State Department; Gitmo alum at Benghazi assault
The Washington Post reports that “US officials” suspect that Abu Sufian bin Qumu, a graduate of the Guantanamo program led at least some of the thugs at the September 11th, 2012 assault on the US consulate at Benghazi, Libya;
The State Department is expected to tie Qumu’s group to the Benghazi attack when it designates three branches of Ansar al-Sharia, in Darnah, Benghazi and Tunisia, as foreign terrorist organizations in the coming days.
In 2007, Qumu was released from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and sent to Libya, where he was detained. The Libyan government released him in 2008.
He and two other men, militia leaders Ahmed Abu Khattala and Seif Allah bin Hassine, will be identified as “specially designated global terrorists,” a determination that allows U.S. officials to freeze their financial assets and bar American citizens and companies from doing business with them.
Yeah, so we can go through the trouble of looking for the little peckerhead all over again. Yet more proof of how our “catch and release” program in regards to terrorism is working so well.
State should probably clear this with the New York Times before they announce it, though.
Category: Terror War
But I thought the new Obama company line was, it was not an organized terrorist attack. The new line designed to do nothing more than first, lie, again and second to prepare the way for Hillary in 2016. So this must be wrong. Right?
Kill. Them. All. Close Gitmo.
Future plan – Continue to kill them all, raise their homes and towns, burn everything, salt the earth.
#2 That is the only language they truly understand.
Agree with Chip’s plan…..every word.
What the fuck was the Bush administration thinking, trusting Gaddafi with a high risk AQ member? I expect this sort of shit from the current administration, but not Bush’s. This really pisses me off.
I have advocated the “Wheel of Misfortune” for years… instead of prices, put the name of major Moslem cities (including Mecca, Riyadh, all of ’em) so that every segment is filled. Terrorist incident? Spin the wheel on a live broadcast… wherever the pointer lands on, ceases to exist flight time later. Want it to stop? Stop supporting the terrorist with money and safe refuge – or your city could be next. Until then… Chip’s plan works. The only way to deter mad dogs is to make any action on their part so painful that it just isn’t worth it to mess with us.
I can find nothing wrong with Chip’s plan.
Okay, it’s unanimous then. Chip’s plan it is. Just make sure that all of you are willing to accept condemnation from the UN and, more likely than not, a call from Jesse Jackson and the ACLU.
Screw Jesse Jackson and the ACLU. And that goes double for the Southern Poverty Law Center. And the UN … I’ll just stop there …