The PTSD Made Me Do It
Every day on this site and others frauds, fakes and phonys are exposed for what they are. We see them come here and try to explain away the lies and deceit as a misunderstanding or someone carrying out a vendetta and worst of all is when they stick by the lie. I can honestly say that I take no joy in exposing these people but I know that it must be done.
My reasons are varied. But the thing I keep thinking about are the families of those that died for the idea of our Nation. I say “Idea” because that all it really is. When enough of us stop believing in the idea of the Constitution, The Bill of Rights, Blind Justice and so many of the other things that make the United States different from all other Nations then we as a Nations will cease to exist. We will fade away into antiquity to be studied by future generations.
For every lie that we read about, every Fake DD-214 we see there are 10,000 silent truths. Those truths that belong to the men and women who have served our nation faithfully and with dignity and who see no need to embellish or lie about what they did. For every lie there are graves on almost every continent and in ever sea, the final resting places of real Valor.
To so many of these fakes just being a part of something great is not enough. They lie to try to advance in politics, or to impress a girlfriend or employer. What really pisses me off now are all the claims of PTSD. I am just waiting for the one who claims PTSD from the stress of keeping up the lie. Its going to happen and whoever does it will get a disability rating from the VA. PTSD is a very real issue, every time one of these fakes hides behind it as an excuse for wrong actions it hurts the Veteran community and Serving military as a whole.
We all have stress in our lives, Every person who ever served can recall instances of traumatic stress. Hell, in boot camp I forget one of those damned General Orders and had to go to marching party. (Work out ran by sadistic SEALs at RTC in San Diego) To this day it remains the hardest physical thing I have ever done. I didn’t make it the first time either, I had to do it again the next night. Stressful and Traumatic? Hell yes. I lived in fear of ever having to do that again. Guess what? I know my General Orders.
So one of these fakes gets caught in a lie and blames it on PTSD, Now if he or she is questioned or other wise ridiculed ,we are picking on someone with PTSD and are the bad guys. It pisses me off. I am a Vet, I am also dealing with a minor disability. I have a bad knee. It limits what I can and can’t do and there are days that it hurts so bad that I don’t do much. I often use a cane and brace. This knee problem has Jack-shit to do with my time in the Navy. But I guess I could call myself a disabled vet like so many others. Nope, I don’t think so. It’s not how people are supposed to act.
News Flash Fakers, PTSD and disability are not magic shields you can hide behind. Real men and women suffer from PTSD, to some it gets to a point that it completely controls their lives. They live in a maze where that walls are made of debilitating fear. Other’s relive an event over and over for years with no relief. It affects careers, relationships and every aspect of living, but the frauds and fakes play the PTSD card like its an excuse for all things done wrong. Sorry it won’t work like that. If you use PTSD as an excuse for bad actions then you will get called out.
I’m pissed about this growing issue.
Category: Veterans Issues
Great article.
Enigma4you…Thank you. Great piece.
I couldn’t agree more, E4Y. Far too many people are using the PTSD excuse for their shitbaggery and getting away with it.
Anyone that *claims* PTS and has never experienced something that would qualify as an event that would trigger such(such as combat, natural disaster, kidnapping, rape etc) needs to have their ass whipped and then be PUT in a life threatening situation where they can experience REAL PTS such as PRISON or people shooting at you repeatedly for lengthy periods of time or people trying to repeatedly blow you up and MISSING.
The only thing that ever gave me PTS that I can think of was having to be on the mortuary affairs (bag and tag) team of a B-1 crash in 1987 in La Junta Colorado. We spent 3 days at the crash site and when we first got there, it was still burning. The second day they pulled us out and said, “Oh hey, by the way, if you see anything with black and yellow paint on it, DON’T TOUCH IT!”. One of the ejection seats had failed and they actuator was still supposedly live on the crash site. It took me a couple of years, but I got over it.
Chip, was that the B-1 that flew into the flock of crows on its practice bomb run? I was on Ft. Carson at the time and remember reading that engine ingestion of FOD was the primary factor in the crash.
I had a couple similar experiences. You never fully get over removing kids from an aircraft accident site. To this day, I have to be VERY careful about coming across articles on children in the news. I simply don’t watch the TV news anymore. I can usually skim the online headlines and avoid much of the things that would bother me.
It’s easier to handle these days, so many years after the fact, but it’s always there, stashed in some boxes in the back of my mind.
Well said. Everyone has a right to be full of shit to a point. Spreading a bunch of false claims to unknowing civilians is unacceptable regardless of the excuse. Continuing to do it after being caught inexcusable. One easy way to clear up any misunderstanding is to come to a forum full of veterans and make your claims here where you have to defend them. In my experience this site does and excellent job of calling out each other when need be. Expect to leave the PC filter off when doing it. Great post.
Does anyone here think PTS/PTSD caused Commander Phil Monkress at All-Points Logistics to lie about his rank, SEAL status, Native American tribal affiliation and current LEO (BCSD) status?
Not a one of us believe that GT, in fact I think we’re all pretty much in agreement that Mr. Monkress did all that due to some massive character flaws inherent in his genetic code.
It’s an x-chromosome marker that identifies the haplogroup.
He is perhaps more closely related to Liz Warren who also exhibits properties from the mitochondrial DNA haplotype faking mother fucker marker in their genetic code aka the DNA hFMFm.
No. He’s just a compulsive liar with a weak ego and a huge dose of greed, like all the rest of them.
Another great article … Solid material and position.
Keep it coming!
In English it is “Ditto”.
Great article. Particularly moved by “For every lie there are graves on almost every continent and in every sea, the final resting places of real Valor.” It will never be put any better than that. Thank you.
