Minnesota teen’s deadly plot
The other day, an as yet unnamed teen had planned to kill his parents, distract first responders and then go to school and kill as many school mates that he could before resources could be redirected to stop him. Nice, huh? From the Washington Times;
The planned attack in Waseca, a city of about 9,400 people about 80 miles south of Minneapolis, was halted this week when a concerned citizen became suspicious and called police. When authorities responded, they say they found guns, bombs and other materials — all allegedly amassed by a teenager working alone as he methodically plotted his steps and conducted experiments to refine his plan to inflict bloodshed before being killed by responding officers.
His nefarious plans were outlined in a 180-page journal. Junior, here, was building his arsenal in a storage rental unit and his activities came to the attention of the unit manager who called the police.
In the boy’s bedroom, investigators found seven firearms, ammunition and three bombs. Between the boy’s home and storage unit, they also recovered a massive amount of chemicals and bomb-making materials, including fuses and wires, bottles of smokeless powders, a ski mask, a trench coat and 60 pounds of ball bearings.
So, I’m just wondering how the media can connect this to the military. Maybe he talked to a recruiter once who encouraged him to get some training before he went to basic or something.
Obviously, this 17-year-old has no military experience, and he made these plans with virtually no real exposure to the military, but he became this cold-blooded killer all on his own. If he was indeed a veteran, his military training would have explained it all to the media. He’d have PTS which drove him to make these evil plans and it would probably be Bush’s fault.
Oh, yeah, the media doesn’t understand this one because according to the interviews that everyone has done with his classmates, they’re all shocked because he had friends and he was a nice guy. So, they’ll be gazing at their navels for years over this one.
Category: Crime
While I’m glad the kid got caught before he could put his plan in motion, I’m curious about his motivations and what got him to this point. You just don’t wake up in the morning and think, “I’m going to assemble as much firepower and explosives as I can, then whack my parents and blow up my school.”
Neither does anyone else. Every single mass shooting or mass murder by anyone ever has involved meticulous planning and execution. Nobody ever just snaps and wakes up in the morning and decides to go kill some people. It just doesn’t happen. Who knows with guys like this, though. Probably bullying or family problems, the pain of adolescence, and an (extremely) healthy dose of teh crazy.
He’d been studying Klebold and Harris and wanted to copy them. http://www.newser.com/story/186262/cops-teen-plotted-to-kill-family-bomb-high-school.html
I wonder, will the gun-grabbers even notice that this ute couldn’t even legally possess firearms? So, how did he get his weapons?
Is it, 2 kids gives us hope for the future while 3 others gives us nightmares? Or are they even now? It’s getting harder to keep score.
“So, I’m just wondering how the media can connect this to the military.” This may work:
The son of a military veteran who is said to have more than 1000 hours of recorded Military Channel shows had discussed plans to enlist in the Army after high school, according to sources.
I don’t mean to go on a rant about this, especially being only in my mid-thirties, but what the hell is getting into these little punks?
Back when I was in high school, everyone carried a knife on them and the back windows of trucks were filled with rifles during hunting season. If you had a problem with someone, you beat the snot out of each other after school and called it good. This was only about 20 years ago.
Now, you have kids shooting up schools, and people are blaming everything but the actual reasons that kids are so screwed up. The blame always goes towards the movies, music, video games, guns, popular media, peer pressure, and everything else under the sun. Nobody looks at their home life, how they actually got along in school (when asked by a cop, even the worst bully will say they are the best friend of the kid who just plotted to add a hole to their head), or what actually drove them to do what they did.
This just pisses me off.
But, you see, comrade, we need to make everyone helpless and worthless so we can take their guns, make them slaves and have them be properly grateful for that!
After a few generations of breeding defective humans, shouldn’t we expect this sort of thing? Is this one inevitable result of genetic material being altered by drug use/abuse, then the offspring being protected both medically and socially? What happens a few generations later to their offspring?
I think it’s more a case of Mendelian genetics, OWB. Or in plain terms, “Idiots breeding more idiots”.
Lord knows we’ve made it easier – both socially via removing the stigma formerly attached to out-of-wedlock birth, and financially via various “welfare” programs – for idiots to have children over the last 50 years or so.
