One of the Best “Put-Downs” Ever
Gotta love a company president with a sense of humor.
Taco Bell President Says Canada Will Get Breakfast ‘When You Take Justin Bieber Back’
Now I absolutely gotta try Taco Bell’s new breakfast menu. (smile)
Category: Pointless blather, Who knows
I’d think twice on that…their breakfast menu looks like someone vomited into a folded waffle
“breakfast taco” I meant
Jabatam: I’d planned to pass on the waffle taco; those don’t sound or look particularly appealing to me. But the rest of the menu sounds like it might be at least semi-decent.
My cousin Sarah, a proud Born Canadian with an American mother says heck with that…ship Bieber to Siberia.
Hondo, no one wants the Bieb back.
This and the whole, “I’m Ronald McDonald and I love Taco Bell’s new breakfast taco” have been great…
all i have is a TacoChicken (Taco Bell/KFC) and they doth both horribly.
When I was in high school, I dated a girl whose mom was a Bronx-NYC-native Puerto Rican, native Spanish speaker, huge on “Latin” culture (and was a total bitch about it), who had never heard of Taco Bell until she moved out here. She saw the sign for the first time and thought it was a Mexican phone company!
For what it’s worth, Glen Bell, the founder of Taco Bell, was a Marine.
Is it just me, or does Miley Cyrus look exactly like Justin Bieber in drag?
Nah. Miley has nicer t
eeth. (smile)