Tuesdays with Claymore

| November 19, 2013

Burn the witch!

Cock blocked

Dems are now “the bad guys”

…so other than that, Mrs. Kennedy…

Climate Change deniers are murderers

Texas two-step

So now libertarians are racists

Obamacare fiasco is “manufactured”


Crap in mouth

Peace and Justice class. Yeah that sounds like real fun there.

By the power of Gayskull!!!

“undeclared” war on our streets? WTF

Common Core = Commie Core

David Gregory dares to confront Princess Nancy

Walmart starves their employees….yup

Blow it out your posterior.

Changing the rules when you don’t like them

DUer’s applaude Iran deal to let them keep nukes

And PavePusher’s bonus;

We insisted on it, we built it, we passed it…. but it’s the Republicans fault that it sucks and I hate it.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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Re: “We insisted on it, we built it…” The poster says that “they better not touch Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security…”

It’s depressing to see there are people who not only don’t understand the difference between these different programs, and don’t understand where they came from and what they are for, but don’t even realize where the money comes from to fund these programs.

It’s doubly depressing to realize that there are really people out there who want someone else to take care of them and pay for them from cradle to grave, with little or no thought that somebody else will have to spend their working years and their money and even their retirement and benefits to pay for those who want to be parasites. All I can think is that they must really believe that money grows on trees, and that there are geese that lay golden eggs. 🙁


When I thought they could get no lower I read how they agree with Bashir that Sarah Palin should be beaten and someone should shit in her mouth. All this because she said we were slaves to debt. I guess none of them picked up the Bible where it says “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.”.

just Plain Jason

There are currently 27million slaves in the world, I don’t think they are limited to one race. I would also like to add I don’t like how this mock offense is being thrown about when some symbolic advantage can be gained. Comparing something to slavery used to be common.

2/17 Air Cav

@2. The commenter objected to the fact that Bashir apologized for his crass and despicable comment about Palin and, in doing so, the commenter pointed out that the apology, “Makes us look like we don’t have any principals.”

Oh, I bet they more than a few principals among them. What they don’t have is any principles.