“Chocolate” City former mayor guilty of corruption

| February 14, 2014

You remember the former mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, right? The guy who left New Orleans while a hurricane was bearing down on the city, and after he was safe in a hotel in Baton Rouge, said people should leave the city, despite the fact that the feds had told him to evacuate the city days before. Well, he was taken into custody yesterday after he was convicted of 20 out of 21 charges of corruption and bribery. Yeah, I’m shocked, too. This is from CNN;

Nagin, who left office in 2010, had little to say as he left the courthouse Wednesday afternoon, telling reporters only, “I maintain my innocence.” A small knot of supporters yelled, “Keep your head up” and “He’s just a patsy,” CNN affiliate WDSU reported.

His lead attorney, Robert Jenkins, told reporters his client would appeal the verdict.

“We did the best we could do,” Jenkins said.

Prosecutors argued the 57-year-old Nagin was at the center of a kickback scheme in which he received checks, cash, wire transfers, personal services and free travel from businessmen seeking contracts and favorable treatment from the city. He faces up to 20 years in prison, but Fanning said a 14- to 17-year term was more likely.

You should search the article at CNN for the former mayor’s political party, there’s no mention, and the coverage of the story of a convicted Democrat politician is quite a bit less than the George Washington Bridge “scandal” that has been following Chris Christie around the last few weeks, you know because there was a traffic jam once, just once in the entire history of the NYC metro area.

Category: Shitbags

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

It will be quite difficutl for him to blame this on GW Bush, as he did when the city was hit by the hurricane. Imagine that another democrat caught up in a corruption charge, nice to know that massachusetts isn’t the only place where democrats are corrupt and use their office and voter majority to line their pockets at the expense of their constituency..

The stupid bastards who think he’s great guy are just like the assholes here who tell me that Ted Kennedy was a great man as well….when you kill a girl while drunk driving no matter what else you do in your life you are not one of the good guys. That our political system is so skewed that drunks, thieves, adulterers, liars and all manner of reprobate can be excused if we like the individual’s politics is more telling about us as a society than our duly elected leaders. This is what comes of having no expectation for a politician beyond agreeing with their stance on a few issues….we no longer expect honesty, integrity, or character. It’s not because our politicians lack those things it’s because we no longer value that in our society. We idolize the worst among us and demonize people of character as somehow being naive or quaint in a backwoods lower intellect kind of way…

A Proud Infidel

Yes IT IS amazing how this gets skimmed over by the liberal media while they portray Christie as the Son of Satan over the traffic jam fiasco. OOOHH, NOOOO, I think I’m being racist!! He’s Black, it’s just the system “Keepin’ a Brutha down, it da White man doin’ his evil!”.



Have yet to see any news organization (save for Fox) mention Nagin’s political affiliation.

Guess to do so would be racist.

Farflung Wanderer

Good. I’m glad to see him go. He caused thousands of people to die when Katrina hit New Orleans because he was more interested in saving his own life than protecting the people who relied on him to tell them when the storm was coming and their lives were in danger.

When he gets to the afterlife, some day, he and the rest of his ilk will finally be confronted by those who have died because of their negligence. There will be no blaming Bush or skirting the law then. Just final, true judgement.


It was sure a good day for us down here. Any time one of them gets convicted it is. Possibly the worst part of this bribery mess is how cheaply Nagin sold the office of mayor for. Of course this isn’t the worst thing he did. Embarassing the city in front of the whole nation during Katrina was–but that’s perfectly legal.


This asshole should have gone to prison for negligent homicide after Katrina. The fact that he is also a corrupt, bride taking piece of shit should not be a surprise to anyone. Anyway, he is finally getting what he deserves, a nice prolonged stay at the cross bar hotel. Enjoy that you weasel.

A Proud Infidel

I hope that Bubba, Thor, Tyrone and Company make him SQUEEEEAAAL like a good ‘lil piggy hour after hour, day after day, night after night,….


There is no surprise here, other than how long it took to come about.


More like rotten banana city!


@7 him and the then Governor of Lousianna.

I doubt he will do real hard time. They will put him somewhere he won’t get hurt.


An obscure, now ex-U.S. Congressman from S. Fla Trey Radel has a cocaine fetish & the national media is on his d1ck non stop for a week…well he does have an “R” by his name so that could be it. Seems like only time MSM will put spot light on Dem bad behavior is when topic of sex is anywhere in the conversation (Clinton, Spitzer, Filner, Weiner).


Nagin is the New Orleans version of Obama. They have “Nagin phones” down there I am sure. Hope he does hard time.


The old saying about New Orleans is true. It’s half under water and half un indictment. It’s never really come out in the media how massive corruption among the wards caused most of the flooding problems by redirecting funds intended for levees into pockets.

Green Thumb

No surprise here.

Just An Old Dog

Worked with a New Orleans Native who was a subcontractor/pipefitter in the yard. He had a lot of interesting tales to tell. Apparently the more affluent wards refused to accept the contractor the city tried to force on them to maintain the levees and used their own funding to maintaun the levees in their ward.
Apparently the city contractor was a known flunky of city hall who was famous for crappy work.
They were right.


I was deployed to New Orleans after Katrina. What I saw there only reinforces that he deserves to be thrown in a hole in the ground to live out the rest of his natural life. No toilet, no bed, no nothing but a single blanket.


And wrt a recent post over at Victory Girls, Larry King sees no bias at CNN, ABC, CBS, etc. /irony.

Why this clown, and the governor at the time, weren’t indicted for multiple counts of Negligent Homicide, IMO were some of the more egregious miscarriages of justice in recent memory.

He’s about to find out how unpleasant the gray bar can be. Here’s hoping he gets the Full Monty. Ie., he meets some individual(s) who lost family in that debacle.


you don’t get the government you need, you get the government you deserve. Maybe we need a “politician only” prison. Illinois could have their own wing.


Whoever wrote this is an idiot, Nagin is corrupt but there is also plenty of evidence that shows that the Christie administration ordered those lanes closed. Perhaps if you decided to leave your right wing bubble you would learn of these things.


MomOfMarine: yes, some who were formerly members of the Christie administration had a hand in that fiasco. Christie appears to have fired the individuals responsible on finding out that had happened.

Last time I checked, it’s kinda hard to predict the future with perfect detail. Sometimes subordinates make bad decisions. That’s when the boss needs to take action – up to and including getting rid of the subordinate.

The point made above is that the Christie issue has been made a “big issue” in the press, when it was at best a minor annoyance that cost some folks their careers when discovered. His political affiliation is largely the reason.

In contrast, Nagin’s idiocy – and it was his idiocy personally, as the Federal authorities had told him evacuation was necessary – cost people their lives. And his political affiliation is being actively hidden today by the mainstream media.

“Politically neutral media” my ass.

Just An Old Dog

Christie is a fucking plaster saint compared to Nagin. I can’t see how you compare a traffic jam “engineered” to “punish” a political rival by subordinates( who were fired) with Millions of dollars being stolen.
Its like you telling me my front porch reeks too because a bird pooped on it and you have heaps of Great Dane shit on yours.
Nagin is a rat bastard thief who stole from the poorest of the poor, all the while conning them into thinking he was doing what was in their best interest.


@20, yet again, Jonn pointed out the hypocrisy of the LSM and their handling of two political items. One, the closing of one or two access lanes to a bridge, where those responsible were fired. The other, a dem lining his own pockets with my money, your money and everyone else’s money, and the LSM failing to mention, or willfully ignoring, said dems party affiliation.
And, there’s always Benghazi, how many high ranking folks from DoS, DoD or the White House have been fired over that?