Tuesdays with Claymore
Freeper Underground Republicrat
Harry Reid “has a positive record to run on”.
US won’t be worth living in if GOP wins in 2014
Fauxcahontas wing of the Dem party
Mandate isn’t just two dudes at a San Francisco bath house anymore.
So it’s a lot like Obama’s budget?
Hey, you’re a racist….wasn’t sure if you knew or not.
Compassion defined by the number of people on assistance. Sad.
Nuttier than a peanut farmer from Georgia.
So what you really mean is you hate dynasties ending with the name “Bush”.
Wife Beater Grayson helps you avoid Big Brother.
Dem voter turnout problem? Not enough “red meat” for the base. Say whaaaa?
That rumbling in the back of your pants…
Rand Paul: Boutique Libertarian
Key kids, like all your free shit? Better vote Dem.
Unpossible! Messianic Barry saved us all!
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
Thanks for presenting this list. Usually I don’t read the links because I know that I won’t agree. I read a lot today. It makes me realize how polarized we are in our society. If we conservatives regain the Senate, hold the House and someday hold the Executive we will have a huge block fighting us everyday. I live in a liberal area (Mendocino Coast of California).I’m going to focus more on engaging people directly to convince and explain my conservative viewpoint. I had a discussion yesterday with the lady cutting my hair re assault rifles. I think I convinced her that it is the shooter not the shape of the weapon that matters. She had not really listened to a different point of view from someone she knew.
I think you are spot on in recognizing the polarization that occurs in a two party system, because we engage in a winner take all system instead of a system where everyone is represented and coalitions have to form to build consensus there has been little impetus for the two parties to work together to move the system forward. The consequence of this is an ever increasingly destructive election cycle where one side tries to completely dominate the other so there is no need to acknowledge the other side as having a seat at the table. The democrats have pushed this in the Senate with the simple majority rule change on appointments, it will come back to haunt them in the very near future I suspect. The advantage of the greatest generation was that so many of them had a common experience in suffering through the depression and then uniting to fight the good fight in WW2. That experience taught them that even if you vehemently disagree with someone you often need to work with that person to get something accomplished. We don’t have to agree on everything, but if we both start from the premise that we both love the country and want to move it forward we can perhaps conceptualize those tangential arcs where our compromise can be built and we can both agree to push forward together instead of sabotaging each other. If we start from the premise the other guys are the enemy and all their ideas are designed to destroy the nation, we get the gridlock we have currently where the only things that pass are horrific one sided affairs that take down one party or the other. An interesting object lesson that isn’t much talked about is that the last 3 administrations lost mid-terms to their opponents….that means the American electorate gets disgusted with both parties and votes to replace the majority in the congress as a message. The problem is that neither side is learning the lesson, and both remain convinced that they hold the moral high ground unilaterally and compromise equates to… Read more »
Well, I read through most of one of those threads. I try to understand the lack of thought processes displayed. Then I give up and go back to the normal, real world.
I will keep trying, but my concern is that if I try too hard by reading more, my brain will get lost in the maze of disconnected thoughts and I’ll have to go looking for it.
Ex-PH2, if you still have my email, would you drop me a line? I’ve lost yours. Thanks.
After reading some of tripe in DU and pondering the likes of Harry “Am-I-Embalmed or What?” Reid, watching this made me feel much, much better. (LANGUAGE WARNING. LOWER THE SOUND!)
Sending white light? Sending warm vibes and healing vibes? I thought the Democrats were supposed to be the party of science…