Merrill Newman apologizes for “indelible crimes”
The Associated Press reports that Merrill Newman, the 85-year-old Korean War veteran who was kidnapped by the North Korean government as he was leaving that country, apologized to the government for some unclear reasons;
“I have been guilty of a long list of indelible crimes against DPRK government and Korean people,” Newman purportedly wrote in a four-page statement, adding: “Please forgive me.”
The statement, carried in the North’s official Korean Central News Agency, said the war veteran allegedly attempted to meet with any surviving soldiers he had trained during the Korean War to fight North Korea, and that he admitted to killing civilians and brought an e-book criticizing North Korea. DPRK stands for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, North Korea’s official name.
It wasn’t clear what would happen to Newman now. But the statement alleges that Newman says if he goes back to the U.S. he will tell the truth about the country — a possible indication that Newman could be released.
Yeah, well, we know he was forced to make the statement, so he did what he was told, now NDtBFer should let him go and stop bullying him.
Category: North Korea
At least we know he’s still alive… so far.
Link to a CNN report on this:
Well, if ever there was a democratic people’s republic, it’s North Korea (wink).
Here’s another article with a little more information about Mr. Newman’s history in Korea.
I’m just hoping that they get their display of the bad American over and done with and then turf him out at the DMZ, and don’t shoot him.
What really struck me about this was that in the entire country they can’t come up with a single competent English translator to write a propaganda confession that didn’t sound like a parody. The lesson will be lost on those who really need to learn it, but it says a lot about communism that through the wonders of central planning they haven’t been able to teach one person out of nearly 25 million how to write 4 pages of passable English.
When will people learn not to go to this rogue nation.
If you go to this site: you can pray to Father Kapaun, a Korean War POW, to intercede on behalf of Mr. Newman.
I’m half expecting this guy to show up on NHK or KBS blinking out “torture” like Jeremiah Denton did in Vietnam.
It’s high time to just bomb the shit out of these bastards and be done with it.
No, Lobster, that’s exactly what the Norks want. You ought to know that you never give a spoiled brat what he wants. EVER.
It’s rather odd, however, that taking that old man prisoner coincides with the Chinese government extending its ‘air space’ zone with no warning.
I just hope the Norks get their jollies over and done with and then let him go.
The only thing Kim Jong UN and his followers want is propaganda from this, they’re cut from the same thread as B. Hussein 0bama & company!
The latest news on Mr. Newman.
He is getting his heart medication, he’s been visited by the Swedish representative, and seems to be okay. I’m SO impressed with the State Dept. ‘urging’ the Norks to release him, as well as the _________ doing the same thing.
I’m thinking this was almost entirely a publicity stunt by the Norks and not much else. Despite their bluster, I don’t think they truly want a military smackdown (which would really pull bodaprez’s short hairs, wouldn’t it?) by the USofA or China.
I got thinking about this last night. If I got yanked off a plane as it was getting ready to leave Norkland, and they threatened me with something stupid – e.g., you’ll never see your family again – I might ask them when I could move in. My sister and I have both agreed that our greedy pig of a brother needs to be brought down a peg or two.
More about Mr. Newman and his Korean War service, which may explain some things:
I did not know that North Korea was open to tourism by American citizens, with the exception of washed up professional NBA athletes/media whores and rap musicians (oxymoron). How/why was this guy in North Korea to begin with.
The dude was a dumbass to go over there in the first place.
Mr. Newman is reporting that his ‘statement’ was coerced.
No surprise there.