Tuesdays with Claymore

| January 21, 2014

…yet crickets on Benghazi.

Watch your corn hole, Mr. Squirrel

DU Fight Club

If your town wasn’t shut down yesterday, you might be living in Racistville.

Don’t confuse her with facts…

Comparing apples to dog rockets.

Well, this AND the inability to get a good latte for under $2.

Paging Neville Chamberlain.

Oh, so violating the Constitution is a good thing now.

Guns are clearly killing random people in Oakland.

…then everyone applauded.

Next up, proof that you’re qualified for Free Speech…

Your shitty choices are not my fault or my financial burden.

Obamacare “unchains” you from your crappy job. True story.

SPLC calls out all you right wing terrorists…because you know…racists.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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AW1 Tim

Jeebus, Claymore. I have GOT to stop looking at these links. I usually pick a couple that sound “interesting” and tell myself that so much of society couldn’t possibly be even more stupid. Yet, each week, it’s obvious that the mental abilities of the left have eroded even further.

I fully expect to see them reduced to a quivering mass of raw nerve endings at some point, but for some reason it’s become a much slower demise than I thought likely.

My brain hurts from so much stoopid on that site. Why, it could drive a man to start drinking before noon!


I’ve never clicked on one of these before. Imagine my surprise when I did today and saw it was a link to Democratic Underground. Till, I was curious and not really awake yet (started reading with my first cup of coffee).

I clicked on the next, saw it was a link to the same site. Brain waking up, I clicked another.

After reading most of the links, and being fully awake, I now want to go back to sleep. In my worst nightmares I have never been as frightened. I intellectually knew people thought like this, but because I’ve never been able to understand the logic or the thinking that leads to so many of the positions we hear in the MSM much less the rabid liberalism infecting so much of our national discourse, I kept reading.

Funny, after a dozen or so posts and many times that number of comments, I am still unable to follow their thought processes or discern their logic. I’m not saying this to be facetious. I really don’t understand how people can be so certain they are intellectually superior to the majority, and therefore qualified to tell everyone else what to think and how to live.


Great theater on the web. Squabbles between people who not only butt heads over Eleanor Roosevelt and her gun (what?) but also can’t write in complete sentences.

Generally speaking, anyone who even wants to smell a gun is a terrorist, or something – not quite sure about that.

Oh, yeah – all right wingers are terrorists, per the SPLC. Hmmmm…. I wonder if I’m on their list yet. Hey! Over here, stupid!

Great, now I have to do something about the Claymore-induced headache again. I should stick to reading the captions, and not go too deep. 😉


…I do it because I care. Frankly, they’ve been a tad boring over there lately. Nothing really has them cranked up unless you just want to read a hundred threads pissing and moaning about Chris Christie.