So, I’m just wondering how the media can connect this to the military.
Don’t forget that within a day of the Columbine shooting, the media blasted out how one of them was going to join the Marine Corps but got rejected because of his use of psychiatric drugs. Give them a few more hours and they’ll try to do something similar.
I have a 17-year-old in high school right now, and I have observed that the school system is busy teaching our children to disrespect authority and now NOT to think straight.
We have “zero tolerance policies” and mass punishment for ridiculous and made-up crimes, not to mention sketchy supervision, arbitrary and capricious decisions-making, not to mention “counselors” that should not be allowed anywhere near an adolescent.
Teenagers have minds that are still in development, but that is no excuse to put them in an environment that is exposes them to the worst in adult decision-making.
This. A million times this. It’s like a living episode of Catch-22 sometimes. Ever dealt with a guy who wants to make you come for Saturday detention for four hours in the morning because you missed 15 min. of your yearly community service requirement, even though you were taking advanced classes, running cross country, and had doctor’s notes saying you were sick with bronchitis, pneumonia, and mono from February until now at different times of the year? Yep.
Last time I checked, community service requirements were a punishment for conviction of a crime and not for attempting to get what passes for an education.
Sure, it’s required: http://www.nytimes.com/1994/05/01/nyregion/high-schools-mandating-community-service-for-graduation.html. Most school districts and all Catholic schools are now requiring students to do this in order to move year to year. At my school, the requirement is fifteen hours each year for freshman through junior year, and forty hours senior year. And we’re not nearly the heaviest assigners of service hours; a lot of public schools require twenty or more. It sucks when you have to work it in on top of all the homework, extracurriculars, and sports they expect us to do to get into college as well. Even worse is when they set up a complicated bureaucratic process requiring you to get your work area approved, set up lots of complicated, unclear, and unmeetable sub-deadlines, and require you to get the signatures and feedback of what seems like everyone on Earth just to get the damn things through the door. Anyway, whiny rant over.
In my neck of the woods, it’s called “LCAP”. It’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever seen, and it’s a real hassle when you’ve got to manage that *and* AP *and* keeping good grades for colleges.
I could scream it at the top of my lungs, but I doubt the school would hear: Forced volunteering isn’t volunteering at all. It’s conscription, and is a huge inconvenience on daily life. All they’ve done is made me hate the idea of volunteering, not encouraged me to do it again.
I’ll make a separate post on the continued idiocy of our school system.
Comrade, you must not speak against the collective. Obviously, you need re-education.
/sarc off
Community service has been a requirement for graduation here in my neck of Arizona for years now.
Fortunately my son has been a member of the local Fire Dept’s ‘Explorers’ program for a couple of years, and as it’s senior teen member he has prolly got about 10 times the required hours he needs.
I don’t have a big issue with it, but there should be more consideration given for students involved in other things that develop them as citizens, including sports.
Da, comrade, is called make the productive like “social justice” (slavery) so they don’t complain…
“Don’t mess with the bull, Bender. You’ll get the horns.”
Sorry, you mentioned Saturday detention and I immediately thought about “The Breakfast Club.”
“Mandatory volunteering” is an oxymoron. Which is why the academic world pushing it doesn’t surprise me.
Many if not most involved in administering education IMO do not have the sense to pour p!ss out of a boot.
Xbox PTS Commando.
wtf parents.
Also, wtf friend’s parents renting him storage without once checking wtf a kid would need storage for.
Good grief talk about parental supervision failure.
That’s the state’s responsibilty for modern parents… they wouldn’t want to be “judgmental” and hurt the poor dear’s self-esteem, you know.
From another report:
““It’s not like he was unknown to us. He was known. People made lots of contact with him,” Lee told KARE. “But sometimes even when you’re trying to do everything possible it doesn’t turn out the way you want it to.””
So the people around he knew that he was nuts, yet his parents still allowed him to have firearms. They weren’t hidden, he had a gun safe in his room, which I would usually approve.
I also usually hesitate to blame parents. Teens do all kinds of things parents never know about. Unless you keep them under lock and key, which you shouldn’t, you will not know everything. But in this case, when he was known to have mental problems, encouraging a gun collection seems reckless.
