Manning to be transfered?
I don’t know how much I believe this story about Bradley (Breanna cum Chelsea) Manning from the Associated Press which reports that this fellow, recently sentenced to prison for 30 years or so for being a traitor, who now wants to be woman. Apparently, since the military prison system doesn’t do that, Chuck Hagel, the Secretary of Defense who likes to spend more time on social issues than military stuff, has approved Manning’s transfer to the Bureau of Prisons so they can chop off the offending appendage for him;
By November, a military doctor there had approved a treatment plan, including hormone therapy, but it was sent higher up the chain of command for consideration, according to a complaint filed by Manning in March over the delay in getting treatment.
The plan the military was considering has not been publicly released, but Manning said in the complaint that she had specifically asked that the treatment “plan consider … three types of treatment.”
Those were “real life experience” — a regimen in which the person tries dressing and living as the sex they want to transition to (something not possible in the Leavenworth men’s facility); hormone therapy, which changes some physical traits such as breast and hair growth; and sex reassignnment surgery. Manning has not been specific about possible surgery, but experts in transgender health say it can include any of a large number of procedures such as chest reconstruction, genital reconstruction and plastic surgery such as facial reconstruction.
I only present this news because of the number of times that it appears in my inbox. I’m certainly not fixated on him and I wish he’d just quietly serve out his sentence, but we all know that he committed his crime for attention, so why wouldn’t he continue to keep his disgusting and constantly changing name in the news.
Category: Shitbags
Well, just go ahead, chop the damn thing off, and leave it at that. Accomplishes basically the same purpose, and saves the taxpayer a bunch of $. The rest of the anatomical rearrangement is just window dressing.
Go ahead and chop it off, without any of those expensive amenities like anesthetic, disinfectant, or stitches. In the words of Mel Brooks, “Put a little ice on it. It’ll be fine!”
Of course, it’s ALL window dressing. No matter how much this turdburglar wants to be a girl, he will remain male. Guys don’t have ovaries, period. Girls don’t have a prostate, period. I don’t care if they shoot his ass up full of estrogen until he grows DDD-size tits and has a voice like Minnie Mouse, he still won’t be a chick.
What he will be is a eunuch. So call it what it is. And this eunuch-wannabe is also a traitor–when did we stop shooting them?
Crap. Hagel sure fits right in. Frickin’ moron.
Anyway, I’ve got the simple solution. If that quisling POS wants this so bad, give him a gerber, a hone, a needle and thread, and tell ‘im to have at it.
Jar his balls. We can raffle them off. Think of it. “And the winner of Manning’s jarred balls is….”
The next Ballduster McSoul Patch Stolen Valor Tourney Awards for 2014.
This is just insanity. It’s like living in an episode of the Twilight Zone. The man was convicted, but we still have to coddle him? What in the ever loving f*ck?
If he thought he was Napolean would we have to pay to turn him French?
WTF, WTF? I’ve heard that Women’s Prisons can be worse than Men’s, so if it wants to get the “snip and tuck” then goes to a Women’s facility and doesn’t like it there, will the taxpayers forced to pay to try and reverse it?
Not true….not in our complex anyways. Most of the people I work with hate working at the female facility cause the females get away with a lot of shit. At the male facility, you tuck in your damn shirt and do what you’re told or you get a shot. At the female facility, it feels more like a f*cking college campus. I hate it down there.
If he went to the female facility, he’d probably be a lot safer though. The level of violence is much, much lower. Occasionally there are fights and hair pulling, but nothing like at a USP. I’m assuming they wouldn’t let him go to an FCI because I am assuming he’d be given a high security level. But who knows? He could also end up going to an FMC, which I am sure he’d like.
I hope he/it STAYS in Men’s Prison until his/its sentence is up. If he’s feeling threatened, there’s always Protective Custody where he/it can have a lovely fun-filled one hour of exercise per day!!
I always thought it was 1 hour of outdoor rec per day before I started with the BOP. Then I learned that the requirement is actually only 5 hours per week. That doesn’t equal an hour per day!
This fucker is some libtards project. They are coddling him so some 20 something year old can write a research paper
Next thing will be the Prison system is not equipped to handle a transgender person, That he is being harassed and picked on by the other inmates. TO keep him in isolation because of others actions would be cruel and unusual so they are going to let him go.
So, let me see if I get this. He has his penis cut off. I suppose it still belongs to him. He takes it back to his cell where he gets to screw himself. Makes sense.
2/17 Air Cav…Lemme get this straight, so it’ll finally get to have the “supposed” male fantasy of being able to give oneself its own blowjob. That about it?
I was going to try and do some kind of contrast between a woodie and the cut-off remnant but man, I just can’t handle the concept. I am for once out of smartassed responses. My old platoon sergeant would be proud of you for accomplishing that.
Yeah, Sparks, I opted to say screw himself to show how delicate and sensitive I am. What I actually had in mind was exactly what you saif: he can puff on his own pipe.
Interesting that there is NO money to pay for benefits and healthcare that us Honourably Serving members and Vets have earned, but there is apparently way more than enough to give this moron a sex re-assignment surgery and all that entails AND build new Helos for the POTUS…
“Yeah, hey sorry AD, Reservists and NGs, no money to pay you, train you, outfit you with proper gear and weapons and support and take care of your families, but we’ve got enough to pay for a Traitor’s sex surgery and build brand new helos for the POTUS, but you understand right?” 😡
Nice to see where the priorities are.
Totally surreal. Did I wake up in a different reality?