Get mad at the media and Libtards that believe all veterans are damage goods and should be pitied for their choices. I want to kick puppies every time a wounded warrior commercial comes up basically labeling veterans as victims that need charity.
Damn, I thought it was just me.
Nope, CC Senior. Lots of us get p!ssed when we see that. Just like lots of us get p!ssed when we see tools and jackasses using questionable claims of PTS as their “ticket to get on the gravy train”.
I can think of at least one person who needs to have his ass kicked hard, but he’s just one in a long, long line of blowhards, compulsive liars, and greedy bastards.
I have seen one person after another claim that PTS makes them lie, cheat, and steal. I don’t know how this is possible. I know that PTS manifests itself in different ways, but how can it manifest in making someone open themselves more when that is almost the antithesis to what PTS does? These people don’t even know what PTS really is or how it affects people, yet they seem to use it to explain their bad behavior.
It both angers and saddens me to know that people see them as being representative of what PTS really is. When they hear that I have PTS, they immediately attribute the behavior of liars and frauds to me. They know only what the media tells them and expect me to be all of that. They walk on eggshells and shun me silently to keep me from exploding and shooting them all.
They don’t ask me. They don’t know that I am depressed and anxious, more likely to harm myself than others. They don’t understand that I didn’t go through the hell that some do, and expect to hear grandiose stories. When these stories don’t surface, or I do not feel like talking about what happened, then they tell me that I am the liar and trying to make myself seem important compared to those who throw the grandiose stories around freely.
I hate to say it, folks – but I fear he problem is only gonna get worse.
Today the VA hands out disability ratings for PTS. In many cases, apparently they do so with few questions asked and no real fact-checking. (Ain’t that right, Sealy McChippendale?)
Those ratings come with dollars attached. And where it’s possible for someone to abuse the system and get paid for doing so, well . . . .
Hondo you are correct,
All the VA has to hear is PTSD and its almost an automatic stop to any other questions. They don’t want to stress the claimant. So they are in a damned if you do and damned if you don’t situation.
Plus they have is so that even hearing about something bad can be a reason for PTSD, Im not talking about one friend telling another friend how a mutual friend was hurt or killed.
Im talking about I had to watch gory drivers ed films so it gave me PTSD. Or even I was told I would have to watch them and it caused PTSD.
Now I know I used a far flung example but it is no more absurd than the reasons its really given to some people. The VA has its hands tied.
I disagree to an extent.
The VA is pushing hard to categorize all mental issues (mild to moderate TBI) to lower disability and treatment costs.
Additionally, PTSD is highly subjective in individuals due to physical, mental and emotional resilience and experience.
The VA just qualitatively analyzed Vets instead of running a qualitative analysis.
As you can imagine this creates several issues.
Categorize to PTSD.
Keyboard sticking.
Don’ need no stikin’ keyboards.
Having just been through my VA ‘exams’, I can I’m not sure what saddened me most the fact that the were surprised that I wasn’t gonna claim anything for PTSD or by my responce of, while I saw things that were disturbing (cyber crimes have a lot of child porn cases), it in no way compairs to what our boys and girls see on the front lines. I kid you not, the Doc was surpised and actually suggested I put it down any way. I didn’t of course, because it wouldn’t be right.
I wish that were the case. I had to jump through so many hoops just to get an assessment, that I felt like a fraking kangaroo. Then, they gave me a rubber stamp low-ball and made me start jumping through even more hoops just to get something close to what I needed to actually get help.
It all depends on whether or not you claim to be a Recon Ranger SEAL Squadron Secret Squirrel and can get a civilian who works there to believe you.
I don’t know for sure, but when I retired in 2012, rumor had it that if you had at least 2 sick call visits for possible PTS, it was an automatic 10% rating from the VA.
I just wanted to give a shout-out to the non-military folk that suffer from PTSD as well. I work with a few retired firefighters/EMTs, and their struggle is just as real, if not more so, than most of the military PTSD people I know.
Most of them will tell stories about being woken up in the middle of the night. They were trying to pull someone from a vehicle, only to find out it was their wife, or they wake up screaming, or whatnot. I’m sure there are plenty of law enforcement folk that have the same problems. These people probably see more gore and broken bodies in a month than most soldiers would see in a career.
Lastly, the military has a robust care plan for PTSD, whereas these guys do not.
If these shitbags want to claim PTS so badly I will gladly give them my dreams at night. Im sure my wife won’t mind.
I wrote a reply earlier that was lost to cyber space. PTS as pointed out does not make one commit lies or crimes. Mostly in cases like mine we stay away large groups of peeps. Startled reflex by loud or strange sounds. Wake up in the from nightmares from the past. wake with cold sweats and aniety or fear. I tend to isolate, shop late at night. If in after while at a gun shows, I have to go outside to be able to go inside with the crowds again. I may have to do this several times to finish my business. Joe
E6: Thank you for pointing out that civilian emergency services personnel have a serious problem with PTS as well. Part of what I do these days is work with a specific group of these folks for this exact reason, and I can absolutely confirm that, per capita, the PTS & dysfunctional response rates for them is an order of magnitude greater than (real!) military combat veterans. As you also mentioned, the specific group I work with have precisely zero resources available to them, or at least had so before our group came on the scene, and the usual response of their agencies is simply to fire them when their problems became too difficult to deal with.
I’ve honestly gotten to where i can’t take reading about all the fakers claiming “The PTS Made Me Done It” any more; as others also mentioned here, every single true PTS case I know displays as shunning relationships and being incredibly withdrawn, precisely the opposite of these loons who are actively seeking as much attention as possible.