Israel; “Messianic” John Kerry should “leave us alone”

| January 14, 2014

Pinto Nag sends us a link to NBC News which reports that Israel isn’t really all that happy that John Kerry, who served in the Vietnam War, is mucking around in their region;

Moshe Yaalon, Israel’s defense minister, was quoted by the Yediot Aharonot newspaper on Tuesday as saying that the only thing that could “save” Israel was for Kerry to receive the Nobel Peace Prize and “leave us alone.”
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“Secretary of State John Kerry came here very determined and operates based upon an unfathomable obsession and a messianic feeling,” Yaalon was quoted as saying. “Throughout the recent months, there is no negotiation between us and the Palestinians, but rather, between us and the Americans. The only thing that can ‘save’ us is that John Kerry will get a Nobel Peace Prize and leave us alone.”

The State Department isn’t too happy about the characterization from our former ally;

“The remarks of the Defense Minister if accurate are offensive and inappropriate especially given all that the United States is doing to support Israel’s security needs,” State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki said in a statement.

I guess it hurts that the rest of the world sees Kerry the way most of America saw him in 2004.

Category: John Kerry

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Kerry fits right in with the Kenyan Candidate’s administration.


Yeah, well, sometimes the truth hurts.


So Israel called out Kerry for the bozo he is. Just what every informed American already believes about him. I don’t want the US to lose an ally in Israel but the likes of Obama and Kerry can run off friends…unfortunately not our enemies though. Since our enemies see this administration as a laughing riot of jokes at home and abroad.



/leaving “turd” for Green Thumb.

2/17 Air Cav

“The remarks of the Defense Minister if accurate are offensive….”

Offensive is coldly walking out on the PM of Israel during his visit to the White House. Offensive is asking Congress to delay extending sanctions against Iran for six months in order to allow Kerry and Co. to negotiate with a country whose leadership denies the holocaust and wants to see Israel erased, as it develops the means to do just that. Calling, in so many words, Kerry a dolt is not offensive. It’s the plain truth.


Why don’t all these anti Semitic liberal fucks who love terrorists so much just come out and admit that they want Israel gone.

Israel seems to represent something that liberals hate, a thriving democracy afloat in a sea of shit (all neighboring Arab countries).

I have been to Israel a number of times in my military career and found it to be a great place to both train and go on liberty. Friendly people, historical sites, cold beer and pretty women. And the IDF is a first rate military.

In summary, Fuck John Kerry.


Attn: John Kerry

There’s a reason you didn’t win the election. Hillary too. Just because the Prez gave you a second chance at the limelight doesn’t mean you actually know what you’re doing.

Attn: Minister Yaalon

That was the funniest statement to come out of any politician’s mouth in months. Carry on.


[start a mostly sarcastic post]

Apparently “Washington” (whoever and wherever the hell that is) called Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and demanded an apology and that Mr. Netanyahu “distance himself” from the Defense Minister.

at the Jerusalem Post

Ya know, people get frustrated. I would have taken the criticism like a man, then, a day or two later and behind the scenes, asked the Israelis in a quiet and reasonable voice if the defense minister spoke for the PM. Based on that answer, I would have tried to figure out what the issue was then move forward. In my world that is a much better long-term approach.

But I must be a total jackass.

Since the United States Government did this in front of God and everybody (even “das Press”), I suppose that this should be a lesson for me. I mean, after all, they are The Government so I should use them as my role model. So when the other guy is frustrated and loses his cool, what should we do? Oh yeah, call a press conference. Complain about them. Demand that they bow and scrape. I’m sure that Mr. Netanyahu cannot wait to visit Mr. Obama.

Maybe it doesn’t matter to Mr. Obama or the Democratic Party but, according to the ever-reliable Wiki, there are 2,028,200 Jewish people in New York and the combined Jewish population of New York, Los Angeles, and Southern Florida is approximately equal to the population of Tel Aviv — about 3.2 million people. After the Government gave Israel and Netanyahu a tongue-lashing I am just positive that the Jewish voting block will line up and vote to support the Democratic party.

[end a mostly sarcastic post]

vietnam war protestor a.k.a. u.s.s. liberty

Not only should we not send kerry to israel we should not send billions or is it trillions in us tax payer dollers in aid to israel or egypt!


Richard, sadly, your last sentence is probably correct. The Jewish voting block seems to be liberal first, Jewish second.
According to most figures, Barrycade Obama got roughly 70% of the Jewish vote. He got 74% in 2008.


@ 9. You are wrong about one thing and sadly correct about another.

First, yes Kerry should not be permitted out of his playpen or plastic surgions chair.

Second, you are wrong about aid to the only democracy in the middle east.

Lastly for the other comment regarding votes, the reason why the Jewish vote went to Barry … They knew the free money was coming. Trust me on this. There are whole groups, towns and cities who voted for the shift in income.

Back to VWP: You need to get laid. Contact Air Force Amy. She can tune you up!


Jewish pop in US is 15 mil I believe.


@9 VWP

Should we have allies?

If so, who are our allies?

Should we support them?

What form should that support take?

If an ally is attacked, should we come to their defense?

If an ally attacks one of our intelligence gathering ships off their coast does that mean that they stop being an ally forever?

Your signature says, U.S.S. Liberty. What does that mean to you?


Can someone get it across to vwpussypants that a) he needs to learn basic English, and b) his opinions should not be posted until or unless he can prove he’s been free of drugs and alcohol for at least a month?

His posts require a translator who speaketh in tongues.

vietnam war protestor a.k.a. u.s.s. liberty

@13 I put up uss liberty so you hippocrits don’t forget so easy. You cannot buy love ;but you can sure rent it! @11 So we haven’t given israel any money are you saying? Hey will tommorows feel bad story be about the 12 year old who shot his class mates? Thank god ;but not the nra that he didn’t have an assault rife for another new town. PEACE!

Green Thumb




VWP … No that is not what I was saying Moron!

Nevermind about Air Force Amy … You would fu@k that up too.

Virtual Insanity

I swear, VWP is so dense he bends light.

Mr Blue

Everything vwp says is a self refuting argument.


Are we talking about the same John Kerry Heinz who threw his Vietnam medals over the White House fence as an anti war protest? Oh wait, he threw some other fool’s medals, not his.
Kerry Heinz has his in a shadow box, hanging on his office wall.

VWPunk – You have no cred. None at all. Pathetic stoner asshat. Go away, change your sheets, bedwetter.


This is the same administration that won’t talk to our allies (i.e., Israel) but wants to open talks with Iran.

This is the same administration that wants to open talks with Al Qaeda and the Taliban, but won’t lift a finger to help someone who helped us Kill Osama Bin Fucked.

This is the same administration that’s doing the “pulling out” in Iraq and Afghanistan without any concern for the efforts and pain we went thru to restore those countries and keep them stable.

This is the same administration that lets people in Government agencies do whatever they want, as long as they keep lips affixed to Obama’s ass and the democratic party’s ass. Yet, the only person Obama has “fired” in years, was a guy who talked smack about him on Twitter. (If he only said bad things about Republicans, Jay “Art” Carney would be telling us “that is his personal opinion, we can’t stop him from that.”)

3/17 air cav

Obama, Kerry, the whole admin. What a recipe for disaster. Then add a dash of U.S.S. Liberty for seasoning. It’s like playing Chinese checkers backwards. Don’t even know where start or begin.



VWP, you really should learn what words mean before you use them.


When I read this about Kerry’s “help” the first thing that came to mind was this.


“the only thing that could “save” Israel was for Kerry to receive the Nobel Peace Prize and “leave us alone.”

Remove Israel and insert “The US”