Jihadists flooding into Syria

| October 21, 2013

The Washington Times reports that foreign jihadists are flocking to Syria in greater numbers than they did when the Afghans were fighting the Soviets in the 1980s. The worry is that they’ll return to their home countries with training, confidence and weapons that will cause more problems than we saw in the early years of this century;

“It is clearly more serious today than ever before,” [Michael Scheuer, a former CIA analyst] testified at a congressional hearing in Washington last week.

“They return with confidence that victory is possible. They and their colleagues now know that they inflicted humiliating defeats on the United States military in Afghanistan and Iraq, and that knowledge will boost both spirits and recruitment.

“And they come home with a list of contacts among their fellow mujahedeen from whom they can seek advice or more material forms of assistance.”

Of course, this administration is looking at the problem day-by-day instead of looking into the future, just as previous administrations have done;

“We have been very vocal and clear in denouncing the presence of all foreign fighters,” State Department spokesman Edgar Vasquez said.

Boy, that’ll teach ’em. As I’ve said, and you’ve said previously, the only thing we can do at this point is make sure that they have enough guns and ammo to wipe each other out. They want to kill the shit out of each other and we need to make sure that they have means to do so.

Category: Terror War

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Anyone surprised?


@1 – Nope.


You left out ‘start nasty rumors about the other jihadists’.

Let’s just hope that mess stays self-contained over there.

Otherwise, the pendulum may swing toward global violence on a scale not seen since the Crusades. I’m not kidding about that.


Well, with no one doing anything to stop it, there remain people out there who truly expect a different outcome?

Nope, didn’t think so. There are only a couple of rational conclusions which can be drawn from all this – either the policy makers are insane, as in continuing the same behavior expecting a different result, or giving world power over to the jihadists IS the plan.

Unfortunately, there is substantial evidence of both.


meanwhile Obama gives more aid to Pakistandespite them being a haven for radical Islam, at the smae time he cut aid to Egypt after they ousted and outlawed (again) the Muslim Brotherhood who were trying to turn Egypt into another Islamic State, as well as cracking down on extremist who had taken up residence in the Sinai.


@3, I hope you are wrong about that as well but do believe we are seeing growing signs that is a possibility. Extremist Islam is growing not shrinking away.

Old Trooper

@1: Nope

@3-5: Our current President has done everything he can to aid the radical jihadists all over the world. Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria (but, he wouldn’t lift a finger to help those trying to get out from under the thumb of theocratic rule in Iran; I wonder why?), etc. Actions speak louder than his lying-ass words and they are speaking volumes.


OT, the damned fool is a pacifist. Don’t you understand that? He thinks the world is some kind of big ol’ playground and we should all just get along with each other.

That idiotic attitude, plus his own ineptitude, makes him an appeaser who will not recognize a real threat, or will refuse to recognize it. Wasn’t it Neville Chamberlin who signed an agreement with Hitler? And then what happened?


@1. As everyone has said, nope.
@8. Ex, I don’t think he’s a pacifist, he’s, at the least, an enabler of jihad. What OT said in #7 are spot on.


A pacifist? Hardly!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@1 Not even a little…I would also argue that the jihadists are in fact accurate in their assessment of our nation’s leadership (past and present) and the lack of commitment to engage in a total war on foreign soil. The current conventional wisdom that suggests winning hearts and minds and making friends of the locals results in a successful campaign was wrong during the 60s and early 70s and it’s still wrong today.

Until we recognize that destroying our enemies and those who harbor them is the only effective method for resolving a conflict of arms we will continue to give our enemies reason to doubt our resolve and to have little respect for our military. What good is the best trained, best equipped, most lethal army the world has ever known when you deploy it as a police force shackled by idiotic and self destructive ROEs?

The answer is clear, that military is useless under those conditions as the nation does not achieve any clear strategic objective in these situations. We just get people killed and equipment destroyed without a measurable result. Our leadership has failed our military at every turn, our leaders f@ck the troops who are deployed with dangerous ROEs and those leaders f#ck them when they return by reneging on promised benefits and changing regulations to eliminate the very people we so desperately needed to fill boots on the ground roles during the conflicts but are deemed unnecessary once the conflict ends.

How to beat the US military is a simple game of attrition, all you need do is wait them out and hide among civilians. Once the political leadership tires of the conflict they bring the US military home and the terrorists can get back to doing what they do best, killing their own and planning the destruction of the great Satan…unimpeded by a US military crippled by leaders without vision or strength.


Okay, ‘pacifist’ was used in the wrong context. I was thinking of the appeasement policy of the Munich Agreement of 1938 which allowed Germany to annex the Sudetenland, a part of northern Czechoslovakia, and was signed by Neville Chamberlain of Great Britain, as well as France and Italy, because France and Great Britain wanted to avoid war at all costs.

Perhaps ‘appeaser’ is more appropriate to use to describe someone who is so insulated from harsh reality that engaging in foreign policy which destroys hard-won relationships seems like an OK thing to do. A policy of appeasement is what is used by a weakling to avoid a fight.

The term ‘pacifist’ relates more to that hippie girl sticking some daisies into a National Guardsman’s rifle barrel in the 1960s at a war protest.


Scheuer is fucking crackpot. He’s as credible as Elizabeth O’Bagy with her Syrian ties.

Glad Washington is still in charade mode listening to people who don’t have America’s interests in mind.

Curt Kastens

Unlike the Jihadists of Syria who have only five pillars of faith the Jihadits of the Scenic Path have six pillars of life.
These are, Reading, Questioning, Thinking, Experimenting, Planing, Sharing, and Practicing. The pillar of counting is under consideration.