This has been updated. The kid is being charged as an adult, as well as he should be. Apologies if the link goes fubar.
Scary thing is that Waseca is only about 20 – 30 minutes from me. It’s worrisome that this type of bullshit is beginning to depart from the larger cities and infest the smaller more rural towns that are ill equipped to handle such an incident as what this kid was planning.
I’m going to try to keep this short, since I am seeing red with rage right now and I don’t want to go off on a long tangent so….this kid’s parents have some serious fucking explaining to do….
You know, being in MN myself, I cant help but think that this would have been the 3rd school shooting for us. What is in the water here I sit and wonder! But, surprisingly enough, somebody said something. Thank God for that. Most ppl here don’t want to get involved or are afraid of saying something because they may be wrong, then of course the fallout can be disastrous.
This one might be a long one, bear with me. Sophomore, feel free to add whatever crosses your mind to this. Schools aren’t schools anymore. They’re propoganda machines. I did a US government assignment a few days ago where I had to analyze four liberal political cartoons and try to discern what nonsense I could from it. It’s like this everywhere: English, reading the best of the worst of Man, Humanity, and the Rich. History, with chapters rewritten to display how horrid America “was” to everyone, from internecine Native Americans to biological-warfare-testing Japanese to human-rights-ignoring Vietnamese (obviously, I refer to the conflicts in which we fought them in and the actions their governments and/or leaders performed, all of which is white-washed). Econ, teaching only Keynesianism. It’s as bad as it was in the Soviet Union. The sad thing is that it’s not really the teacher’s fault. My history teacher taught what he was told to, but it was easy to see that he was finding discrepancies. I ran into him on July 4th at Cantigny, IL, home of the museum of the First Infantry Division (my family tries to go there every year on June 6th. It used to be a fun thing, but now it’s almost fun mixed with paying homage to the men who died for our freedoms. Unfortunately, we were indisposed that day, and bumped it back), and that immediately showed me all I needed to know. It’s the district that is truly the root of it all. The taxes that my parents pay in part go to schools. This coming summer, our school will be doing construction using some funds (well, what *was* my school… Hillsdale, here I come…), and guess where it’s going. Not better teachers. Not better equipment. Not more classrooms. A reworking of the *offices*, the least important part of the school. Moving stairwells, tearing down walls and lockers (I had mine moved, and it took them a *week* to put it back up. That should have taken two days at most), all so that the bureaucracy is comfortable. The rules aren’t even… Read more »
Yup: Defense yourself, get punished because “all violence is wrong”; tell an adult when abused by someone like you’re required, get blown off with “oh, boys will be boys”… might makes right (very Leftist, comrade) they want you to learn.
Farflung Wanderer…Around here and I am sure it has caught on in many other districts is the “Pride Inside” program. If little Johnny has no brains, no initiative and shows up just to keep the truancy officer from hassling his parents, who are completely non involved, except to blame the teachers that Johnny can’t read or do bone head math, they get a “Pride Inside” bumper sticker. It means, while my kid is basically a dumbass with no future beyond McDonalds at his current academic standing, by golly we’re still proud of him, so is the school system and he should be proud of himself too! After all, he showed up…mostly. Now there is also the “My Kid Is An Honor Student At (school name here) bumper sticker. The Pride Inside stickers I see outnumber the Honor Students by 25 to 1 at least! So that is the way it rolls here in our little school district, (read that as tax payer funded baby sitting service). No wonder the standards are lowering, the output of educated students is plummeting and the teachers put it on parents, which I do as well and the parents lay it all at the school’s doorstep. Makes me sick every time I see a “Pride Inside” sticker! The ones coming out with an education such as HS Sophomore are the ones who have the parents and personal initiative to go after the extra work the schools don’t offer as minimums. That’s why HS Sophomore is my High School hero. He is proof positive that if you want the education, it is there for the taking. A lot of the time though, you just have to go out and get it yourself and not wait to have Johnny’s little head unscrewed to pour in the bare minimums. Good on you HS! Good on you my man! I wish more were like you. I wish we still had standards that said, you don’t make the grades, you flunk and repeat the year. I had pneumonia in the fifth grade and lost so much time I had to… Read more »