You Lie! Says Lightweight Harry Reid
Remember the high dudgeon exhibited by the mainstream media when Congressman Wilson yelled out, “You Lie!” at Barack Obama during the State of the Union Address? Most of their frothing went something like (I paraphrase), “How dare that Southern redneck defile the sanctity of that hallowed chamber and show such disrespect for the nation’s chief executive with such an outburst.” Well, all that makes me wonder how they’re going to defend this insult.
War on Women alert! Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid just called a female leukemia patient a liar. He evidently believes countless other women across the country who have reported unsatisfactory experiences with ObamaCare are liars, too.
Yes, that is the Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, standing at a podium in our Capitol and labeling every American citizen who has spoken up in public to describe his or her problem with Obamacare as a liar. That’s right, by Harry’s lights it’s not the president who lied when he was selling this legislative lemon to the American public; no it’s the folks complaining about all the breakdowns in this clunker they were sold who are the liars. With his bitter denunciation of those victimized by the disastrous legislation he played a major role in enacting, Lightweight Harry Reid has declared war on a significant sector of the American public which includes a huge number of women, as well as their children, and in the process proven indisputably that he’s no Lighthorse Harry. But then, that Harry wouldn’t have tried to ride to victory on a jackass.
The alleged Republican War on Women? That pales into insignificance when you consider that the leader of the senate has denounced and demonized almost the entire American citizenry because they are being victimized by the results of his ill-advised legislation and dare to have the audacity to speak up about their plight. He who gave us that which must be passed so that we can know what’s in it apparently doesn’t want the peons complaining now that they’ve found out what’s in it.
What a political genius that Harry Reid. The only thing he didn’t do was come right out and haughtily say to those who would describe the injury to them and their families caused by his flawed policies, “How dare you!” He’s just handed the Republicans a leaf-chipper of a video for Democrat opponents in the upcoming congressional elections. Feed ‘em in feet first or head first, won’t matter; they’re chips. How are the folks going to respond to endless videos of one of the most powerful Democrats in the land arrogantly dismissing all of them and their problems as liars and lies? Harry is proving that he is the intellectual lightweight we believed him to be.
Crossposted at American Thinker
Category: Politics
Oh Poetrooper you scamp! Only something some obscure Republican politician says (or doesn’t say but which can be effectively twisted) counts as the “war on women”. Harry Reid and company are free to lie and defame as they see fit (but his leadership in the Senate is toast and he knows it, of course the won will just ignore the legislature with the protection of the
propaganda wing of the Democrat partymedia, so it really doesn’t matter but Harry would really like to hold on to the perks of his position anyway).THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!
Oh, sorry, Poetrooper — good article.
If I hit that play button, I’m going to throw my monitor out of the window. And the windows are closed. That’s a monitor, a window, and whatever the monitor hits that I’ll have to replace. Just looking at his mug makes me ill and wondering whether he is embalmed or just looks like he is. Oh, and thanks Nevada. This asshole has been in DC since 1983. 31 years in Congress and counting.
@4 – just tell them you had a problem with Windows on your monitor.
@2, Good one!
@5, I saw what you did there, heh.
I certainly hope someone in the strategery dept at the RNC is paying attention and collecting videos and news releases, i.e. Gary Peters threatening to turn the FCC loose on TV stations that would dare run ads against him.
Reid is incapable of speaking without lying. Remember the whopper he told regarding Romney’s taxes? Yet nothing comes of it.
Now I’m no lawyer. Maybe there’s some special dispensation Senators have for filling the air full of bullshit on the Senate floor, but if I were Mitt and I couldn’t go after this scumbag for that, I’d buy up every available commercial slot in his home precinct around re-election time and expose his lies with such vigor and relentlessness that ole Harry would have a sex scandal (enjoy that visual) just to change the subject.
I got another lie for Harry….what if one is self-employed and makes too much money to go ACA? (raises hand) And oops! What if my insurance goes up 32% just because the bill passes and becomes too expensive for the budget to meet overhead and be covered? (raises hand) And what if, just for S’s & G’s, it goes up by 100%? (raises Hand) Well, now, there are no plans that are less than $1000.00 per month for a family of six. Nope, no keeping the docs or the plan, FFS. And the leftminded continue to say I am a liar or fight me with the lies they have been fed. THEY. DON’T APPLY. TO. ME!!! My premium would be 1000.00/no RX and the family deductible is 10K. So that makes my health plan essentially 22k per year. It makes for a 300% increase. Fuck you, Harry.
Democrats don’t have to justify lies, hypocrisy, hate speech etc…the MSM simply ignores it, so it never happened.
What was on the news non stop last few days? Republican war on Sh1tstabbers (hates gheys) & being against minimum wage increase (hates the poor). Media just glosses over all the accumulated Obama scandals, Obamacare phony numbers, Obama broken promises, failed Russia reset, Bite Me’s racist quips etc…this is what the GOP is up against.
problem is, about 90% of the ill-educated voters in the country feel that all those lying scumbag politicians are horrible etc. – except theirs. So they keep returning “good old XXX who may be a politician but has always stood up for us” back time and time again… if voting for a lying asshole were a crime, most Americans would have the recidivism rate of a $2 whore on payday in a boomtown.
” . . . ole Harry would have a sex scandal (enjoy that visual) just to change the subject.”
Ain’t no hooker in Nevada that desperate, Nik.
@5. That was one of those jokes that was sooooooo corny, I laughed.
