Mickey Rooney passes

ROS sends us the sad news that Mickey Rooney (Joseph Yule), one of the last silent film stars has passed. Like most of his generation, he served in the Army during World War II. Says Wiki;
In 1944, Rooney enlisted in the United States Army. He served more than 21 months, until shortly after the end of World War II. During and after the war he helped entertain the troops in America and Europe, and spent part of the time as a radio personality on the American Forces Network and was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for entertaining troops in combat zones. In addition to the Bronze Star Medal, Rooney also received the Army Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, and World War II Victory Medal for his military service.
ROS says that I should note that Mickey and I share a birthday.
Category: Blue Skies
RIP! I am sure he is bringing down the house up in Heaven.
Really liked him in “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.”
Andy Hardy. My man.
Godspeed to him. I liked him in the movie about Mig Alley.
I don’t remember the name of the movie but he was good as was his co star.
“The Bridges at Toko-Ri” perhaps?
@Thunder: When he played a Top Hat wearing Navy helo pilot?: The Bridges of Toko Ri, Great Mitchener novel too!
RIP, Mr. Rooney. And thanks.
There was a time when the Hollywood folks were proud Americans. Mr. Rooney was always a class act.
He was a good man and did a lot for the cause.
But I will be honest.
I met him several years ago and he was a dick.
In show business, it’s the public persona that’s seen. Too often, the real person is the exact opposite of that. Case in point . . . Danny Kaye. I have a friend who knew him well and told me that he was a self-centered dick too.
Back in the early 1990’s, I was at 1st Electronics Maintenance Company (ELMACO). There was an event honoring Charleton Heston, and the Marine Corps sent some of our finest to participate in said event. Somehow, they find some of the finest at ELMACO. So afterwards, I was speaking to a young LCpl that attended the event. This being a younger lad, he was unfamiliar with the noted achievements of Mr. Heston. He said that he met Charleton Heston, and got to shake his hand. Which set me up for the perfect line with me asking “Did you say “Take you filthy paws off of me, you damn dirty ape!”?” He looked at me and asked “Why would I say that?” LCpl’s say the darnedest things.
Rest in Peace Mickey Rooney. One of the few things my father said of WWII was seeing him in England. Keep em laughing up there. Say hey to Polly Benedict!
About a week or so ago I saw “Breakfast at Tiffanys” He played a very stereotypical Japanese landlord. The PC crowd would never have went for that these days.