No, it’s the same screwed up, inside out, upside down world you went to sleep to. The same one in which an NFL player is fined and sent to re-education camp (i.e., sensitivity training)for merely stating a personal opinion. The same one in which an NBA owner (an old and senile man) is condemned and ordered to divest himself of his personal property for speaking his mind in a personal conversation. The same one in which–aw, what’s the use? The world is so screwed up, it’s time to blow it up and start over.
The fact that they are even pondering this, publicly discussing it, simply proves how depraved this administration and the folks who put it into power are.
What possible justification can they use to saddle the taxpayers with elective surgery of any kind for the incarcerated?
Hey! I was once confused about whether to order pancakes or waffles – so does that mean that the taxpayers should have picked up the tab? By their reasoning, I was a fool to pay for it myself.
When are we going to get some adults in DC?
The precedent has been set in the courts already(though Massachusetts continue to appeal it)in the case of a man who murdered his wife, and is insisting the State pay for his sex change. The courts have stated the State must pay for it. The guy is in for life with no parole…
Of note to me is that it is Obamas pal Deval Patrick who has been fighting this every inch of the way. Even Deval who is a true blue liberal sees the idiocy of this.
So, I have no idea what the hell kind of shit Hagel is smoking, but I hear meth is not all that great for your senses.
Exactly. As soon as his “issue” and others like it were recognized as a disease it opened the doors for treatments, paid for at tax payer expense, of course, for the incarcerated and indigent.
Which is one of many reasons why Hagel is dead wrong about reconsidering allowing TS/TG individuals into the Military.
Send him/her/it to the VA. The little bitch will dead before she sees a doctor – problem solved.
Ding Ding Ding!!! We have a WINNAH!!!!!
that may be considered “cruel and unusual punishment”.
Fsck Nut Chuck thinking again? Wants to send Breanna to a Federal Pound It In The Ass facility so he can have his surgery and feel all special? Hell, he wouldn’t make it half way though his sentence without some other prisoner wanting to take a shiv to him.
Breanna’s 30 year sentence will become a death sentence for him – is that what it wants?
Latest I saw says his lawyer does NOT want him transferred because in a regular Fed pen he/she/it would have serious safety concerns…. so not only are they demanding the expensive treatment, they are asking for a total rewrite of military prison policy as well.
Let him take a dive off the high board with 6 feet of piano wire around his nuts… that’ll take care of it in a hell of a hurry.
What in the high fuckety fuck happened to our military? Chuck Hagel is a goddamn joke. Obama appointed him to act as a yes man for dismantling the military and crushing what was left under liberal ideology.
And now this fucking freak show wants to be a woman. And this receives more attention than the rights and benefits of our troops. Anyone else notice how quickly the VA scandal has disappeared? This is just enraging. And it is being given major coverage by the major news outlets.
I guess the bottom line is, if you want to be taken seriously by the fucking moron’s who are in charge, be the biggest goddamn freak and outcast that you possibly can. Commit treason. Then you become a media star.
Chuck Hagel wants the Marines to be Semper Fabulous. Back in the day this little shit would have been convicted and never heard from again. He should have been shot for his crimes.
Sounds like a waste of precious ammo, Charles, I vote for the little shit to be hung and the rope can be used again on the next traitor!!
Put a grenade between his legs. Pull pin. Count to five. Viola! Gender reassigned!
Why waste a frag on it? I say use a Willie Pete instead!!
Better yet, stuff a lit road flare up its ass and see if that makes the little shit’s eyes light up!!
If they roll over and do this, it will be done at taxpayer expense. Are we really going to entertain a traitor’s sexual fantasy on the Citizenry’s dime? Really? How long are we as a nation going to allow garbage like this to get jammed down our throats? I’m retired military, and am glad to get a retirement check, but have seriously considered forgoing it to move to New Zealand (or anywhere else) for good. This is not the country I grew up in, and I am nearing the end of my patience.
So tired of scumbags getting special treatment and amenities while everyone else doing the right things get shit on.
Hagel has got to be the dumbest Son of a Bitch to ever sit in the SEC DEF chair. I know now why Obozo picked him. He actually makes Pinnetta look good.
Hopefully, he (she) doesn’t decide to wear cornrows that are too thick. Might get in trouble for that.
I have a hard enough time getting service through the VA so I use my Tricare and pay make a co-payment and this turd gets a transfer authorized by “Hagel the Hack” so he’ll (Manning) will feel better about himself? Makes no sense. Where’s Lorena Bobbitt when you need her?
Tax dollars hard at work.
Curious as to CINC’s opinion on this.
Some folks still this invertabrite is a whistle blower it is not. Its boyfrend got bitchy and rated it out.
Oh man, this is getting interesting! I’m not sure of the BOP’s policy on gender reassisgnment surgery. I think they only provide hormones. My question is whether or not he’d be allowed to dress like a woman and live like a woman if he still has a penis. I need to look into the BOP’s policy on that. If he is allowed to dress like and live like a woman, he could go to a female facility, which I am sad to say are super relaxed. If he still has to stay at a male facility, he’d be subjected to all sorts of harrassment if he had boobs. But we have a dude here at the USP now who has boobs….he’s ordered to wear a bra as part of his uniform. He could also go to a federal medical center as opposed to a USP (I’m assuming he’d have a high security level), which would probably be much easier for him. I personally think they should just pay to remove the appendage….in the long run, it could be cheaper! We had a male inmate some months back who kept mutilating his penis & testicles because he wanted to be a woman, and I don’t even want to tell you how much that cost the taxpayers to fix!