House votes to keep their free cars

| May 2, 2014

You know how Congress and the Pentagon are always telling veterans how we should learn to do with less and pay more for the things that they promised us as a condition of our continued employment? How we should pay more for our healthcare, take lower cost of living pay hikes, how we expect too much and the costs have become “unsustainable”? Well, they had a chance to prove to us how they’re willing to spend less on themselves and they blew it, according to the Washington Times;

Rep. Rich Nugent, Florida Republican, tried to kill the car program, saying the BMWs and Lexuses send a bad signal to constituents, particularly with the economy still sluggish.


But his proposal was defeated 221-196.

So there you go. Their defense is that they’d still be authorized the same amount of money in the office expense account, they just wouldn’t be able to spend on a free car. Well, they could always give the money back to the taxpayers by just not spending it and let go back into the treasury at the end of the fiscal year, maybe that’s too simple.

Rep. Tom Cole says “At the end of the day I just simply don’t want to micromanage members and how they spend money through this bill.”

Um, I do.

Category: Congress sucks

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Old Trooper

Rep. Tom Cole says “At the end of the day I just simply don’t want to micromanage members and how they spend money through this bill.”

Yeah, but you’ll micromanage the fuck out of the military personnel spending.


“Some animals are more equal than others.”

That is all…

2/17 Air Cav

221-196. I GUARANTEE that votes switched after the result was clear. Happens all the time. Low man/woman on the totem pole has to keep the original vote. The more senior members get to switch late.


Just another display of how the special people demand that we keep them pampered and perfumed. Sickening.


Just another in a long line of reasons for term limits for Congress.


still get the same amount of money either way – how about they get exactly nothing and have to buy their own damn car. 99.999% at a guess of the population get no car allowance and if they do, it is taxable income. DC ain’t that big and it’s pretty much flat – get ’em Congressional mountain bikes and be done with it.


Why can’t those useless monkeys in congress ride the bus?
Term limits are needed.

Hack Stone

If you ever get the opportunity, take stroll past the reserved free parking for Congress at Reagan National Airport. You would be hard pressed to find an American made car in that lot.