Rosie O’Donnell & her connection to TSO
ROS and Old Trooper sent us links to Real Clear Politics which makes the mistake, as Blackfive points out, that Rosie O’Donnell’s son, Parker has joined the military. Well, actually, he didn’t. He was accepted at The Citadel, TSO’s alma mater. If he graduates, he’ll be a commissioned officer.
But here’s the video of O’Donnell’s announcement on The View;
I’m pretty sure that her adopted son isn’t sticking his finger in her eye like she claims. If that was the only reason, he won’t make it. It takes a bit more commitment than that. But I wish him luck. He has already overcome a lot of shit in his life, given where he comes from, he’ll probably make a good officer.
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Guess I have a connection also since I too went to the Charleston School for Wayward Boys (and now, gals). But that was eons ago.
Not all graduates of a state military academy receive a commission these days. Because of escalating DOD personnel cutbacks, a (perhaps significant) minority of graduating cadets from schools such as The Citadel and VMI are not being offered a reserve commission. I personally know of a recent VMI graduate and a recent Citadel graduate who did not receive reserve commissions, even though they completed their academy ROTC requirements. Seems to be that successfully graduating from a state mil academy no longer guarantees a commission…
I don’t think they have a commissioning requirement. He could become an officer, if he seeks a commission and accepts it. Back in ancient times, we had a requirement at VMI that you had to accept a commission if offered one, but you did not have to actively pursue one. I think only about half my class was commissioned through ROTC. Other folks went the OCS route or even enlisted. I think The Citadel is similar. Best of luck to him.
Rosie O’Doughnut needs to treat herself to a South American vacation swimming in their rivers and GETTING EATEN ALIVE BY PIRAHNAS!!
Infidel, if the piranhas had gotten their fill (since there’s a lot of rosie meat to go around), hopefully the caimans will finish up what’s left…
I Remember when Rosie berated Tom Selleck on her show because of his pro gun stance….
Delicious. Just hearing her say the words “military” and “proud” in the same sentence is priceless.
Rosie the Round Liberal Lesbian, no your son is not sticking his finger in your eye. Thank God that somewhere in his raising he heard some truth about America and has decided to do his part. No he didn’t follow in your footsteps and become a liberal darling, gay hairdresser or some such crap. He is being a man of his own making. Congrats to him by the way. Rosie can GFH and then GFH.
@4 Proud I think pirahnas are kosher. No pork EVER! So she would be safe. Until the shore time sun bathing and the giant anacondas. They are protestant and LOVE pork.
Never forgive her for a lot of things but especially the big time setup and trap she laid for Tom Selleck. He showed class in the exchange. Something she is devoid of, always has been and always will be. To borrow Green Thumbs simple, to the point term, TURD.
Thanks and hats off to Green Thumb for hanging that out there for his brothers to use.
How badass would it be if her son gets commissioned, served honorably, joins the NRA, and runs for office on a Republican ticket? I know I’m reaching here, but I really, really loathe that fat bitch, and the thought of her getting such a personal “fuck you” from the boy just warms the very cockles of my heart…
She sent him to a military boarding/prep school and now she’s suprised that he wants to go to a military college? She’s dumber than a sack of hammers.
Also, I like how she makes it all about her “he should be thanking me”, “he’s poking me in the eye”, etc. Just like the good narcissistic progressive hollyweird train wreck that she is.
‘Turd’ is okay, and Green Thumb is generous with allowing us to use it.
But for Rosie the Doughnutguzzler, I prefer the term ‘skank’.
To young Parker…congratulations on your decision to be your own man. Serve with dignity and honor.To Rosie…your job as a mother is to nurture your children dreams. As a woman and mother, I am appalled that you felt it necessary to voice your comments on the View, but not surprised. The size of your ego and mouth is astounding. Your son owes you nothing but to be a contributing member of society. So, go sit in the corner, shut up, and color. You are not relevant.
well won’t Rosie have to pay for his tuition? and she’s bitchin’?
Hey Dickweeds,
She came clean (with satire included), she raised a good clean kid who believes he owes his country something … he does and this is the way to pay it back and forward all at the same time. I will take the bit at face value.
Her adopted son just finished Valley Forge and is his way to the Citadel.
I wish the young man all the best.
After eight years … Valley Forge and Citadel … he has a great chance to be an outstanding officer.
Inspired by multiple comments above, I give you:
Here is Rosie ambushing Tom Selleck.
I agree that revenge isn’t going to get him through the Citadel, but it would be a nice bonus “finger in the dyke” kind of deal if he does in fact graduate.
Oh, come on, people! You were thinking the same thing!
I was wondering who she paid to raise her kid to see him turn out so well, but I see now that it was Valley Forge Military Academy. That was probably the (unintentionally) smartest thing she’s ever done.
*cackle* Go git ’em, Parker! Don’t let anything including your mama get in your way either. O’Donnell simply feels them big tears of joy her boy turned out like he did but to keep her stance within her tiny circle of friends, she be like all acting up over it. One more thing: Avoid girls at all costs until AFTER you graduate from school, have a decent job (one that will support you) and then choose real wisely, bro. Heh!
Combat Historian,
The majority of graduates of The Citadel and the lesser senior military colleges do not take a commission. It has noting to do with DoD cutbacks; many go to these schools with no intention of joining the military. All cadets must take four years of ROTC regardless of whether or not they want to commission.
However, under title 10 USC, all contract-eligible Cadets are guaranteed active federal service in the military after graduation. That is still the case, but not everyone is contract-eligible.