Hijacker wants to come home

| October 27, 2013

In 1984, William Potts took out the pistol that he’d hidden in a cast and put on a black beret and came out of the airplane restroom and forced the jet to take him to Cuba. According to the Associated Press article, he wanted to change the world. yeah, i don’t know how that was supposed to happen either. Anyway, it didn’t work out the way he’d hoped. The Cubans put him in jail for 15 years instead. Now the disillusioned terrorist wants to come back to the US;

He said Friday that U.S. officials in Cuba are processing a passport application he submitted earlier in the week and they have told him it could be completed in a matter of weeks.

While he faces virtually certain arrest upon return, he said he believes that the time he served in Cuba will allow him to avoid a lengthy second jail term.

“Some people believe I should spend the rest of my life behind bars, but that’s not my position. I was sentenced in a recognized court of law to fifteen years in prison. I did the crime, I did the time,” Potts said. “I don’t expect to pay two times for a crime I already paid 15 years for.”

Potts said going home will help him move beyond what he acknowledges was a mistake that put dozens of passengers’ lives at risk and separated him from his siblings and parents in the U.S. in a way that’s increasingly painful as he ages.

Tough, as long as he remains in Cuba, he is in prison, so let him stay there. We have interpreters in Iraq and Afghanistan who have a legitimate need to come here, and they earned that right. This clown, not so much. If he wants to come to the US, he can make his voyage the same way he left – he can hijack a flight out of Cuba and see how that works out for him.

Category: Shitbags

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I don’t even know what to say on this one. This guys level of stupid goes right to the bone.

Mike Kozlowski

…IIRC, he’s basing his beliefs on the fact that another hijacker in similar circumstances came back and was told to go home and sin no more. Myself, I’d think that he would come home and be told, “Well, the Cubans put you away for illegal entry into their country. That hijacking thing, though….”

Then I read that he has converted to Islam. And for some reason, I think he’s going to come home, and walk away. After all, his is a religion of peace.



I just don’t see how he can justify himself with the amount of terps/linguists who fought alongside coalition forces that can’t make it to the US and they’re NOT hijacking terrorists.


Yeah, right. Pick him up wherever the Cubans are holding him and truck him on over to Gitmo.


William Ayers probably needs another protégé.


He converted to Islam, eh? Well, my opinion regarding this guy wanting to come back can be summed up with the Arabic-sounding nickname I’ll give him:


CC Senor

“he can hijack a flight out of Cuba”

Or try a raft/leaky boat like the other folks.

2/17 Air Cav

“Some people believe I should spend the rest of my life behind bars, but that’s not my position. I was sentenced in a recognized court of law to fifteen years in prison. I did the crime, I did the time,” Potts said. “I don’t expect to pay two times for a crime I already paid 15 years for.”

“His older daughter is named after Assata Shakur, aunt of slain rapper Tupac Shakur, and a member of the Black Liberation Army who was serving life in prison when she was broken out by armed friends, surfacing in Cuba in 1984. She is believed to remain a free woman here and Potts has reported seeing her at events in Havana.”

Thanks, for the laughs, Putz—ah—Potts. First, he doesn’t understand that law-sy stuff about separate sovereigns. The fact that he violated Cuban law and served substantial time has nothing whatsoever to do with his answering to crimes—even the selfsame ones, were that the case—related to the hijacking. The ONLY thing he has going for him is that obama is in office and that means he has a kindred spirit who may make a phone call or two on his behalf. He hijacked an airliner, putting 100+ souls at risk, the SOB. His kids are in Atlanta. F him.

2/17 Air Cav

“I don’t expect to pay two times for a crime I already paid 15 years for.” I agree. He should pay three times, not just once. Cuba is done with him so now, if he returns, the Feds can prosecute him AND New Jersey can do so too. There is no double jeopardy at issue. Separate sovereigns all.


We have interpreters in Iraq and Afghanistan who have a legitimate need to come here, and they earned that right. This clown, not so much.

nothing more needs to follow – except a lengthy stay at Gitmo if he returns…

Mark F

John, I’m so glad to see that last paragraph. When I first started reading this post, I immediately thought of the terps. How far along are THEIR “passport processing” compared to this piece of human waste’s?

Everytime I talk, think, or read about our government, one question comes to mind- Why are our Feds priorities so jacked up?



No passport for this douche. Leave him in the Workers’ Paradise.

Roger in Republic

This goofus converted to Islam before the hijacking. He tried to get terrorist training but only got as far as Liberia. This dumbass was one of the earliest homegrown Jihadis. Let him rot in the third world. I fear that if he comes home he will escape prosecution and skate on the Life Sentence that the Hijacking charge carries. Hell even the Castro brothers are tired of his dumb ass. We don’t need anymore black revolutionary Muslim terrorists clogging our prisons or welfare rolls. I wonder if he renounced his American citizenship, that would make it easy to refuse him entry to the US.


Let him stay there. Communist countries LOVE Muslim terrorists.

A Proud Infidel

@12, 14, *BING!* Bullseye! Here’s your cigar!!

And if he’s tired of Cuba, I say let North Korea have him!!


There’s a special kind of stupid that thinks he can come back and all will be forgiven.


I say let him come home. After all he is a US citizen. Just don’t tell him we have not recognized CUBA for over fifty years. Their courts DON’T count.


When Fidel dies and Cuba opens up… we need to prosecute or at least identify the Cubans who tortured our POWs in North Vietnam.

Also Joanne Chesimard needs to be snatched up and taken to her new home called jail. ( http://abcnews.go.com/US/joanne-chesimard-woman-fbi-wanted-terrorists-list/story?id=19092683).

As for Willie Potts…come on “home”- go directly to jail and don’t pass go!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m not feeling any need for this guy to become part of US society again…he deserves another term in jail for being a terrorist piece of sh1t and then we can use his story to illustrate how these turds destroy their own families as well as the victims of their crimes. I don’t give a sh1t if his mommy and daddy and his siblings never see again, not my concern that’s what happens when you decide to become a steaming pile of pig sh1t of a criminal….

F@ck this guy.


He might try a life raft 90 miles to Key West through shark infested waters during hurricane season.


Since he’s an American terrorist, and has converted to Islam, the solution is simple: process the application, approve it, then turkey-walk his skinny butt around the corner to Gitmo. Let them have him.