Feds: Kansas bomb plot thwarted

| December 13, 2013

According to an NBC link sent to us by Pinto Nag, Terry Lee Loewen, a 58-year-old avionics technician, planned to use his access card to Wichita Mid-Continent Airport to deliver a truck load of explosives. Apparently, the Feds got wind of his plot and “helped” him acquire the material he needed;

U.S. Attorney Barry Grissom said Loewen spent months developing a plan to drive a carload of explosives to the airport terminal and that he was determined to trigger the bomb himself and die in the blast.
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Loewen, who is white, became radicalized after reading extremist Islamic material on the Internet, Grissom said.

Tman sends us this video of the prosecutor’s press conference;

If the video is not working, try this link.

Category: Terror War

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Loewen turned to radical Islam and decided to become a terrorist traitor, eh?



Looks like NBC finally found its perfect target to write an article about, at least. I laughed when I noticed they mentioned “who is white.” God knows if this were a black guy, the story wouldn’t have even been reported, let alone that three word clause get through.

After all, this is the same media that hardly says anything about the Knockout game and never, ever mentions the fact that all of the perpetrators are black and all the victims white.

Pinto Nag

White, blue, or pink with purple polka dots, I’m glad they were able to intercept and stop him. I was curious about the very obvious reference to his color.

2/17 Air Cav

Great plan. I wish he and his ilk would just skip all of the steps in their plans but the last one: die. I mean, if you’ve got a point to make, a cause you feel so strongly about, just leave a detailed list of your grievances and then eat lead or go bungee jumping without a cord.

The Other Whitey

Another misunderstood adherent of the Religion of Peace wanted to kill lots of people, especially women and children. What a surprise.

Also, nice race-baiting by the MSM. Real subtle!
Extremist Muslim wants to commit mass-murder: meh.
White man wants to commit mass-murder: Oh my GOD!! The horror! Watch out, any white man you know is not just a potential rapist, he might be wearing a bomb vest, too!! Save us from the white man!!

A Proud Infidel

I’m sick as hell of all the race-baiting as well. As for the wannabe splodeydope, I think it’s a pity he didn’t end up becoming a “Wile. E Coyote Bomber”, that’s a splodeydope who blows himself up without hurting or killing anyone but itself, that happens more often than you think!

Just An Old Dog

If someone set off a bomb in Kansas would anyone even know?

HS Sophomore

The ironic as hell thing to me is that a noble displayed self-sacrifice in public that grabbed everyone’s attention would probably do way more for your cause than blowing up a bunch of explosives and killing two or three people. Look at Mohammed Bouazizi. He was a Tunisian vegetable vender who touched off Arab Spring. He didn’t do it by suicide bombing; he went into a plaza, poured gasoline over himself, and set himself on fire. If I was a radic Muslim looking to sacrifice myself to make a big media splash to get the US out of Afghanistan, that’s what I’d do. I’d coat myself in gasoline and set myself on fire on the steps of the Capitol building. That kind of peaceful protest and self-sacrifice, misguided or not, is what gets in the news and makes people pay attention. Bombing? Yeah, for a few weeks maybe, but it putters out pretty damn quick, it hardens people against your cause, and then everyone just forgets about it. Violence just isn’t the kind of thing that stays in people’s memories, unless it’s super violent (like in the thousands) and fundamentally changes the way we live, which guys like this and the Tsarnaevs don’t have the power to do. So not only are they super misguided, but they straight up have no idea how to fight effectively, either. Thank God for that, I suppose.

Mark F

Maybe it’s just me, but is anyone else wondering what the hell is going on with that cops (on our left) uniform in the video? Above his name tag, he’s wearing nearly a dozen badge-like devices.

Oh, and, fuck you, Loewen.



Loewen, who is white, became radicalized after reading extremist Islamic material on the Internet, Grissom said.

I am easily influenced, That is why I only surf porn sites. And TAH. Is TAH considered porn?

B Woodman

Half the time I don’t know what’s a real terrorist threat, or what’s an FBI bait operation.


Bait Op or not, the guy didn’t have to agree to it or show up. What blows my mind is the casual way his family took his “conversion” to islam-haven’t these people heard of 9-11?

Don H

Two rules that all miscreants should remember:

1) If you want to blow something up, and some guy you met at a bar offers to get you explosives, he’s FBI.

2) If some underage girl offers to meet you for sex, she’s really a 50 year old male cop.