No surprise here.
@11 Indeed we get exactly the government we deserve, when we decide that the party is more important than the person it’s not hard to figure out what the end result will be…a bunch of people beholden to the party and its sponsors and not to the public that elected them.
@10: It seems like every ten minutes CNN talks about Ted Nugent. Of course they completely ignore what Harry Reid said.
CNN reported: “The Nevada Democrat later “walked back” the comments but continued to accuse the Koch brothers of “trying to buy America” with false stories of Obamacare.
“I can’t say that every one of the Koch brother’s ads are a lie,” he said, but insisted, “a vast, vast majority of them are.”
Don’t know if they are trying to spin it that he was “actually” saying the ads are lies or the woman was a liar?
“Walked back” – is political speak for “lied like a two-dollar whore and spun more lies to try to cover it up”.
I love watching “Casino” with lefty friends and coworkers. I remind them that it’s a true story that only changed the names of those involved, then point to the slimy politician who was perfectly happy to get cozy with the Mob and only went against them in retaliation for DeNiro firing his nephew, and even then was clearly a snake in the grass. And then I tell them who that politician really was: their beloved Harry Reid. And when they deny it, show them where to look it up. They don’t like it when I tell the truth about their idols.
The Other Whitey: I’d love those links – could you post them?
Did a report for a history term paper on the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Depository located near Las Vegas. Reid was against this project but I learned that he received campaign (bribes) cash from both sides of this issue. Never really exposed about it. Just too powerful I guess. He is a great candidate for term limits. NEGAT BZ
Harry Reid is worth millions. He must be a very, very smart investor. [Insert Brooklyn Bridge FOR SALE sihn here]
I can’t wait to hear what Levin has to say on this tonight. 5PM CST live on his website!
With all honesty, this is just… Hubristic. You can’t just label millions of complaints as “lies” in some matte, cover-all blanket statement. I hope this will finally wake the American people to notice the snakes they have elected.
Hell has officialy frozen over. This just popped up on my Yahoo news feed.
Ooh- he blamed Goldstein, er I mean the Koch brothers. Sure didn’t see that coming. /sarc
Hondo, I first saw that on IMDB, believe it or not. I’ll try to figure out how to post a link with the IPhone.
Whitey, here; this is what I think you were referring to.
“Dick Smothers’ character, Senator, is partly based on Nevada Senator Harry Reid, who was chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission. The scene in which Sam Rothstein is denied a license by the Nevada Gaming Commission is based on a December 1978 hearing when Harry Reid was the commission’s chairman; some of Reid’s statements are used in Smothers’ dialogue. The scene was shot in an actual courtroom in the Clark County Courthouse, which was later closed in 2005”
Can I say that the name “Dick Smothers” is possibly the most hilarious name I’ve ever seen for an actor?
Farflung, that actually is his name. You’ve never heard of the Smothers Brothers, have you? They had a TV show in the 1960s that was canceled because they were unwilling to censor some of the stuff they said on their show.
Dick’s brother’s name is Tom Smothers.
Farflung Wanderer: um, that’s the guy’s real name – Richard Remick Smothers. He and his brother Tom used their real names when they worked professionally as the “Smothers Brothers”.
When Harry Reid passes away, I’ll want to be first in line to piss on his grave!!
@27 Thank you, Farflung Wanderer.
When all else fails blame the Koch brothers.
@28/29: I know its a real name.
Maybe I’m still a tad too immature for my own good.
(chuckling) OK, thought you might have assumed it was a stage name.
Real names can be hilarious. I’ll just leave this here:
Hondo, I once knew a Sergeant whos last name was Major. You should see all the weird looks people got when calling him by name.
Also don’t forget the NASCAR driver Dick Trickle.
@34-36: Good finds, all. The last one had me trying desperately to stifle laughter, but I think people noticed.
OKay, I was being sarcastic with poor ol’ Farflung, but to soften the blow, I will relate this TRUE story again.
My sister’s late ex-husband’s name was Richard Handler.
And you know how much the girls where he worked loved to page him over the PA sytem.
On subject, though, is there anyway on the green earth I can get right in Harry Weediedick’s face and tell him he’s a lying sack of shit? And a corrupt crank?
Well, then I’ll go back to pounding on bernastypantsman.
@PH-2: You can always go over and volunteer in Nevada.
Also, that is absolutely brilliant. Did he ever ask to be referred to in a last name basis?
No, he asked to be addressed as Richard. 🙂
Can’t imagine why, can you?
@35 – was this in Germany in the early ’80s? I knew a SGT Terry Major there then.
@35 – was this in Germany in the early ’80s? I knew a SGT Terry Major there then.
David, it was at Ft. Campbell in the 90’s. In the early 80s I still thought girls had cooties. Sadly I was also never stationed in Germany even though I wanted to be badly.
Twist. “In the early 80s I still thought girls had cooties.” Well, you started out just fine, then. But around age 13 or 14, I guess, you decided that the tradeoff was well worth it, eh?
I used to know a Mike Hunt…
@32 Twist
The Koch Bros. are only the 59th largest political contributor. Check the top 20 on this list…dominated by Dems:
Harry Reid, the MINO (Mormon In Name Only). The tales my deceased step father would tell about Dingy Harry. He should have been excommunicated decades ago, but I guess he never crossed that line.
More and more he looks like, acts like, and reminds me of Senator Palpatine from “Star Wars”.