into the water, thinking that was an effective way to get rid of them. It was learned, only fairly recently, that this was exactly the wrong thing to do, because when you pull starfish apart like that, THEY REGENERATE. Far from killing them, you end up creating FIVE starfish, where before there was only one.

I think everyone here will see the connection. Money given to the governments having the most trouble with terrorists will have the effect of increasing terrorism, because that money will end up GOING TO THE TERRORISTS, not being used to fight them.



What PN said. In spades.


Why is the U.S. allocating so much money towards an enemy that has been “decimated”?


Can’t say “Decimated”…because that might be waaacist! =)


But in the literal sense of the word, the President didn’t lie.

It means kill every “tenth man” like the Romans did. Hence, he is correct. He decimated Al Qaeda (killed 1 in 10).

And if you were to ask Jay “Art” Carney, he’d say the same thing I’m sure.


what, the State Department spending millions of dollars to restore mosques wasn’t enough? If it was anyone but the government, you would think they could rebuild Mecca with that much money. No doubt in the hands of the government it will pay for a coupla boxes of napkins.

2/17 Air Cav

I think Obama has gone off his nut altogether. I was hoping for a West Pont commencement speech thread. Maybe later. It’s still early. Anyway, here are a few of my favorite lines he spoke today:

“We can’t call on others to make commitments to combat climate change if a whole lot of our political leaders deny that it is taking place.” Climate change? Knock. Knock. Meeeester Presidente. You are at West Point, not the UN.

“And that’s why I will continue to push to close Gitmo, because American values and legal traditions do not permit the indefinite detention of people beyond our borders.” Gitmo? Gitmo? What about something a tad more current, prezzy? Most of the public never knew Gitmo and those that did forgot about it. So, just STFU about Gitmo.

Regarding Boko Haram, he said, “And that’s we have to focus not just on rescuing those girls right away, but also on supporting Nigerian efforts to educate its youth.” Right way is gone. And waht’s that educate Nigerian youth crap?

And here’s my personal favorite:

“And beyond these narrow rationales, I believe we have a real stake — abiding self-interest — in making sure our children and our grandchildren grow up in a world where schoolgirls are not kidnapped; where individuals aren’t slaughtered because of tribe or faith or political belief.” Well, there it is, America’s foreign policy vision, c/o obama. I do believe he has gone off his nut.

Pinto Nag

So, instead of the world’s policemen, our warriors are now going to be the world’s janitors.

I KNEW that Marine should have shoved that umbrella…never mind.


I’m with you 2/17 AirCav. That speech was certainly disjointed, and wasn’t really sure what point he was making to the graduating class. I’m sure they all felt less than inspired afterwards.

2/17 Air Cav

Dollars to donuts he wrote that speech himself. Check that. Dollars to donuts, the whole Obama Family sat around a table last night and wrote that. I swear it was written by a child for other children.

Pinto Nag

Part of the problem, Air Cav, is that Obama has NO IDEA what goes on at West Point. He thinks it’s just another school.


Is it just me, or does sKerry look more and more like someone smacked him in the face with a shovel? And like he’s choking on his own collar?

Can I set myself up as a 3rd world tinpot dicatorship w/extreme religious views, and get some of that tax money of mine back?

Larry T

Kerry is going to have a $5 billion “terrorism partnership fund”. Is this like his support for the Viet Cong?